五年级英语上册《We have new friends》教案

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五年级英语上册《We have new friends》教案


五年级英语上册《We have new friends》教案

  1.nwledge ais:The new wrds:cit rad street What’s=what is  nae’s = nae is

  The new sentences: What’s ur nae ? M nae’s Carl.

  Where d u live? I live n(in)…

  2.Abilit ais: T train the pupils’ abilit t read and write.

  3.Etin ais:T ae the pupils’ t be interested in English.


  What’s=what is  nae’s = nae is


  What’s ur nae ? M nae’s Carl.

  Where d u live? I live n(in)…






  Step 1 Revisin

  1.Revise the sentence pattern: What’s ur nae ? M nae’s Carl.

  2.Revise se ld wrds and then pla a gae.

  3.Let’s sing the ld sng.

  Step 2 Knowledge

  1.Teach the new wrds: what is u’re ur nae in hat’s=what is  nae’s = nae is

  2.Teach the new sentences: What’s ur nae ? M nae’s Carl.

  Where d u live? I live n(in)…

  Let the pupils l at the pictures in ur text bs .

  Can u write the?

  Step 3 Cprehensin

  1.L at the slide picture and listen—Listen and pint—listen and fllw— practise speaing in tw steps—pair wr

  2.Act ut this dialgue in pairs.

  Step 4 Applicatins

  1.As the pupils t ae up dialgues in pairs b using the sentence patterns.

  2.Divide the class int b tea and girl tea , get ne pupil fr each f the tea at nce, and act ut the dialgue.

  3.Grup wr. Invite as an grups t act ut the dialgue.

  Step 5 Hewr

  1.Listen t the tape at he.

  2.Mae up the new dialgue and act it ut.

  3p the new wrds three ties.


  UNIT 1 We have new friends.

  Lessn 6

  What’s ur nae ? M nae’s Carl..

  Where d u live? I live n(in)…

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