A healthy life英语教案

时间:2021-01-10 13:44:45 英语教案 我要投稿

A healthy life英语教案


A healthy life英语教案

  It has been revealed that se gvernent leaders their authrit and psitin t get illegal prfits fr theselves.

  A. epl B. tae C. abuse D. verl

  2. The parents felt helpless when the fund their sn had lve stries fr lng.

  A. addicted B. addicted t C. addicted hiself D. been addicted t

  3. — The are quiet, aren’t the? — es. The are accusted at eals.

  A. t tal B. t nt tal C. t taling D. t nt taling

  4. The US gvernent threatened that it wuld all its investent fr that cuntr if the cuntr didn’t reduce the cust duties.

  A. tae B. ve C. withdraw D. draw

  5. The heating sste here has an teperature cntrl.

  A. autbile B. autn C. autun D. autatic

  6. He decided t the b after he quarreled with the anager.

  A. stp B. blc C. lse D. quit

  7. The new appintent f ur president fr the ver beginning f next seester.

  A. taes effect B. taes part C. taes place D. taes turns

  8. Cpetitin, the believe the natinal character rather than weaen it.

  A. causes B. leads C. strengthens D. widen

  9. I was s angr that I felt lie sething at hi.

  A. thrwing B. t thrw C. thrw D. threw

  10. The prisners becae in their attepts t escape.

  A. deserted B. alne C. desperate D. lnel

  11. He was f having ased such a sill questin.

  A. srr B. ashaed C. guilt D. iserable

  12. u shuld be f ur behavir.

  A. shaeful; ashaed B. ashaed; shaeful C. guilt; shaeful D. srr; shaeful

  13. This accident was his careless driving.

  A. due t B. thans t C. because f D. s as t

  14. — Hw d u find QingDa, Mar? — It’s beautiful seaside cit. I have it fr next hlida.

  A. decided n B. tried n C. taen n D. carried n

  15. The Great Wall is ____turist attractin that illins f peple pur in ever ear.

  A. as a well-nwn B. a such well-nwn C. s well-nwn a D. such well-nwn a

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