Unit 3 Yes I do英语教案

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Unit 3 Yes I do英语教案

  一、 课题

Unit 3 Yes I do英语教案

  Module 8 Unit 3 Yes ,I do.

  二、 教学内容

  1、 会说两个问句:Do you like …?What is your favourite sport /animal/colour/fruite ?

  2、 对Do you like …?作肯定和否定回答。

  三、 教学目标

  1、 情感目标:培养学生对外语的积极态度,发现外语学习中的乐趣,在说英语时不怕犯错误,乐于帮助其他同学。

  2、 知识目标:会说两个问句,并且发音准确。

  3、 能力目标:英语口语表达能力。


  (一) 热身活动

  1、 师生问候

  Hello,boys and girls . What is your name ?(My name is …)How old are you ? (I am …) How are you ?(Fine ,thanks ,how are you ?)I am very well ,thank you.

  2、 活动

  Now let’s do some actions . Who wants to play the teacher ?(Point to the door . Point to the window .Point to the ceiling .Point to the floor .Stand up . Sit down .Touch your nose /mouth…)

  (二) 复习

  唱英语歌:What’s your favourite colour ?

  Now let’s sing an English song .Group One asks and Group Two answers.


  Now I will give you a task . After this class I wish all of you know what’s your friends’ favourite .


  1、 Do you like …?What’s your favourite animal ?

  (1) 出示一些动物的图片

  Let’s play a game .Look at this picture . What’s this?

  藏起其中的一副图,What’s missing ?(duck) Do you like duck?问一个学生,如果他回答:Yes, I do .就把duck 给他,如果他回答:No, I don’t.就让他去问别的同学,这样把图发下去,然后小组内练习Do you like …?

  (2)指生问:What is your favourite animal?学生模仿跟读animal。


  2、 What is your favourite colour ?

  指一名学生问:Do you like animals?接着师生交换,师回答:No ,I do not like animals . I like colour .

  教读colour ,出示一些彩纸

  Do you remember the colour song ?Let’s sing together,OK?

  自己选择你需要的颜色和你的朋友做对话:What is your favourite colour?

  3、 Do you like …? What is your favourite sport?

  师:I like not only colour ,but also sports.

  屏幕显示一些体育运动,学生逐个说,然后七种体育运动(football,basketball,table tennis,volleyball,swimming,cycling,morning exercises)全部出示。

  小组内根据屏幕随便提问题,教师走动给予个别指导,引导小组提问两个问题:Do you like …?What is your favourite sport ?

  4、 What is our favourite fruit ?

  I like all the sports ,So I am tired . I want to eat something.

  拿出盛水果的篮子,告诉学生“I want to eat fruit .” 教读fruit。学生提着篮子一个接一个的问:What is your favourite fruit?




  Today we have learned two sentences . All of you have done a very good job . I very love you .


  1、 了解父母最喜欢的东西。可以教父母说单词。

  2、 唱Goodbye!歌曲结束课程

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