
发布时间:2017-09-29 编辑:1016
  英语励志小故事   The king's seed   国王的种子   There is a story of a young man named Owen, who lived in a far-away country, and a king, who was getting old and needed to find a successor, The king had thought of a way to find a successor who would have courage and be honest.   这个故事讲述的是一个叫欧文的年轻人。他住在一个偏远的国家里,这个国家的国王年事已高,因此需要寻找一位继承人。国王已经想出了一个用来挑选既有勇气有诚实的接班人。   The king sent a small seed to all of the young men in the country. This seed was to be planted and nourished to the best of each young man’s ability.   国王给这个国家的每个年轻人都发了一粒小种子。要求这些年轻人尽自己最大的努力去种植和培养它。   When Owen received his seed he bought a very beautiful flower pot and planted his seed. He watered it and watched it every day, but nothing happened.   欧文收到种子之后,他买了一个漂亮的花盆并将种子种下。他每天都给种子浇水并观察它,但是种子并没有发生任何变化。   He moved his plant to another area with more sun, thinking that it needed more light. He watched it and watered it, but still nothing happened!   他将种子移到另一个阳光更充足的地方,因为他觉得种子可能需要更多的阳光。他观察种子,给它浇水,但种子依旧没有任何变化。   Then he went to his father and asked him what to do. His father suggested putting it into another pot. Still nothing happened! He was very disappointed.   于是他找到父亲,并问他该怎么做,父亲建议他把种子移到另一个花盆里,但还是没有任何变化!他非常失望。   Then the day finally arrived when all of the young men were to present their plants to the king. Owen was very sad, because everyone there had beautiful plants. Owen sat in the back with his empty pot so that he would not be noticed.   这一天终于还是来了,所有的年轻人都将他们的植物呈献给国王看。欧文非常失落,因为那里的每个人都捧着一株漂亮的植物。欧文捧着他的空花盆坐在后面,这样别人就不会注意到他。   The king started to look at all of the plants. Then, at once he saw Owen’s empty pot and the king announced that Owen would be the next king because of his honesty. The king also expressed his disappointment that there were so many dishonest men. Then he explained that he had boiled all of the seeds before sending them out so that none of the seeds would grow.   国王开始查看所有的植物,接着他很快就看到了欧文的空花盆,因为欧文的城市,国王便宣布欧文将成文下一任的国王。国王也表达了他的失望之情,因为有太多不诚实的人。然后他解释说所有的种子在分发之前都已经被煮过,因此没有一粒种子能够发芽。











