小学英语教案:It’s warm today

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小学英语教案:It’s warm today

  导语:为了让学生能掌握单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report,并能加以正确地运用。下面是小编为您收集整理了一份教案,欢迎阅读!

小学英语教案:It’s warm today



  a) 听、说、认读单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report.

  b) 听、说、读写单词warm/cool/cold

  c) 听、说、认读句子:Good morning. This is the weather report. It's …in…


  a) 能说出不同天气情况下该穿什么衣服。

  b) 能听懂并理解What's the weather like? 并能作简单的回答:It's…

  c) 能够简单介绍天气情况,作小小气象员。


  a) 情感态度:注重培养学生学习的欲望和乐于助人的积极的情感和态度。

  b) 学习策略:注重观察、交际功能,学会观察提问等策略

  c) 文化目标:了解全国主要城市在同一时间里的天气差异。


  a) 重点是理解和掌握单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather

  b) 我国各地的天气状况是学生的认识难点。

  c) 单词weather report的发音


  a) 教师准备一张中国地图以及本课时所需的单词卡。

  b) 教师准备一张寒冷的雪天里饥寒交迫的卖火柴小女孩的图片,boots图片,两、三片雪花。

  c) 教师准备一把扇子,一个转盘。

  d) 教师准备写有Beijing/ Harbin/Hong Kong/ Lhasa的小旗帜和一根做天气预报的指挥棒。

  e) 教师准备录音机及录音带。


  1、 热身—Warming up

  1) Let's do

  (Unit 3 A P28: Put on your T-shirt Hang up your skirt Take off your jacket Fold your dress Wash your shirt Put away your sweater)

  [设计意图:运用节骤感强的Let's do,营造英语学习氛围,带领学生不知不觉走入英语学习课堂,并起到复习旧知,铺垫作用。]

  2) Greeting:

  T: Good morning. I'm Miss Shu. Today I am your new English teacher.

  And what's your name? →。 S1: My name is…

  T: Nice to meet you! →。 S1: Nice to meet you,too!

  T: (Who's this?) This is… →。 S1: This is…

  T: Nice to meet you! →。 S2: Nice to meet you,too!

  S3 S4 S5…

  3) Introduce teacher's hobbies to review the words of sports

  T: Hello! Boys and girls. I like doing sports. (教师边说边做跑跳等动作)Do sports, do sports…

  I like jumping. Jump jump I can jump. Follow me.

  Ss: Jump jump I can jump

  T: I like running. Run run I can run.

  Ss: Run run I can run.

  Ss:(教师做动作)Walk walk I can walk.

  4) Introduce teacher's favourite drink to review the words of drink.

  T: Class! I like drinking the juice and milk. What about you? Let's do together.

  (Pep book1 unit5B P54: Pour the water Taste the tea Smell the coffee Show me the milk Drink the juice)


  5)Let's sing:“ Who is wearing yellow today”



  1) T: Hi, class. We have a new friend today. Guess? Who is she? Look!(教师呈现寒冷雪天里饥寒交迫的卖火柴小女孩) Yes. She is a Match girl. A poor girl. Let's say hello to Match girl.

  Ss: Hello ! Match girl!

  T: Class, look at the picture. Oh, It's…(教师呈现单词卡cold,学生学说cold. 接着呈现句子卡It's… 继而教师边做冷状边说) Cold cold It's cold.

  Ss: (TPR) Cold cold It's cold.

  2) T: Class, look at the picture. (教师呈现句子教学)What's the weather like?

  Ss: It's cold.

  T: Oh, my poor girl. She feels …(Ss:cold)。 I can help her. Hello! Match girl! You can put on the boots.(教师出示图片boots并给Match girl 穿上) Can you help her?

  (S1/S2…): Hello Match girl. You can put on the sweater/jacket/pants/……

  T: Now, Match girl feels not cold. She feels …(教师做温暖状,出示单词卡warm) Warm warm It's warm.

  Ss: (TPR) Warm warm It's warm.

  3) T: Look! It's snowing and snowing. What can Match girl do? Match girl! You can jump. Can you help her?

  (S1/S2…): Match girl! You can run/do sports/bounce the ball…

  T: Match girl feels …(教师出示单词卡hot,让学生读出,教师示意学生做热状)

  Ss:(TPR) Hot, hot. It's hot.

  4) T: Hot ,hot .Match girl feels hot, too? What can she do? Match girl! You can drink some water? Can you help her?

  (S1/S2…): Match girl! You can drink some Coke/juice… You can have some ice-cream/watermelon…

  T: Now, Match girl feels…(教师拿出扇子边扇边说)cool cool(教师出示单词卡教学)

  Ss: (TPR) Cool, cool. It's cool.


  3、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

  1) 看谁反应快 (Look and say)

  T: TPR(热的/冷的/温暖的/凉快的)

  Ss: Hot, hot, It's hot……


  (T: Wonderful! Today It's warm in Fenghua(教师出示in Fenghua) . Now ,Let's play a game. Guess, What's the weather like in Beijing/Harbin/ Shanghai…)

  2) 你猜我猜(转转盘)

  游戏规则:教师把转盘正面向大家,然后转动转盘,接着迅速地把转盘反面,使转盘背对学生,然后让学生猜:What's the weather like in…? S1: It's warm in …

  [设计意图:“游戏是孩子们最好的朋友”运用游戏调节课堂,并不知不觉吸引孩子到It's … in …的语言练习中。提高学生的积极能动性。]

  (T: Class, That's only a game. Let's listen to the weather report(教师出示单词卡教学)。 Tell me what's the weather like in B Lhasa /Harbin/ Beijing / Hong Kong .)

  3) 听力 (Listening)

  (The content of listening: Good morning. This is the weather report. It's cool in Lhasa. It's cold in Beijing. It's warm in Beijing. It's hot in Hong Kong.)


  5) Let's Chant

  Weather weather weather report.

  This is the weather report.

  This is the weather report.

  Cold, cold. It's cold in Harbin.

  Warm, warm. It's warm in Beijing.

  Hot, hot. It's hot in Hong Kong.

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