
时间:2024-10-10 21:19:54 文圣 安徒生童话 我要投稿
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  安徒生童话故事双语 1

  A SOLDIER came marching along the high road: “Left, right—left, right.” He had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side; he had been to the wars, and was nowreturning home.As he walked on, he met a very frightful-looking old witch in the road. Her under-lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said, “Good evening,soldier; you have a very fine sword, and a large knapsack, and you are a real soldier; so you shall have as much money as ever you like.”


  “Thank you, old witch,” said the soldier.“Do you see that large tree,” said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood beside them.“Well, it is quite hollow inside, and youmust climb to the top, when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a great depth.I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pullyou up again when you call out to me.”


  “But what am I to do, down there in the tree?” asked the soldier.“Get money,” she replied; “for you must know that when you reach the ground under the tree, you will findyourself in a large hall, lighted up by three hundred lamps; you will then see three doors, which can be easily opened, for the keys are in all the locks. On entering the firstof the chambers, to which these doors lead, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the floor, and upon it a dog seated, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups.


  But you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron, which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him uponit. You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence as you please, they are only copper pence; but if you would rather have silver money, you must go into the secondchamber.


  Here you will find another dog, with eyes as big as mill-wheels; but do not let that trouble you. Place him upon my apron, and then take what money you please. If, however, you like gold best, enter the third chamber, where there is another chest full of it. The dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful; his eyes are as big as a tower, but do not mind him. If he also is placed upon my apron, he cannot hurt you, and you may take from the chest what gold you will.”


  安徒生童话故事双语 2

  The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and whoever else would come, to see the grand sight. And there the three famous jumpers were met together in the room.有一次,跳蚤、蚱蜢和跳鹅(注:这是丹麦一种旧式的玩具,它是用一根鹅的胸骨做成的;加上一根木栓和一根线,再擦上一点蜡油,就可以使它跳跃。)想要知道它们之中谁跳得最高。它们把所有的人和任何愿意来的人都请来参观这个伟大的场面。它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。

  "Yes, Ill give my daughter to him who jumps highest," said the King, "for it would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.""对啦,谁跳得最高,我就把我的女儿嫁给谁!"国王说,"因为,假如让这些朋友白白地跳一阵子,那就未免太不像话了!"

  The Flea stepped out first. He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all directions, for he had young ladies blood in his veins, and was accustomed to consort only with human beings; and that was of great consequence. 跳蚤第一个出场。它的态度非常可爱:它向四周的人敬礼,因为它身体中流着年轻小姐的血液,习惯于跟人类混在一起,而这一点是非常重要的。

  Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. This person, moreover, maintained that he belonged to a very old family in the land of Egypt, and that he was highly esteemed there. He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture cards with the figures turned inwards. There were doors and windows in the house, cut in the body of the Queen of Hearts.接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。它穿着它那套天生的绿制服。此外,它的整个外表说明它是出身于埃及的一个古老的家庭,因此它在这儿非常受到人们的尊敬。人们把它从田野里弄过来,放在一个用纸牌做的三层楼的房子里——这些纸牌有画的一面都朝里。这房子有门也有窗,而且它们是从"美人"身中剪出来的。

  "I sing so," he said, "that sixteen native crickets who have chirped from their youth up, and have never yet had a card house of their own, would become thinner than they are with envy if they were to hear me." "我唱得非常好,"它说,"甚至16个本地产的蟋蟀从小时候开始唱起,到现在还没有获得一间纸屋哩。它们听到我的情形就嫉妒得要命,把身体弄得比以前还要瘦了。"

  Both of them, the Flea and the Grasshopper, took care to announce who they were, and that they considered themselves entitled to marry a Princess.跳蚤和蚱蜢这两位毫不含糊地说明了它们是怎样的人物。它们认为它们有资格和一位公主结婚。

  The Skipjack said nothing, but it was said of him that he thought all the more; and directly the Yard Dog had smelt at him he was ready to assert that the Skipjack was of good family, and formed from the breastbone of an undoubted goose. The old councillor, who had received three medals for holding his tongue, declared that the Skipjack possessed the gift of prophecy; one could tell by his bones whether there would be a severe winter or a mild one; and thats more than one can always tell from the breastbone of the man who writes the almanac.跳鹅一句话也不说。不过据说它自己更觉得了不起。宫里的狗儿把它嗅了一下,很有把握地说,跳鹅是来自一个上等的家庭。那位因为从来不讲话而获得了三个勋章的老顾问官说,他知道跳鹅有预见的天才:人们只须看看它的`背脊骨就能预知冬天是温和还是寒冷。这一点人们是没有办法从写历书的人的背脊骨上看出来的。

  "I shall not say anything more," said the old King. "I only go on quietly, and always think the best.""好,我什么也不再讲了!"老国王说,"我只须在旁看看,我自己心中有数!"

  Now they were to take their jump. The Flea sprang so high that no one could see him; and then they asserted that he had not jumped at all. That was very mean. The Grasshopper only sprang half as high, but he sprang straight into the Kings face, and the King declared that was horribly rude. The Skipjack stood a long time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all.现在它们要跳了。跳蚤跳得非常高,谁也看不见它,因此大家就说它完全没有跳。这种说法太不讲道理。蚱蜢跳得没有跳蚤一半高。不过它是向国王的脸上跳过来,因此国王就说,这简直是可恶之至。跳鹅站着沉思了好一会儿;最后大家就认为它完全不能跳。

  "I only hope hes not become unwell," said the Yard Dog, and then he smelt at him again."我希望它没有生病!"宫里的狗儿说,然后它又在跳鹅身上嗅了一下。

  "Tap!" he sprang with a little crooked jump just into the lap of the Princess, who sat on a low golden stool. Then the King said, "The highest leap was taken by him who jumped up to my daughter; for therein lies the point; but it requires head to achieve that, and the Skipjack has shown that he has a head."


  And so he had the Princess.所以它就得到了公主。

  "I jumped highest, after all," said the Flea. "But its all the same. Let her have the goose-bone with its lump of wax and bit of stick. I jumped to the highest; but in this world a body is required if one wishes to be seen." "不过我跳得最高!"跳蚤说。"但是这一点用处也没有!不过尽管她得到一架带木栓和蜡油的鹅骨,我仍然要算跳得最高。但是在这个世界里,一个人如果想要使人看见的话,必须有身材才成。"

  And the Flea went into foreign military service, where it is said he was killed. 跳蚤于是便投效一个外国兵团。据说它在当兵时牺牲了。

  The Grasshopper seated himself out in the ditch, and thought and considered how things happened in the world. And he too said, "Body is required! Body is required!" And then he sang his own melancholy song, and from that we have gathered this story, which they say is not true, though its in print.那只蚱蜢坐在田沟里,把这世界上的事情仔细思索了一番,不禁也说:"身材是需要的!身材是需要的!"于是它便唱起了它自己的哀歌。我们从它的歌中得到了这个故事——这个故事可能不是真的,虽然它已经被印出来了。

  安徒生童话故事双语 3

  Once upon a time, there was a woman who really wanted to have a tiny child. But she doesnt know where to get it from. So she went to consult a witch. She said to the witch:

  I really want to have a little child! Can you tell me where I can get one

  Hi! This is easy! "Said the witch. Take this barley grain. Its not the kind of barley grain that grows in the fields of rural people, nor is it the kind of barley grain that chickens eat. Bury it in a flowerpot. Soon youll be able to see what youre looking for

  Thank you, "the woman said. She gave the witch three silver coins. So she returned home and planted the barley grain. Soon after, a beautiful big red flower grew out. It looks very much like a tulip, but its leaves are tightly wrapped together, as if it is still a flower bud.

  This is a very beautiful flower, "the woman said, while kissing the beautiful, yellow and reddish petals. However, as she was kissing, the flower suddenly snapped and bloomed. People can now see that this is a real tulip. But in the center of this flower, on top of the green pistil, sat a petite girl who looked white, tender, and lovely. She is not even half the length of her thumb, so people call her Thumbelina.

  Thumbelinas cradle is a shiny and beautiful walnut shell, her cushion is made of blue violet petals, and her blanket is made of rose petals. This is where she sleeps at night. But during the day, she played on this table, and the woman placed a plate with a circle of flowers on top. The branches of the flowers were soaked in water. There are large tulip petals floating on the water. Thumbelina can sit on these petals and use two white horse tails as paddles to paddle from one side of the plate to another. This is really beautiful! She can still sing, and she sings so gently and sweetly that no one has ever heard her before.

  One night, while she was sleeping on her beautiful bed, an ugly toad jumped in from outside the window because a piece of glass had already broken. This toad is ugly, big, and sticky. She kept jumping onto the table. Thumbelina is sleeping on the table under the bright red rose petals.

  This girl could be my sons beautiful wife, "said the toad. So she grabbed the walnut shell that Thumbelina was sleeping on and carried it out of the window, jumping all the way into the garden.

  There is a wide stream flowing in the garden. But its two sides are low and humid. The toad and her son live here. oh dear! He and his mother are simply molded from the same mold, and they are also extremely ugly. Ge Ge! Ge Ge! Gua! Gua! Gua! Gua! "When he saw the beautiful little girl inside the walnut shell, he could only say these words.










  安徒生童话故事双语 4

  It was a winter, I was lying in my masters arms, and it was snowing outside. My master dotes on me and has good food for every meal.

  But in this environment that others consider very happy, my only wish is to open the window and climb out. The warmth in front of the fireplace is boring to me, and the delicious three meals also make me tired. I feel bored.

  That day, when my master was not at home, I opened the window and jumped out, living the life I longed for. I finally know how warm it is in front of the fire. The sparse snow fell on me, and I couldnt help but shiver. At this moment, a cat walked behind me. It looked about the same age as me and was particularly friendly to me, taking me for a stroll on the street.

  After walking for a long time, I felt hungry. I asked him if he had anything to eat, and he led me up the roof to search for it. Before long, I saw a delicious pork rib in the attic and couldnt help but drool. It must be mine now! "I naively thought. I jumped onto the table, bit the pork rib, and got my hand. At this moment, the female cook picked up a broom and hit me hard on the back. I dropped the meat and quickly ran for my life.

  We continued to stroll on the street, and he said he could go to the garbage dump to find something to eat in the evening. Its getting dark, I havent eaten anything all day, I feel dizzy and my limbs are weak.

  He took me to the garbage dump, where a foul smell emanated and the ground was covered in oil and grease. My paws slid on the slate. Looking at him again, using his skillful technique to rummage through the garbage dump, there were only some bones without flesh. The snow is getting heavier and heavier as it falls.

  I miss the warmth and sumptuous dinner in front of the fireplace, "I said.

  No! "He rudely interrupted me," We are free cats. In a comfortable environment, you will only exchange warmth at the cost of a prison cell. What you lack is freedom! "He left angrily and walked up to the roof. Under the moonlight, his shadow slowly moved, walking farther and farther away.

  I want to go home, I cant stand the hunger here.

  The one who opened the door was my master. She hugged me in her arms and led me to the fireplace, where the plate was filled with delicious meat. I stretched lazily and hid under the blanket. In my dream, I returned to my own paradise, the paradise of cats.











  安徒生童话故事双语 5

  Lets travel to Switzerland and take a look around this beautiful mountainous country, where trees grow into forests along steep stone walls; Lets climb into those sparkling snow fields and then descend to the green grasslands; The river and stream hurriedly flowed through this grassland, as if afraid of not having enough time to flow into the sea and disappear. The sun is drying the deep valleys and also drying the thick snow on the high places. The snow melts year after year, forming sparkling ice blocks and turning into massive avalanches, forming glaciers with sharp ice blocks. Underneath the two wide gorge terror horns and rain horn ① next to the small mountain city of Grindelwald, there are two such glaciers, which look very strange. So in the summer, many foreigners came from all over the world. They climbed over snow covered mountains, down deep valleys, and then climbed up for several hours. As they climbed up, the valley became even deeper. They looked down as if they were looking down from a balloon. Clouds often hang in front of me, thick and heavy, like smoke swirling around the mountaintop. In the valley scattered with many dark brown wooden houses, there is still a ray of sunshine shining, lifting out a dazzling green scene that looks transparent. The water below flowed rapidly, making a whooshing and rustling sound. The water trickled down ahead, making a crisp sound that looked like a swaying silver ribbon drifting down from the mountain.

  On both sides of the road up the mountain, there are some wooden houses, each with its own potato garden. This is necessary because there are a lot of people in the house, and its full of children whose mouths can eat well. Children rushed out of every households house and surrounded passing passengers, who either walked or took a bus. This group of children are all doing business. Children sell intricately carved wooden houses, just like the ones people see built in this mountainous area. Whether its raining or sunny, children flock with their products.

  More than twenty years ago, there was a little boy who often stood here doing business. But he always kept a distance from the other children, with a serious expression on his face, holding his wooden box tightly with both hands as if unwilling to let go. And it was his serious expression and the childs young age that caught peoples attention. He was called over, often the best business he did, and he himself didnt understand why. On the high ground of the mountain lived his grandfather, and these exquisite and lovely wooden houses were carved by him. There is an old cabinet in the living room above, filled with carved items of this kind. Among them are nutcracker, knife, fork, and wooden box carved with beautiful trees, flowers, and antelopes running and playing. There is everything that can make children happy. This child, known as Rudy by people, prefers to look at an old gun hanging under the roof beam with a longing expression. His grandfather promised that he could get it. But we have to wait until he grows up and his body is strong enough to use it.

  Although the child is still so young, he has already started herding goats. If climbing with these sheep can make a good shepherd, then yes, Rudy is a good shepherd. He even climbs higher than a sheep, and he likes to climb to the treetops to flip bird nests. He is very bold and brave. But only when he stands by the surging waterfall, or when he hears the sound of an avalanche, can you see a smile on his face. He never plays with other children. He only stays with them when his grandfather sends him down the mountain to do business, and Rudy doesnt really like it that way. He prefers to climb mountains or sit with his grandfather, listening to him tell stories from ancient times or stories about the people in his hometown of Meilingen. The people of Meilingen are not the original inhabitants of the area, he said; They are immigrants. They migrated from the far north, where their tribe called Swedes lived. Knowing these things is truly a wealth of knowledge, and he understands this very well. However, he also gained more from other interactions and learned skills from the livestock at home. There is a big dog named Ayola, left by Rudys father. There is a male cat, which holds great significance for Rudy as it teaches him how to climb high.

  Come with me to the roof! The cat said it very clearly and understood immediately. When a person is still a child and cannot speak, they can understand the words of chickens, ducks, cats, and dogs very well. What they say to us is understandable, just like what our parents say, but its really very, very small. My grandfathers cane neighed and turned into a horse with a head, feet, and tail. Some children have this kind of comprehension ability a little later than others, and adults say that such children are slow and cannot escape childhood for a long time. Adults speak too much!

  Come with me, little Rudy, go up to the roof! It was something that the cat said at the beginning, and Rudy understood it. Saying that it will fall is all nonsense; As long as youre not afraid, you wont fall down. Come on! One of your paws is like this, the other is like this. Grasp firmly in front of you with your front paws! Pay attention to your eyes and keep your body agile! If you encounter a crack, jump over and grab it firmly. Thats how I am!

  Rudy did the same. So he often sits on the roof with the cat, and he sits on the top of the tree with it. Yeah, hes still sitting on the mountainside, a place that cats havent been to before.

  Higher, higher! The trees and bushes said. Did you see that? How did we climb up! Look how high we climb, as long as we hold on tightly, we can even climb to the top of the sharpest cliff!









  安徒生童话故事双语 6

  Once upon a time, there was a man whose wife had a bad temper and was very stubborn. He usually dotes on her very much and obeys her in everything, afraid of making her unhappy. As a result, he gets used to her in a bad way.

  This man has a garden and goes to cultivate it early and late every day. weed. Watering and managing the garden in an orderly manner. His wife saw him busy tending to the garden all day and asked, "What are you busy with running around every day

  He said, "I have to manage my garden every day. I planted something you like in the garden, and you will be happy to see it

  His wife said, "Then I need to go take a look

  He was very happy to see his wife caring about the garden, so he took her there. They held hands. Coming shoulder to shoulder to the garden. He introduced his wife to the fruit trees he had planted in the garden like a treasure trove. Vegetables fill my heart with a sense of pride.

  At this moment, two young people passed by and saw their intimate relationship in the garden, which made them suspicious. They believed that a man and a woman who were so close in the garden must be doing something shameful. So they quietly followed the garden and hid behind the tree, wanting to see what was going on.

  The couple was busy in the garden for a while before sitting down to rest. The wife saw the beautiful scenery in the garden and said to her husband, "The scenery here is nice and quite quiet. Come on, lets have some fun for a while

  The husband was very unhappy when he heard this and said, "As a woman, dont you feel ashamed to say such things? What kind of place is this? Can you let your temper run wild? Besides, I still have a lot of things to do. Lets talk about it when we go home

  My wife said, "The work in the garden can never be finished. Besides, we are husband and wife, and no one else can control the affairs between us. Even if others see it, what can we do? Can we say we are having an affair? If you are not satisfied with me now, then I will rely on you not to leave and make you unable to do any work

  Her husband couldnt resist her and was afraid that she wouldnt be happy, so he agreed to her request. At this moment, the two young people hiding behind the tree jumped out, shouted loudly, grabbed them and threatened, "You are having an affair here, we cannot spare you lightly. Come with us to the judge and let him punish you severely

  The two young people came up to arrest them as soon as they spoke. The husband protected his wife and said, You are talking nonsense! We are husband and wife, dont act recklessly! The two young men didnt listen to his explanation and continued to arrest them without any reason. So the husband started fighting with them, and during the struggle, a young man pulled out a dagger and stabbed him to death.

  Prime Minister Hemas told the story of a man and his wayward wife, and then said to the king, "Your Majesty, the story I am telling illustrates that as a man, we must not obey womens orders, nor lose our own opinions, and act according to womens ideas. Your Majesty is a person with vast knowledge and intelligence, and should not allow shallow and ignorant people to stir up trouble. Your Majesty must be careful when encountering things, distinguish right from wrong, and distinguish between what is contrary advice and what is conspiracy. In my opinion, those futile indulgences and pleasures not only waste a lot of time and money, but also harm your health. The least desirable thing

  Prime Minister Hemas earnestly persuaded, and King Wald, upon hearing his words and considering his own actions, seemed to have gained some insight. He accepted the Prime Ministers advice and stated that he would attend court tomorrow. The prime minister once again received the kings message, bid farewell to the king, and went among the ministers to tell them about the kings message.





























  安徒生童话故事双语 1

  A SOLDIER came marching along the high road: “Left, right—left, right.” He had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side; he had been to the wars, and was nowreturning home.As he walked on, he met a very frightful-looking old witch in the road. Her under-lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said, “Good evening,soldier; you have a very fine sword, and a large knapsack, and you are a real soldier; so you shall have as much money as ever you like.”


  “Thank you, old witch,” said the soldier.“Do you see that large tree,” said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood beside them.“Well, it is quite hollow inside, and youmust climb to the top, when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a great depth.I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pullyou up again when you call out to me.”


  “But what am I to do, down there in the tree?” asked the soldier.“Get money,” she replied; “for you must know that when you reach the ground under the tree, you will findyourself in a large hall, lighted up by three hundred lamps; you will then see three doors, which can be easily opened, for the keys are in all the locks. On entering the firstof the chambers, to which these doors lead, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the floor, and upon it a dog seated, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups.


  But you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron, which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him uponit. You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence as you please, they are only copper pence; but if you would rather have silver money, you must go into the secondchamber.


  Here you will find another dog, with eyes as big as mill-wheels; but do not let that trouble you. Place him upon my apron, and then take what money you please. If, however, you like gold best, enter the third chamber, where there is another chest full of it. The dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful; his eyes are as big as a tower, but do not mind him. If he also is placed upon my apron, he cannot hurt you, and you may take from the chest what gold you will.”


  安徒生童话故事双语 2

  The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and whoever else would come, to see the grand sight. And there the three famous jumpers were met together in the room.有一次,跳蚤、蚱蜢和跳鹅(注:这是丹麦一种旧式的玩具,它是用一根鹅的胸骨做成的;加上一根木栓和一根线,再擦上一点蜡油,就可以使它跳跃。)想要知道它们之中谁跳得最高。它们把所有的人和任何愿意来的人都请来参观这个伟大的场面。它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。

  "Yes, Ill give my daughter to him who jumps highest," said the King, "for it would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.""对啦,谁跳得最高,我就把我的女儿嫁给谁!"国王说,"因为,假如让这些朋友白白地跳一阵子,那就未免太不像话了!"

  The Flea stepped out first. He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all directions, for he had young ladies blood in his veins, and was accustomed to consort only with human beings; and that was of great consequence. 跳蚤第一个出场。它的态度非常可爱:它向四周的人敬礼,因为它身体中流着年轻小姐的血液,习惯于跟人类混在一起,而这一点是非常重要的。

  Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. This person, moreover, maintained that he belonged to a very old family in the land of Egypt, and that he was highly esteemed there. He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture cards with the figures turned inwards. There were doors and windows in the house, cut in the body of the Queen of Hearts.接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。它穿着它那套天生的绿制服。此外,它的整个外表说明它是出身于埃及的一个古老的家庭,因此它在这儿非常受到人们的尊敬。人们把它从田野里弄过来,放在一个用纸牌做的三层楼的房子里——这些纸牌有画的一面都朝里。这房子有门也有窗,而且它们是从"美人"身中剪出来的。

  "I sing so," he said, "that sixteen native crickets who have chirped from their youth up, and have never yet had a card house of their own, would become thinner than they are with envy if they were to hear me." "我唱得非常好,"它说,"甚至16个本地产的蟋蟀从小时候开始唱起,到现在还没有获得一间纸屋哩。它们听到我的情形就嫉妒得要命,把身体弄得比以前还要瘦了。"

  Both of them, the Flea and the Grasshopper, took care to announce who they were, and that they considered themselves entitled to marry a Princess.跳蚤和蚱蜢这两位毫不含糊地说明了它们是怎样的人物。它们认为它们有资格和一位公主结婚。

  The Skipjack said nothing, but it was said of him that he thought all the more; and directly the Yard Dog had smelt at him he was ready to assert that the Skipjack was of good family, and formed from the breastbone of an undoubted goose. The old councillor, who had received three medals for holding his tongue, declared that the Skipjack possessed the gift of prophecy; one could tell by his bones whether there would be a severe winter or a mild one; and thats more than one can always tell from the breastbone of the man who writes the almanac.跳鹅一句话也不说。不过据说它自己更觉得了不起。宫里的狗儿把它嗅了一下,很有把握地说,跳鹅是来自一个上等的家庭。那位因为从来不讲话而获得了三个勋章的老顾问官说,他知道跳鹅有预见的天才:人们只须看看它的`背脊骨就能预知冬天是温和还是寒冷。这一点人们是没有办法从写历书的人的背脊骨上看出来的。

  "I shall not say anything more," said the old King. "I only go on quietly, and always think the best.""好,我什么也不再讲了!"老国王说,"我只须在旁看看,我自己心中有数!"

  Now they were to take their jump. The Flea sprang so high that no one could see him; and then they asserted that he had not jumped at all. That was very mean. The Grasshopper only sprang half as high, but he sprang straight into the Kings face, and the King declared that was horribly rude. The Skipjack stood a long time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all.现在它们要跳了。跳蚤跳得非常高,谁也看不见它,因此大家就说它完全没有跳。这种说法太不讲道理。蚱蜢跳得没有跳蚤一半高。不过它是向国王的脸上跳过来,因此国王就说,这简直是可恶之至。跳鹅站着沉思了好一会儿;最后大家就认为它完全不能跳。

  "I only hope hes not become unwell," said the Yard Dog, and then he smelt at him again."我希望它没有生病!"宫里的狗儿说,然后它又在跳鹅身上嗅了一下。

  "Tap!" he sprang with a little crooked jump just into the lap of the Princess, who sat on a low golden stool. Then the King said, "The highest leap was taken by him who jumped up to my daughter; for therein lies the point; but it requires head to achieve that, and the Skipjack has shown that he has a head."


  And so he had the Princess.所以它就得到了公主。

  "I jumped highest, after all," said the Flea. "But its all the same. Let her have the goose-bone with its lump of wax and bit of stick. I jumped to the highest; but in this world a body is required if one wishes to be seen." "不过我跳得最高!"跳蚤说。"但是这一点用处也没有!不过尽管她得到一架带木栓和蜡油的鹅骨,我仍然要算跳得最高。但是在这个世界里,一个人如果想要使人看见的话,必须有身材才成。"

  And the Flea went into foreign military service, where it is said he was killed. 跳蚤于是便投效一个外国兵团。据说它在当兵时牺牲了。

  The Grasshopper seated himself out in the ditch, and thought and considered how things happened in the world. And he too said, "Body is required! Body is required!" And then he sang his own melancholy song, and from that we have gathered this story, which they say is not true, though its in print.那只蚱蜢坐在田沟里,把这世界上的事情仔细思索了一番,不禁也说:"身材是需要的!身材是需要的!"于是它便唱起了它自己的哀歌。我们从它的歌中得到了这个故事——这个故事可能不是真的,虽然它已经被印出来了。

  安徒生童话故事双语 3

  Once upon a time, there was a woman who really wanted to have a tiny child. But she doesnt know where to get it from. So she went to consult a witch. She said to the witch:

  I really want to have a little child! Can you tell me where I can get one

  Hi! This is easy! "Said the witch. Take this barley grain. Its not the kind of barley grain that grows in the fields of rural people, nor is it the kind of barley grain that chickens eat. Bury it in a flowerpot. Soon youll be able to see what youre looking for

  Thank you, "the woman said. She gave the witch three silver coins. So she returned home and planted the barley grain. Soon after, a beautiful big red flower grew out. It looks very much like a tulip, but its leaves are tightly wrapped together, as if it is still a flower bud.

  This is a very beautiful flower, "the woman said, while kissing the beautiful, yellow and reddish petals. However, as she was kissing, the flower suddenly snapped and bloomed. People can now see that this is a real tulip. But in the center of this flower, on top of the green pistil, sat a petite girl who looked white, tender, and lovely. She is not even half the length of her thumb, so people call her Thumbelina.

  Thumbelinas cradle is a shiny and beautiful walnut shell, her cushion is made of blue violet petals, and her blanket is made of rose petals. This is where she sleeps at night. But during the day, she played on this table, and the woman placed a plate with a circle of flowers on top. The branches of the flowers were soaked in water. There are large tulip petals floating on the water. Thumbelina can sit on these petals and use two white horse tails as paddles to paddle from one side of the plate to another. This is really beautiful! She can still sing, and she sings so gently and sweetly that no one has ever heard her before.

  One night, while she was sleeping on her beautiful bed, an ugly toad jumped in from outside the window because a piece of glass had already broken. This toad is ugly, big, and sticky. She kept jumping onto the table. Thumbelina is sleeping on the table under the bright red rose petals.

  This girl could be my sons beautiful wife, "said the toad. So she grabbed the walnut shell that Thumbelina was sleeping on and carried it out of the window, jumping all the way into the garden.

  There is a wide stream flowing in the garden. But its two sides are low and humid. The toad and her son live here. oh dear! He and his mother are simply molded from the same mold, and they are also extremely ugly. Ge Ge! Ge Ge! Gua! Gua! Gua! Gua! "When he saw the beautiful little girl inside the walnut shell, he could only say these words.










  安徒生童话故事双语 4

  It was a winter, I was lying in my masters arms, and it was snowing outside. My master dotes on me and has good food for every meal.

  But in this environment that others consider very happy, my only wish is to open the window and climb out. The warmth in front of the fireplace is boring to me, and the delicious three meals also make me tired. I feel bored.

  That day, when my master was not at home, I opened the window and jumped out, living the life I longed for. I finally know how warm it is in front of the fire. The sparse snow fell on me, and I couldnt help but shiver. At this moment, a cat walked behind me. It looked about the same age as me and was particularly friendly to me, taking me for a stroll on the street.

  After walking for a long time, I felt hungry. I asked him if he had anything to eat, and he led me up the roof to search for it. Before long, I saw a delicious pork rib in the attic and couldnt help but drool. It must be mine now! "I naively thought. I jumped onto the table, bit the pork rib, and got my hand. At this moment, the female cook picked up a broom and hit me hard on the back. I dropped the meat and quickly ran for my life.

  We continued to stroll on the street, and he said he could go to the garbage dump to find something to eat in the evening. Its getting dark, I havent eaten anything all day, I feel dizzy and my limbs are weak.

  He took me to the garbage dump, where a foul smell emanated and the ground was covered in oil and grease. My paws slid on the slate. Looking at him again, using his skillful technique to rummage through the garbage dump, there were only some bones without flesh. The snow is getting heavier and heavier as it falls.

  I miss the warmth and sumptuous dinner in front of the fireplace, "I said.

  No! "He rudely interrupted me," We are free cats. In a comfortable environment, you will only exchange warmth at the cost of a prison cell. What you lack is freedom! "He left angrily and walked up to the roof. Under the moonlight, his shadow slowly moved, walking farther and farther away.

  I want to go home, I cant stand the hunger here.

  The one who opened the door was my master. She hugged me in her arms and led me to the fireplace, where the plate was filled with delicious meat. I stretched lazily and hid under the blanket. In my dream, I returned to my own paradise, the paradise of cats.











  安徒生童话故事双语 5

  Lets travel to Switzerland and take a look around this beautiful mountainous country, where trees grow into forests along steep stone walls; Lets climb into those sparkling snow fields and then descend to the green grasslands; The river and stream hurriedly flowed through this grassland, as if afraid of not having enough time to flow into the sea and disappear. The sun is drying the deep valleys and also drying the thick snow on the high places. The snow melts year after year, forming sparkling ice blocks and turning into massive avalanches, forming glaciers with sharp ice blocks. Underneath the two wide gorge terror horns and rain horn ① next to the small mountain city of Grindelwald, there are two such glaciers, which look very strange. So in the summer, many foreigners came from all over the world. They climbed over snow covered mountains, down deep valleys, and then climbed up for several hours. As they climbed up, the valley became even deeper. They looked down as if they were looking down from a balloon. Clouds often hang in front of me, thick and heavy, like smoke swirling around the mountaintop. In the valley scattered with many dark brown wooden houses, there is still a ray of sunshine shining, lifting out a dazzling green scene that looks transparent. The water below flowed rapidly, making a whooshing and rustling sound. The water trickled down ahead, making a crisp sound that looked like a swaying silver ribbon drifting down from the mountain.

  On both sides of the road up the mountain, there are some wooden houses, each with its own potato garden. This is necessary because there are a lot of people in the house, and its full of children whose mouths can eat well. Children rushed out of every households house and surrounded passing passengers, who either walked or took a bus. This group of children are all doing business. Children sell intricately carved wooden houses, just like the ones people see built in this mountainous area. Whether its raining or sunny, children flock with their products.

  More than twenty years ago, there was a little boy who often stood here doing business. But he always kept a distance from the other children, with a serious expression on his face, holding his wooden box tightly with both hands as if unwilling to let go. And it was his serious expression and the childs young age that caught peoples attention. He was called over, often the best business he did, and he himself didnt understand why. On the high ground of the mountain lived his grandfather, and these exquisite and lovely wooden houses were carved by him. There is an old cabinet in the living room above, filled with carved items of this kind. Among them are nutcracker, knife, fork, and wooden box carved with beautiful trees, flowers, and antelopes running and playing. There is everything that can make children happy. This child, known as Rudy by people, prefers to look at an old gun hanging under the roof beam with a longing expression. His grandfather promised that he could get it. But we have to wait until he grows up and his body is strong enough to use it.

  Although the child is still so young, he has already started herding goats. If climbing with these sheep can make a good shepherd, then yes, Rudy is a good shepherd. He even climbs higher than a sheep, and he likes to climb to the treetops to flip bird nests. He is very bold and brave. But only when he stands by the surging waterfall, or when he hears the sound of an avalanche, can you see a smile on his face. He never plays with other children. He only stays with them when his grandfather sends him down the mountain to do business, and Rudy doesnt really like it that way. He prefers to climb mountains or sit with his grandfather, listening to him tell stories from ancient times or stories about the people in his hometown of Meilingen. The people of Meilingen are not the original inhabitants of the area, he said; They are immigrants. They migrated from the far north, where their tribe called Swedes lived. Knowing these things is truly a wealth of knowledge, and he understands this very well. However, he also gained more from other interactions and learned skills from the livestock at home. There is a big dog named Ayola, left by Rudys father. There is a male cat, which holds great significance for Rudy as it teaches him how to climb high.

  Come with me to the roof! The cat said it very clearly and understood immediately. When a person is still a child and cannot speak, they can understand the words of chickens, ducks, cats, and dogs very well. What they say to us is understandable, just like what our parents say, but its really very, very small. My grandfathers cane neighed and turned into a horse with a head, feet, and tail. Some children have this kind of comprehension ability a little later than others, and adults say that such children are slow and cannot escape childhood for a long time. Adults speak too much!

  Come with me, little Rudy, go up to the roof! It was something that the cat said at the beginning, and Rudy understood it. Saying that it will fall is all nonsense; As long as youre not afraid, you wont fall down. Come on! One of your paws is like this, the other is like this. Grasp firmly in front of you with your front paws! Pay attention to your eyes and keep your body agile! If you encounter a crack, jump over and grab it firmly. Thats how I am!

  Rudy did the same. So he often sits on the roof with the cat, and he sits on the top of the tree with it. Yeah, hes still sitting on the mountainside, a place that cats havent been to before.

  Higher, higher! The trees and bushes said. Did you see that? How did we climb up! Look how high we climb, as long as we hold on tightly, we can even climb to the top of the sharpest cliff!









  安徒生童话故事双语 6

  Once upon a time, there was a man whose wife had a bad temper and was very stubborn. He usually dotes on her very much and obeys her in everything, afraid of making her unhappy. As a result, he gets used to her in a bad way.

  This man has a garden and goes to cultivate it early and late every day. weed. Watering and managing the garden in an orderly manner. His wife saw him busy tending to the garden all day and asked, "What are you busy with running around every day

  He said, "I have to manage my garden every day. I planted something you like in the garden, and you will be happy to see it

  His wife said, "Then I need to go take a look

  He was very happy to see his wife caring about the garden, so he took her there. They held hands. Coming shoulder to shoulder to the garden. He introduced his wife to the fruit trees he had planted in the garden like a treasure trove. Vegetables fill my heart with a sense of pride.

  At this moment, two young people passed by and saw their intimate relationship in the garden, which made them suspicious. They believed that a man and a woman who were so close in the garden must be doing something shameful. So they quietly followed the garden and hid behind the tree, wanting to see what was going on.

  The couple was busy in the garden for a while before sitting down to rest. The wife saw the beautiful scenery in the garden and said to her husband, "The scenery here is nice and quite quiet. Come on, lets have some fun for a while

  The husband was very unhappy when he heard this and said, "As a woman, dont you feel ashamed to say such things? What kind of place is this? Can you let your temper run wild? Besides, I still have a lot of things to do. Lets talk about it when we go home

  My wife said, "The work in the garden can never be finished. Besides, we are husband and wife, and no one else can control the affairs between us. Even if others see it, what can we do? Can we say we are having an affair? If you are not satisfied with me now, then I will rely on you not to leave and make you unable to do any work

  Her husband couldnt resist her and was afraid that she wouldnt be happy, so he agreed to her request. At this moment, the two young people hiding behind the tree jumped out, shouted loudly, grabbed them and threatened, "You are having an affair here, we cannot spare you lightly. Come with us to the judge and let him punish you severely

  The two young people came up to arrest them as soon as they spoke. The husband protected his wife and said, You are talking nonsense! We are husband and wife, dont act recklessly! The two young men didnt listen to his explanation and continued to arrest them without any reason. So the husband started fighting with them, and during the struggle, a young man pulled out a dagger and stabbed him to death.

  Prime Minister Hemas told the story of a man and his wayward wife, and then said to the king, "Your Majesty, the story I am telling illustrates that as a man, we must not obey womens orders, nor lose our own opinions, and act according to womens ideas. Your Majesty is a person with vast knowledge and intelligence, and should not allow shallow and ignorant people to stir up trouble. Your Majesty must be careful when encountering things, distinguish right from wrong, and distinguish between what is contrary advice and what is conspiracy. In my opinion, those futile indulgences and pleasures not only waste a lot of time and money, but also harm your health. The least desirable thing

  Prime Minister Hemas earnestly persuaded, and King Wald, upon hearing his words and considering his own actions, seemed to have gained some insight. He accepted the Prime Ministers advice and stated that he would attend court tomorrow. The prime minister once again received the kings message, bid farewell to the king, and went among the ministers to tell them about the kings message.












