
发布时间:2017-11-16 编辑:1016
  关于耶稣基督降生的预言(双语)   The Conception of Jesus Foretold   Mary, a virgin, was living in Galilee of Nazareth and was engaged to be married to Joseph, a Jewish carpenter. An angel visited her and explained to her that she would conceive a son by the power of the Holy Spirit. She would carry and give birth to this child and she would name him Jesus.   玛丽(圣母玛利亚的玛丽,也就是耶稣他妈妈),住在位于加利利地区的拿撒勒,马利亚已经同大卫家族的约瑟夫--一个木匠订婚,尚未过门。天使来探望她,并对她说:“她将会孕育圣灵之子,并将取名耶稣”。   At first Mary was afraid and troubled by the angel's words. Being a virgin, Mary questioned the angel, "How will this be?" The angel explained that the child would be God's own Son and, therefore, "nothing is impossible with God." Humbled and in awe, Mary believed the angel of the Lord and rejoiced in God her Savior.   一开始玛丽听了天使的话后很害怕。因为自己还是个处女,处女怎么可能怀孕呢,于是玛丽就问天使:“这怎么可能呢?”天使解释到:“因为那个孩子是上帝之子,而上帝无所不能”。玛丽怀着谦逊和敬畏的心情相信了天使的话,并为她救世主的孩子将降临人世而高兴。   Surely Mary reflected with wonder on the words found in Isaiah 7:14 foretelling this event, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." (NIV)   当然,在以赛亚7:14中的关于此事的预言部分说道:“所以上帝将会亲自给你征兆,处女将会怀孕生子,并取名为Immanuel”,证明玛丽对天使的话是抱怀疑态度的。