
时间:2024-09-26 12:15:47 智聪 托福考试 我要投稿





  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself. Use reasons and examples to explain your opinion.


  从助人为乐的观点更容易回答。注意题目提示的“use reasons and examples”,作答时给出充分理由,做到言之有物。


  I agree that happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself. First, helping others give us a sense of connection. “No man is an island.” When we help people in need, we build stronger relationships with others and create a supportive environment. Besides, helping others can provide a sense of fulfillment. For example, when a teacher helps his students make progress in study, he will be proud of the students’ achievement. What he has done gives him the sense of rewarding. To sum up, helping others benefits both the society and individuals in the long term.


  sense of fulfillment:满足感

  in the long term:长远来看


  When visiting a museum that allows photography, some people like to take photographs of the exhibits they see. Others prefer to simply look at the exhibits and do not take photographs. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.




  I prefer to take photographs of the exhibits when visiting a museum. First, taking photos allows me to capture the great memories of my visit. I can look back at the pictures and recall the details of the exhibits that I find fascinating. Second, photographs can be useful for sharing with others and posting on my social media. For example, if I see a beautiful painting, I can photograph it and later share the photo with friends who may be interested. Overall, taking photos enhances my museum experience by helping me keep the memories and share what I have seen.





  Because most students have their own laptops, your university is considering closing the campus computer lab, where students use university-owned computers. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not, using details and examples in your response.


  从反对学校想法(computer lab为学生提供便利)的角度显然更好回答。注意要说出computer lab能给学生带来的具体好处,而不是只反对学校的提议。


  I don’t think it is a good idea to close the campus computer lab. First, not all students can afford their own laptops, and the computer lab provides essential access to computers for those who need them. And even students with their own laptops may encounter situations where their laptops run out of power, which makes campus computer lab necessary. Second, the computer lab offers specialized software that may not be available or cannot operate well on personal laptops. For example, some programs for engineering can be expensive and require high-performance hardware. It is the university’s responsibility to ensure students to have equal access to such programs.


  run out of power:电池没电


  Imagine that you are going to take a history course, and you have two choices. One course is taught by a professor who is well-known for being a good lecturer but does not organize much class discussion. The other course is taught by a professor who provides the students a lot of opportunities to discuss in class but does not have much experience in lecturing. Which course would you choose? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.




  Personally, I prefer a professor who is good at lecturing. First, a good lecturer can provide clear and comprehensive explanations of historical events and concepts, which is crucial for understanding complicated topics. As we have to take exams at the end of the semester, learning efficiently is especially important. Second, a good lecturer can be more inspiring. An experienced lecturer knows how to ignite students’ interest in history and motivate us to explore further on our own. This could be more inspiring than having discussions with classmates. Overall, I believe an experienced lecturer is essential for mastering the subject.



  Ignite interest:激发兴趣

  Mastering the subject:掌握科目


  I would choose the course taught by the professor who offers many opportunities for class discussions. First, participating in discussions helps deepen our understanding of historical events by hearing different perspectives. Having discussions can also clarify doubts in time and enhance our critical thinking skills. Second, discussions make the class more enjoyable. They provide a dynamic learning environment, and we can all make contributions to the class. Although the professor may lack lecturing experience, the discussion sessions can make learning history more interesting and enjoyable for me. In short, I believe the opportunities to discuss are more essential for learning.


  deepen our understanding of:加深理解

  clarify doubts:澄清疑虑

  make contribution to:对…做贡献


  Some people prefer to be constantly busy and always have something to do. Others prefer not to be busy all the time but to spend some periods of time doing nothing. Which approach do you think is better? Explain why.




  I think it is better not to be busy all the time and to spend some periods of time doing nothing. First, taking breaks allows us to relax and recharge. It helps reduce stress and prevent physical and mental burnout, which leads to better overall health. Second, free time gives us the opportunity to explore our interests outside of study and work, and to enjoy life. This allows us to pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and experience new activities. While hard work is important, I believe that balancing busy periods with leisure time is essential for a happy and healthy life.












