
时间:2024-09-26 11:25:06 淼荣 托福考试 我要投稿


  托福考试是一个由美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Services)测评研发的学术英语语言测试,通过考察听、说、读、写这四个技能方面以体现参与者在学术语言任务环境下的真实学术语言能力,并可用于本科及研究生阶段的院校申请。 下面小编给大家提供了关于托福考试写作真题,仅供参考。






  Long school breaks offer students a valuable opportunity to rest and recharge. However, some educators believe that schools should assign work during these breaks to help students stay engaged with their studies and retain knowledge. What do you think? Should schools assign homework during long school breaks?


  I think schools should assign some homework during long breaks, but it should be work that interests students and isnt boring. This way, students can stay engaged and reinforce what theyve learned without feeling overwhelmed. This keeps learning fun while still helping them retain important knowledge during the break.


  I dont think schools should assign homework during long breaks because if students run into problems, they wont have access to teachers for help. If a student is struggling with a math problem and has no one to explain it, they might waste a lot of time without learning anything.




  Dr. Achebe

  More and more, online shopping is becoming the primary way that many people obtain everyday goods. But what are the ramifications for the society in which we live? On the one hand, online shopping has advantages-for example, I can make a purchase without ever leaving my home. However, with fewer people shopping at local shops, in some places, these establishments are having a hard time competing. Do you think that online shopping is, on the whole, affecting society?


  I think that online shopping has had negative impacts on society. In my city, many local stores have shelves filled with various products that you can find in online stores. This has forced some of them to close down, which not only affects the amount of tax revenue generated in our local community but also impacts the number of job opportunities available to the community members.


  Its unfortunate that some local stores are forced to close down, but thats the nature of competition. As consumers, we benefit greatly from online shopping due to lower prices. Even if l find a physical store that can compete with online sellers in terms of pricing, I am still likely to make the purchase online because it means I dont have to spend money on transportation to the store.




  Dr. Diaz

  This week we will discuss issues faced by secondary school administrators. Im referring to schools for teenage students. One such issue is students who change schools. Students change schools for many different reasons, the most common being a family move. On the discussion board, I want you to exchange ideas about what schools can do to make the transition to a new school easier for teenagers.


  I think schools should assign new students a fellow student who can help them adjust. The "student buddy" can do things like make sure the new student can find the cafeteria or the right classrooms. For new students, its a lot easier to ask a fellow student a question rather than ask a teacher or the principal.


  I would require new students to sign up for some school club or activity that meets outside of class. That way, new students would have an easy way to meet other students in a friendly environment. It would give them a group to immediately identify with.




  Dr. Achebe

  Weve been talking about the process of starting a new business. One of the most important aspects of the process is staffing-that is, deciding which people to hire. Please discuss the following question: is it better for new businesses to hire experienced veterans of the industry or to staff the business with younger employees who are right out of university? Why do you think so?


  I think a company should staff a business with the most experienced employees possible. If youre starting a new business, you need people around you who know what they are doing and can quickly get the business up to speed. Spending time training inexperienced people will slow you down.


  I understand what Claire is saying, but if you are starting a new business, you want people who are particularly enthusiastic and energetic. Who better than a recent graduate to bring those qualities to the job? You would be guaranteed an ambitious hard worker.




  Dr. Achebe

  This week, we are discussing the social psychology of sports. We have learned that sports often have positive psychological effects on athletes, such as the members of sports teams. But how can we describe their effects on other groups of people such as sports enthusiasts or sports fans? Consider the following question: When people spend a lot of time watching sports or following their favorite team, does it have a negative effect on their lives? Why or why not.


  I agree that focusing on sports too much can have negative impacts. For example, some people who like watching sports on few other interests. In fact. it seems like television have watching sports is all theyre interested in. I sometimes find such people annoying because they care too much about things that dont matter.


  I am not sure what we mean by spending a lot of time following sports. But following sports has helped me in life. When I first met one of my best friends, Daphne, I started a conversation with her by saying something about a sports team l liked. Then we moved to other topics, but sports were a great conversation-starter.




  Doctor Diaz

  Today, we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding available for schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on school teachers salaries because it would attract more qualified individuals to the profession. On the other hand, others believe that the money should be allocated towards additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with and why?


  I believe that increasing teachers salaries will improve the quality of education. If they earn more money, people will consider teaching as viable profession rather than opting for private sector jobs. We need the brightest minds in the classrooms.


  I acknowledge that school teachers already earn a decent salary and provide high-quality education. Im not certain how much of an impact increasing their salaries would have. Nonetheless, schools always require new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are constantly evolving, and we need to prepare students with the most up-to-date materials possible.




  Doctor Achebe

  This week, well be exploring the dynamics of entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on whether entrepreneurs should collaborate with family members when starting a business or if its preferable to avoid such partnerships. Many entrepreneurs face this dilemma due to the potential benefits of trust and shared vision with family, but also the risks of conflicts and business complications. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe its best for entrepreneurs to start a business with family members?


  I dont think its a good idea for entrepreneurs to go into business with family members. While you may have trust and share the same vision, family members tend to think too much alike. This limits new perspectives and innovation. Theres also a higher risk of conflicts and messy situations arising between relatives that could hurt the business.


  Working together with family members can really strengthen the family bond and shared goals. My uncle and cousins started a restaurant, and seeing them collaborate with that level of trust and commitment is inspiring. Though conflicts may arise, if you can resolve them, itll make the family ties even stronger in the end.









