
时间:2021-03-19 11:12:37 英语教案 我要投稿




  Unit 1 We’re going to read stories

  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn neals.

  Period 2

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Review the words.

  2.Review the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  4.Can do the exercises.

  Teaching Point:

  Master reading skill.

  Teaching preparations:

  Exercises and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn Part D

  Let’s Read

  Read the text of Part D.

  Do the exercises of Part D.

  Talk about Part D.

  (2)Learn Part E

  Let’s Write

  There are four children in your group.There are four animals in

  the play.Which role are you going to play?

  David is going to play______________________

  Amy is going to___________________________


  And I___________________________________

  (3)Learn Part F

  a.Here is a paper box.

  b.Write words on four sides of the box.

  c.Put cards into the box.

  d.Play a game this way.

  Unit 2 We are going to do some research

  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn new words.

  2.Learn the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  Teaching Point:

  Master the Third Person Singular.

  Teaching Preparations:

  Tape and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn new words.

  Research find information study think

  (2)Learn Part A

  Let’s listen and Say

  What are we going to do today?

  We’re going to do some research.

  We’re going to read and find information.


  Unit 2 We are going to do some research

  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn new words.

  2.Learn the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  Teaching Point:

  Master the Third Person Singular.

  Teaching Preparations:

  Tape and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn new words.

  Research find in formation study think

  (2)Learn Part A

  Let’s listen and Say

  What are we going to do today?

  We’re going to do some research.

  We’re going to read and findin formation.

  1 report

  And we’re going to collect pictures.

  We’re going to study and think.

  We’re going to write are port.

  (3)LearnPart B

  Read study and think find collect write

  (4)Learn Part C

  Let’s Practise

  What are we going to do?

  We’re going to do some research.

  We’re going to read somebooks.


  1.Listen and read part A.

  2.Copy the new words.


  Period 2

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Review the words.

  2.Review the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  4.Can do the exercises.

  Teaching Point:

  Master reading skill.

  Teaching Preparations:

  Exercises and pictures

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn Part D

  Let’s Read

  Read the text of Part D.

  Do the exercises of Part D.

  Talk a bout Part D.

  (2)Learn Part E

  Let’s Write


  Fill in the blanks.

  I’m going to do some research. I’m going to do these things._____________ about the wild animals.

  _____________the text book.


  _____________pictures or photos of wild animals._____________ a report.

  (3)Learn Part F

  a.Put some soil in to a glass.

  b.Plant see dsin the soil.

  c.Water them.

  d.Put the glass in the sun.

  e.Draw some pictures.

  Home work:

  1.Exercise book.

  2.Recite the text.

  Unit 3 Let’s make a kite


  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn new words.

  2.Learn the text.

  3.Know the senten cepattern: be going to….Teaching Point:

  Know describe the way how to make something.Teaching Preparations:

  Tape and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1) Learn new words.

  Kite show paper bamboo cuttie

  (2) Learn Part A

  Miss Li is showing us how to make a kite.

  Boys and girls, do you know how to make a kite?

  Let me show you how to make a kite.

  We need paper and bamboo.

  First,cut the bamboo.



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