英语二年级下册《What color is it》Lesson6教案

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英语二年级下册《What color is it》Lesson6教案

  Step 1:

英语二年级下册《What color is it》Lesson6教案

  review the sentence and the words.

  Step 2:

  Uncle Booky’s storytime

  * Tell the children to open their books at page 47. Draw their attention to the picture. Explain that these pictures tell a story about colors.

  * Ask questions about the pictures. Have the children talk about the story.

  * Play the tape. Tell the children listen to the story pointing to the matching picture.

  * Encourage children to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words.

  * Play the tape again. This time have the children touch the speaking character.

  Step 3:


  Let students finish the question and the check it. Homework:read the story.



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