
时间:2024-05-28 15:22:05 协议书 我要投稿
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  [month] [day] 20xx·CHINA DALIAN

  Loan Agreement

  This Loan Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on the 【month】 【day】 20xx in XiAn, China by the following parties:

  1. Borrower (“Party A”): XiAn Environment Engineering Co., Ltd Registered Address:

  2. Lender (“Party B”): Innomind Group Limited Registered Address: Tel: N/A


  (1) Party A is a wholly-foreign owned enterprise incorporated and operating within the territory of China in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”); the registration number of its legal and valid business license is Qi Du Liao Da Zong Zi No. 015863, and the registered address is ....;

  (2) Party B is an enterprise incorporated in accordance with the law of British Virgin Islands, holding 100% of Party A’s equity interest; the registration number of its legal and valid Business License is 1064500, and the legal registered address is ......;

  (3) Party B agrees to provide loans to Party A within the range of the difference between the registered capital and the total investment of Party A;

  Therefore, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC, the Parties, after friendly consultation, agree as follows:

  Article 1 Type of the Loan

  Party B agrees to provide mid-term loan to Party B in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement (hereinafter as “the Agreement”).

  Article 2 Usage of the Loan

  The loan under this Agreement shall be used for the working capital for the business operation of Party A. Party A shall not change the usage of the loan without the prior written consent of Party B.

  Article 3 The Amount and Term of the Loan

  3.1 The currency of the loan under this Agreement shall be US Dollar and the amount shall be[][GLO: amount to be decided since about to USD3million will be paid out of the total proceeds as expenses of this financing. Financial advisors to


  销 售 合 同


  编号:Contract No:日期: Date:

  签约地点:Signed at:



  邮政编码:Postal Code:

  电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:



  邮政编码:Postal Code:

  电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:


  The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions


  Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the

  sellers option.

  (4) 原产地

  Country of Origin:

  (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清

  Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery.

  (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。

  Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received.

  (7) 贸易方式:FOBShanghai

  Terms of Shipment: FOBShanghai

  (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮

  Packing: Plywood drum with steel sheet cover.

  (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

  Insurance: To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

  (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港

  Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China

  (11) 转运:允许

  Transshipment: Allowed

  (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运

  Partial Shipment: Allowed

  (13) 目的口岸:

  Port of Destination:

  (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks:

  (15) 单据:Documents:

  (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:

  (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期发运,卖方需提前告知买方并得到买方的确认并承担其他相关费用。

  LAST SHIPMENT: if the late delivery is caused by the buyer, the buyer shall bear the

  responsibility. If the delay has being made more than 45 days from the signing of the Sales Contract hereof, the buyer shall pay 3% of total amount each day, and if the delay is more than 6 months, the Seller has the right to dispose the down payment and the goods. If the late delivery is caused by the Seller, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance and get confirmation from the Buyer, and the related expense shall be born by the Seller.

  (18) 质量/数量异议:对于质量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后30天之类提出:对于数量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后15天之内提出。对由于保险公司、运输公司、其他运输机构或邮局的原因所造成的货物差异,卖方不负任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable, for any discrepancy of goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organization or Post Office are liable.

  (19) 不可抗力:卖方对由于下列原因而导致不能或暂时不能履行全部或部分合同义务的,不负责任:水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或其他任何在签约时卖方不能预料、无法控制且不能避免和克服的事件。但卖方因尽快地将所发生的事件通知对方,并应在事件发生后15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。如果不可抗力事件之影响超过120天,双方应协商合同继续履行或终止履行的`事宜。

  FORCE MAJEURE: Seller shall not be responsible for failure or delay in performance of entire or portion of these Sale Contract obligations in consequence of Force Majeure incidents: flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war, or any other matters couldn’t be foreseen or controlled or couldn’t be avoided. But Seller shall inform the incidents to Buyer immediately, and shall delivery the certificate of Force Majeure incidents issued by related organization within 15 days after the incidents happened. If the incidents influence more than 120 days, both parties shall negotiate to decide whether to execute or terminate the Sales Contract.

  (20) 仲裁:因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商仍不能解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费应由败诉一方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期间,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同条款应继续执行。

  ARBITRATION: All disputes across from the execution of, or in connection with this Sales Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and

  Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The result of arbitration shall be born by the losing party except for the condition the Commission has other judgment. During the arbitration period, clauses beside of the arbitrated parts shall be executed.

  (21) 本合同为中英文对应,一式两份,买卖双方各执一份;合同自卖方签字盖章、买方签字后生效(传真件以及扫描具有正版相等法律效应)。

  The Sales Contract is concluded in Chinese and English with same effectiveness, and will come into effect on stamp of Seller and signing by Buyer. The Sales Contract is in dual original and each party shall have one original copy of this Sales Contract. (Any scanned and faxed copy shall have the same legal effect as the original one.)

  (22) 备注:Remark:

  买方确认签署: 卖方确认签署:

  For and on behalf of Buyer:For and on behalf of Seller:



  Loan Contract

  贷款方(Lender): 身份证件号码(ID Number.):地址(Address): 电话(Tel):

  借款方(Borrower): 法定代表人(Representative):职务(Title):地址(Address): 电话(Tel):


  The Borrower operates two discrete businesses:

  1. 生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(“砂石品业务)

  1. Manufacture and sale of the “spray-stone” and “super-stone” products (“the Stone Business”);

  2. 生产销售柳制产品(“柳制品业务”)

  2. Manufacture and sale of wicker products (“the Wicker Business”). 现借款方打算停止开展柳制品业务。

  The Borrower intends to cease operating the Wicker Business.


  For its production and operation, the Borrower intends to borrow money from the Lender. For the mutual benefits, both Parties agree to conclude this Contract.

  第一条 借款金额

  Article 1 Amount

  借款金额280,000美元 (大写:贰拾捌万美元)



  The Lender agrees to advance the Loan US$to the Borrower prior to the signing of this Contract. The Borrower hereby confirms that it has received the Loan US$

  第二条 借款用途

  Article 2 Scope for Use


  The loan hereof is only for Borrower’s Stone Business and shall not be appropriated for other use.

  第三条 利率及还款期

  Article 3 Interest and Term

  1. 如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。

  1. The Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment.

  2. 借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款:

  在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款美元; 在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款 美元; 在合同签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款 美元。

  2. The Borrower agrees to repay the Loan to the Lender in accordance with the following repayment schedule:

  3. 借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的`时间、场所和方式还款。

  3. All repayments shall be made at the time and place and in the manner reasonably required by the Lender.

  第四条 管理费用

  Article 4 Management Fee


  1. The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender a sum equivalent to of the total income received by the Borrower, from the sales turnover of the Stone Business, during the term of the loan.

  2. 借款方同意自每一财务季度结束之日起三十日内向贷款方支付管理费用,付款时间表如下:





  2. Subject to clause 4.3 the Borrower agrees to pay the Management Fee to the Lender in arrears on or before the date 30 days following the end of the previous financial quarter in accordance with the following payment schedule:

  Management Fee calculated for the period 1 January – 31 March due of the same year.

  Management Fee calculated for the period 1 April – 30 June due of the same year. Management fee calculated for the period 1 July – 30 September due on of the same year.

  Management Fee calculated for the period 1 October – 31 December due on of the same year.


  3.Management Fee due in respect of the financial quarter within which the date of this agreement falls will only become due on

  4. 如果借款方在本合同签订之日起美元,借款方支付管理费用的义务自合同签订之日起两年后终止。 4. In case the Borrower repays the loan US$of this agreement then the obligation to pay the Management fee will cease at the end of the 2 year period.

  第五条 浮动抵押

  Article 5 Floating Charge

  1. 借款方以其现有的和将来拥有的生产设备、原材料、成品和半成品向贷款方提供抵押。

  1. The Borrower agrees to charge to the Lender all equipments, raw materials, finished and unfinished goods owned now and in the future by the Borrower.


  2. The value of the charged properties stipulated in the < Charged Properties List > shall neither be deemed as the price of sale nor as any limit on the chargee’s right, while the Lender exercises its right.

  3. 抵押物的相关有效证明和资料由当事人确认封存后,由借款方交与贷款方保管,但法律法规另有规定的除外。

  3. Subject to any the laws and regulations, any information and certifications in respect of the charged properties shall be handed over by the Borrower to the Lender after sealed.

  4. 浮动抵押担保的范围为本金、利息、管理费、违约金、赔偿金以及实现债权所发生的一切费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、公证费、仲裁费、律师费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费等。

  4. The floating charge hereof secures the principal, interests, management fees, compensation, and any other cost arising from the enforcement of the Lender’s right pursuant to this Contract, including but without limitation court fee, cost for notarization, arbitration fee, attorney fee, fee for custody, traveling expense, compulsory execution fee, assessment fee and auction fee.

  5. 借款方应自本合同签订之日起三十日内向有关部门办理本合同的审批、备案和登记等事宜,所产生的费用由借款方承担。

  5. The Borrower shall apply for administrative approval, record-keeping and registration on its own fee in thirty days from the signing of this Contract.

  6. 借款方应当合理使用和妥善保管抵押物,如抵押物的价值比本







  Signed at:_________






  Postal Code:_________










  Postal Code:_________






  The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.


  Article No.:_________






  Unit Price:_________



  Total Amount

  With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.


  Country of Origin and Manufacture:_________




  Shipping Marks:_________


  Time of Shipment:_________


  Port of Loading:_________


  Port of Destination:_________


  Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____up to _____only.




  By confirmed,irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/ _____and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.




  Terms of Shipment:_________


  Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:_________



  Force Majeure:

  Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.




  All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.
















  TEL:230-2400778 FAX: 230-2408285


  日期/Date: 2010-05-29

  TEL: 0086 -315-5505831FAX: 0086-315-5505833

  The Seller: Tangshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd


  This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

  Description of Goods: As follows.

  1.原产地和制造厂家(Country of Origin and Manufacturer):

  中国 ChinaTangshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd


  3.Shipment(装运方式):合同中货物全部用20’集装箱海运In Contract by 20’ Container.

  4.装运期限(Time of Shipment):WITHIN15-20 WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF 30%T/T

  5.装运口岸(Port of Loading):上海 中国SHANGHAI China

  6.目的口岸(Port of Destination):Port Louis, Mauritius

  7.付款条款(Terms of Payment):30%DOWN PAYMENT + 70% T/TAFTER RECEIVED THE COPY OF B/L

  8.签约合同(Sign of Contract):本合同传真有效This contract will valid for fax contract sign

  9.人力不可抗议(Force Majeure):由于水灾,火灾,地震,干旱,战争或协议一方无法预见,控制,避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责托。但是,受不可抗议力事件影响的一方必须尽快将发生的时间通知另一方,并在不可抗议力事件发生15(拾伍)天内将有关机构的不可抗议力事件的证明寄交对方。Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, co(转 载 于:w :协议书英文范本)ntrolled, avoided, or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after it’s occurrence.

  10. 货物要求(CRC requirements):

  10.1 每件货物重量大约5吨。Weight of Coils: About 5 tons

  10.2冷卷按照实重出货。 Material & Coils to be of prime quality without defects

  10.3 尺寸公差 :the thickness :±3% thickness10.4 卷的用途用于制管: suitable for cutting into sheets

  10.5 OTHERS :

  1. Edges of Coil should be straight & not wavy. Surface should be flat.

  2. Coils should be suitable for cutting into sheets.

  3. Coil I.D: 508mm

  12.违约(Breaking the contract):

  12.1若超过装运期限卖方每天必须向买方支付货物总价款0.5%的违约金。The sellers must pay the buyers0.5% of the price of all the goods per day for breaking the contract of shipping time.


  If the shipping time is defered for over 5 days, the sellers must pay 5% of the price of all the goods. At the same time, the buyers reserve the right to go on carrying out the promise or not.

  13.仲裁(Arbitration):在履行协议过程中,如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。若以方不符裁决,再则由新加坡国际仲裁法按照该会仲裁程序的有关规定进行仲裁。以上所有仲裁费用,除另有规定外,均由败诉方负担。All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

  14.注意(NOTICE):本合同一式两份,双方签订后生效。this contract is in two copies since being signed by both parties





  买方 (Buyer)



  Exclusive Agency Agreement


  This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date) in ________(Place) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:


  The Parties Concerned

  甲方:_______ 乙方:__________

  Party A:________ Party B:________

  地址:__________ 地址:___________

  Add:____________ Add:______________

  电话:__________ 电话:____________

  Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________

  传真:_________ 传真:____________

  Fax:___________ Fax:______________




  Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the

  commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.






  In __________(for example: Guangzhou)only.


  Minimum turnover


  Party B shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than RMB_________.


  Price and Payment


  Exclusive Right


  In consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in Article 4 to customers in territory

  through channels other than Party B; Party B shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to the above commodity in territory and shall not

  solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside territory. Party A shall refer to Party B any enquiries or orders for the commodity in question received by Party A from other firms in territory during the validity of this agreement.


  Advertising and Expenses


  Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the

  commodity in question in area within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Party

  A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval.


  Industrial Property Rights

  在本协议有效期内,为销售有关,乙方可以使用甲方拥有的商标,并承认使用于或包含于汽车漆中的`任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方拥有。 一旦发现侵权,乙方应立即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。

  Party B may use the trade-marks owned by Party A for the sale of the Automobile paint covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all patents, trademarks, copy rights or any other industrial property rights used or embodied in the

  Automobile paint shall remain to be the sole properties of Party A. Should any infringement be found, Party B shall promptly notify and assist Party A to take steps to protect the latter'srights.


  Validity of Agreement


  This agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain effect for _____ months from ________(date) to ________(date).



  在本协议有效期内,如果一方被发现违背协议条款,另一方有权终止协议。 During the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.


  Force Majeure


  Either party shall not be responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.


  Inspection and Acceptance

  在收到货物后,经销商应及时检查货物确定是否有货物短缺、瑕疵和损坏。经销商应在收到货物后 天内书面通知供应商索赔。在收到通知后 天内,供应商应调查货物短缺、瑕疵和


  Promptly upon the receipt of a shipment of Products, Distributor shall examine the shipment to determine whether any item or items included in the shipment are in short supply, defective or damaged. Within __________ days of receipt of the shipment, Distributor shall notify Supplier in writing of any shortages, defects or damage, which Distributor claims existed at the time of delivery. Within ______ days after the receipt of such notice, Supplier will

  investigate the claim of shortages, defects or damage, inform Distributor of its findings, and deliver to Distributor Products to replace any which Supplier determines, were in short supply, defective or damaged at the time of delivery.




  Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to court where is Party A is located, which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

  甲方: ________________ 乙方:______________________

  (签字) (签字)

  Party A:_______________ Party B: ____________________

  (Signature) (Signature)


  技 术 合 作 协 议

  Technical Cooperation Agreement


  Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co. , Ltd.

  地址: XX高新技术工业园

  Address:XXHigh-tech Industrial Park


  Legal Representative: XXX


  Party B:




  This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Contract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal negotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual benefits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following.

  第一条、 甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术


  Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the new product research and development. Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A.

  第二条、 甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、办公费、检测费、


  Article 2: Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B for the research each month, including salaries, administrative expenses, detection cost, traveling expenses and other cost associated.

  第三条、 乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息,并及时答复甲方


  Article 3:Party B is responsible to provide relevant technical and market information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently asked by Party A.

  第四条、 乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊重乙


  Article 4: Party B shall has the obligation to provide Party A with any relevant personal resume and reference documents as necessary. Party A shall respect the personal privacy of Party B and has the obligation to properly keep those materials.

  第五条、 乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不得将相关技


  Article 5: Party B hereby agrees that the intellectual property of any product as researched and developed herein shall be owned by Party A. Party B shall not be allowed to disclose any technical information concerned to the third party, or it shall take all the legal consequences.

  第六条、 甲乙双方同意通过紧密合作达到共同目标;每年增加一到三个项目;



  Article 6: Both Parties agree to achieve their common goals by their close cooperation. It is planned to add one to three projects each year and to apply for one to three patents for inventions each year, to make one to two new products certified by experts each year, and to promote at least two products to the market each year.

  第七条、 此协议甲乙双方各执一份,没有在协议中提到的事项双方需协商解决。 Article 7: This Agreement is held by both Parties, one for each respectively. Any issue not mentioned in this Agreement shall be settled by both Parties through negotiation.


  This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signature.


  Party AParty B:


  Signature: Signature:




  Client: _________ (referred to as Party A)

  Address: ___________________________

  Tel: ___________________________

  Fax: ___________________________

  Trustee: __________ (referred to as "Party B")

  Address: ___________________________

  Tel: ___________________________

  Fax: ___________________________

  In accordance with the principle of good faith, according to the relevant provisions of the lawyers law, the general principles of civil law, the contract law and other laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following provisions on the issue of Party A's entrustment to Party B through friendly negotiation.

  Chapter 1 entrustment

  The first item that Party A entrusts Party B is: the entrusting payment.

  1. Party A entrusts Party B to take legal means and measures to properly solve the problem of party a _________ _________ million yuan, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Party A in accordance with the law.

  2. the parties agree that Party B's agency: - non - risk agency risk agency;

  Second party a guarantee

  1. the receipt of Party B's receipt shall not violate the relevant laws and regulations of the state, and shall not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

  2. to provide Party B with the true and comprehensive background of the entrustment collection, as well as the effective clues.

  3., within the validity period of this agreement, no third party shall be entrusted without the written consent of Party B. otherwise, Party A shall pay the performance fee and commission to Party B according to the provisions of this agreement if Party B has fulfilled the obligations of this agreement.

  4. during the effective period of this Agreement without the written consent of Party B in this Agreement and can't reach any agreements or arrangements and shall not be deemed, otherwise Party B has fulfilled its obligations under this agreement, Party A shall pay according to the agreement compliance costs and commissions to Party b;

  5. without the written consent of Party B, the identity of Party B and the content of this Agreement shall not be leaked to the investigator.

  6. actively cooperate with Party B's work and provide timely information and support in accordance with Party B's needs.

  Third party B guarantee

  1. from the date of the signing of this agreement, the Party A shall be promptly informed of the substantive progress of the entrustment.

  2. the entrustment receipts entrusted to the Party A and the secret of the business secrets of Party A know in the course of the investigation.

  Third chapter cost and payment

  The Fourth Party A shall pay the agency commission to Party B in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. non risk agents: Party A shall pay to Party B in the signing of the contract upfront costs _________ yuan, according to the commission the amount of debt payment _________%.

  2. risk agency: Party A should be in receipt of the debt after the day to pay the Commission, the Commission according to the amount paid _________%.

  The fourth chapter the entry into force of the contract and the dissolution of the contract

  The fifth agreement shall come into force on the date of signature and seal by Party A and B.

  Sixth in the case of the following circumstances, Party B has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

  1. Party A has violated the guarantee and commitment in the second chapter, making this agreement impossible or difficult to carry on.

  2. the entrustment receipts entrusted by Party A are difficult to confirm.

  Seventh in the case of the following circumstances, Party A shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

  Party B has violated its guarantee and commitment in the third chapter, making this agreement impossible or difficult to carry on.

  The fifth chapter of breach of contract

  Eighth if any party ("defaulting party") in violation of the obligations under this agreement, the party in breach in receipt of the other party ("non defaulting party") for correction of the breach of the written notice, should immediately stop its breach of contract and compensation for losses caused by the non breaching party so all in _____ days. If the defaulting party shall continue to breach or do not fulfill their obligations, the other party in all its losses and get the party in breach compensation, also has the right to terminate this agreement.

  The Ninth Party A, in violation of its guarantee and commitment in the second article of this agreement, does not have the right to request Party B to return the Commission, and shall bear the loss incurred by Party B.

  The tenth Party B shall return the Commission to Party A, and shall bear the loss incurred by Party A as a result of the breach of its guarantee and commitment in the third article of this agreement.

  The Eleventh Party B shall not refund the initial cost for the termination of this agreement by the sixth article of this agreement.

  Twelfth if Party A can't pay the Commission to Party B according to the prescribed time, each overdue day shall pay to Party B ____% surcharge.

  The parties are not liable for the thirteenth article, which can not be performed by this agreement due to force majeure.

  The sixth chapter dispute settlement

  Fourteenth if both parties to the dispute should be resolved through consultation, the consultation fails any party shall have the right to apply for arbitration or litigation _________.

  The seventh chapter

  The fifteenth articles of this Agreement shall be settled by Party A and B by negotiation.

  The sixteenth appendix of this agreement is an effective part of the contract and has the same legal effect.

  The seventeenth article of this agreement is two copies, each party holds one copy and has the same legal effect.

  Party A (Gai Zhang): Party B: _________ _________ (Gai Zhang)

  Party A: Party B: ______________ _____________

  The time of signing: _____________


  委托方:_________ (简称“甲方”)









  第一章 委托事项

  第一条 甲方委托乙方的事项为:委托收款。



  第二条 甲方保证







  第三条 乙方保证



  第三章 费用及支付

  第四条 甲方按如下规定向乙方支付代理佣金:



  第四章 合同生效及解除









  第九条 甲方违反其在本协议第二条中的保证与承诺,无权要求乙方退还佣金,并应承担乙方因此而遭受的损失。

  第十条 乙方违反其在本协议第三条中的保证与承诺,乙方应向甲方退还佣金;并应承担甲方因此而遭受的损失。

  第十一条 乙方因本协议第六条规定事由单方面解除本协议收取的前期费用不予退还。

  第十二条 甲方若不能按规定时间向乙方支付佣金,每逾期一天应向乙方支付____‰的滞纳金。

  第十三条 因不可抗力致本协议无法履行的,双方都不承担责任。

  第六章 争议解决

  第十四条 如果甲乙双方就本合同发生纠纷应协商解决,协商不成任何一方均有权向_________申请仲裁或提起诉讼。

  第七章 其它

  第十五条 本协议未尽事宜,由甲乙双方协商解决。

  第十六条 本协议附件为合同的有效组成部分,具有同等法律效力。

  第十七条 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具同等法律效力。

  甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章): _________

  甲方代表:_____________ 乙方代表:______________



  甲方(用人单位)名称:Name of Party A (Employer):


  法定代表人(或主要负责人):Legal Representative (or Principal Responsible Person):

  乙方:(劳动者)姓名Name of Party B (Employee):


  居民身份证号:ID Card No:

  文化程度:Education Background



  The Parties, intending to be bound hereby, agree to enter into this Employment Contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation pursuant to the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China(“PRC”), the Employment Contract Law of the PRC and other laws, regulations and rules.


  Article 1 Type and Term of the Employment Contract


  1. The type and term of the Employment Contract shall be determined as set forth in Item ___ below:


  (1) Fixed Term: From ____ to ________;


  (2) Open-ended: From _______ to the date when a statutory obligation or agreement to terminate the contract arises; or


  (3) Project-based: From _____ to the expiration of the term.


  2. This Contract specifies a probationary period commencing on ________ and ending on _______.


  Article 2 Job Description, Workplace Location and Work Requirements


  Party B shall engage in the job of ______, with the workplace located at ____________.



  Party B’s work shall meet the following standards: ________. Party B’s job positions and workplace locations may be changed with the Parties’ mutual consent based on Party A’s work needs.


  Article 3 Working Hours, Rest and Leave Entitlements


  1. The working hours shall be determined as set forth in Item ___ below:


  (1) The normal working hours system shall be implemented. Party B shall work no more than 8 hours a day, and 40 hours a week, and shall have at least one day’s rest each week.


  (2) A non-fixed working hours system shall be implemented with the necessary approval from the relevant labor administration authorities.


  (3) A cumulative working hours system shall be implemented with the necessary approval from the relevant labor administration authorities.


  2. Due to its operational needs, Party may extend Party B’s working hours upon consultation with the Trade Union and Party B, provided that the extended working hours for a given day should generally not exceed one hour. If an extension of working hours is necessary for special reasons, the extended working hours for a given day should not exceed three hours, provided that the extended working hours for a month should not exceed 36 hours. Party A shall ensure that Party B will receive their rest and leave entitlements according to the law.


  Article 4 Work Remuneration, Payment Method and Date of Payment.


  1. The monthly remuneration payable to Party B during the probationary period shall be RMB___________.


  2. After the expiration of the probationary period, the monthly remuneration for Party B’s performance of his normal labor obligations within statutory working hours shall be RMB_______, or RMB ____ determined under Party A’s remuneration policies.


  Party B’s wage increase/decrease, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, and overtime wages, as well as the wage payment in special circumstances, shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations and Party A’s internal rules and policies. The wages paid by Party A to Party B shall not be less than the minimum wage standard stipulated by the people’s government where the employer is located.


  3. Party A will pay wages to Party B on the ___th day of each month. Party A shall wages in monetary form on a monthly basis, without delay.


  4. During any period when Party B participates in any social activities which citizens are requested to perform for national or public interests, during statutory working hours, Party A shall pay wages to Party B according to the law.


  Article 5 Social Insurance


  Party a and Party B must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums on a monthly basis in accordance with the law. The amount payable by Party B shall be withheld by Party B from the Party A’s monthly wages.


  Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Conditions and Protections Against Occupational Hazards


  The Parties must strictly implement relevant national occupational safety, labor protection and occupational sanitation procedures and standards. Any job exposed to occupational hazards shall be specified in the contract, and Party A shall provide Party B with work safety and hygiene facilities, labor protection equipment and other necessary conditions for Party B’s work activities. Party B must strictly comply with the work disciplines, operating procedures and safety rules set by Party A. Party A must conscientiously carry out relevant provisions formulated by the state for the protection of female and under-aged employees.


  Article 7 Modification, Cancellation and Termination the Employment Contract


  1. The Parties may modify relevant terms of the Employment Contract where they have agreed to do so through mutual consultation and agreement.


  2. The Parties may terminate the Employment Contract where they have agreed to do so through mutual consultation and agreement.


  3. Party B may terminate the Employment Contract with 30 days’ prior written notice to Party A. Party B may terminate the Employment Contract during the probationary period with 3 days’ written notice to Party A.


  4. Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A:


  (1) Where Party A has failed to provide labor protection or working conditions as stipulated in the employment contract;


  (2) Where Part A has failed to pay remuneration on time or in full;


  (3) Where Party A has failed to contribute social insurance premiums on behalf of Party B in accordance with the law;


  4. Where Party A’s policies violate laws or regulations, thereby infringing upon Party B’s rights and interests;


  (5) Where Party A has concluded or modified the Employment Contract against the true intentions of Party B through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party B, as a result of which this Agreement is deemed null and void; or


  (6) Other circumstances for termination by Party B as specified under laws and regulations.


  Party B may terminate the Employment Contract with immediate effect and without advance notice to Party A If Party A uses violence, intimidation, or an unlawful restraint of individual freedom to compel Party B to work, or if Party A instructs Party B to violate the law or engage in hazardous work that endangers his personal safety.






  签约地点:Signed at:


  地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code:






























  对乙方直接获取并经甲方确认接受的订单,甲方按净发票售价向乙方支付5%的佣金。 佣金在甲方收到每笔订单的全部货款后才会支付。




  在本协议有效期内,为销售有关洗衣机,乙方可以使用甲方拥有的商标,并承认使用于或包含于_________中的任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方独家拥有。 一旦发现侵权,乙方应立即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。









  甲方(签字):_________ 乙方(签字):_________


  export exclusive agency agreement

  this agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on september _________,_________ in _________, china on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow:

  1、the parties concerned

  party a: _________

  add: _________

  tel: _________



  party b: _________

  add: _________

  tel: _________

  fax: _________


  party a hereby appoints party b as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in article 4,and party b accepts and assumes such appointment.




  in _________only

  5、minimum turnover

  party b shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than usd_________.

  6、price and payment

  the price for each individual transaction shall be fixed through negotiations between party b and the buyer, and subject to party a''s final confirmation.

  payment shall be made by confirmed, irrevocable l/c opened by the buyer in favor of party a ,which shall reach parth a 15 days before the date of shipment.

  7、exclusive right

  in consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, party a shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in article 4 to customers in _________ through channels other than party b; party b shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to the above commodity in _________ and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside _________. party a shall refer to party b any enquiries or orders for the commodity in question received by party a from other firms in _________ during the validity of this agreement.

  8、market report

  in order to keep party a well informed of the prevailing market conditions, party b should undertake to supply party a, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import and sales of the commodity covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyer''s comments on quality, packing, price, etc.

  of the goods supplied by party a under this agreement. party b shall also supply party a with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers.

  9、advertising and expenses

  party a shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in singapore within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to party a all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval.


  party a shall pay party b a commission of 5% on the net invoiced selling price on all orders directly obtained by party b and accepted by party a. no commission shall be paid until party a receives the full payment for each order.

  11、transactions between governmental bodies

  transactions concluded between govenmental bodies of party a and party b shall not be restricted by the terms and conditions of this agreement, nor shall the amount of such transactions be counted as part of the turnover stipulated in article 5.

  12、industrial property rights

  party b may use the trade-marks owned by party a for the sale of the _________ covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all patents, trademarks, copy rights or any other industrial property rights used or embodied in the washing machines shall remain to be the sole properties of party a. should any infringement be found, party b shall promptly notify and assist party a to take steps to protect the latter''s rights.

  13、validity of agreement

  this agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain if force for _________ months from october _________, _________ to _________ _________, and it shall be extended for another _________ months upon expiration unless notice in writing is given to the contrary.


  during the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to termi

  nate this agreement.

  15、force majeure

  either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. however, the party affected by the event of force majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.


  all disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. should no settlement be reached throught negotiation, the case shallthen be submitted for arbitration to the china international economic and trade arbitration commission (beijing) and the rules of this commission shall be applied. the award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.

  party a(signature) :_________ party b(signature):_________







  (hereinafter referred to as Party A)


  (hereinafter referred to as Party B)




  Party A hereby agrees to lease____________________and the equipment therein (as described in Appendix 1) in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of the leased property being____________________sqm.


  Term of Tenancy:


  The above property is hereby leased for a term of______years, commencing______and expiring on______.


  On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on or before the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B is required to give written notice to Party A two months prior to expiry of this lease.




  The rent is USD____________per month.


  The rent is payable monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the automatic right to eject Party B from the leased property, according to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.


  The rent is payable in USD and in cash. If the rent is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by Party B.


  The rent cannot be increased during the term of this tenancy Agreement.




  On signing this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months' rental as deposit, totaling USD________. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).


  If Party B stops the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not required to return the said deposit.


  If Party B breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually, or if Party B caused damages to the leased property, Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation.


  If Clause 5.3 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A's costs, Party B should pay the extra amount to Party A within ten days of receipt of Party A's payment.


  The deposit is payable in USD and in cash. If the deposit is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by Party B.


  Other Charges:


  During the period of the tenancy, all charges for use of water, electricity and gas are payable by Party B monthly according to consumption, and on receipt of bills.


  All telephone charges are payable by Party B monthly according to the Telecommunications Bureau standard tariffs, and according to bills received.


  Any charges for the leased property, such as management fees, are payable by____________according to the bill issued by property management office.


  Tenant's Responsibilities:


  Party B should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in Clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this Agreement. Nonpayment of these charges constitutes a breach of this Agreement.


  During the period of tenancy, unless with the agreement of Party A, Party B cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property.


  Party B must return the property and its contents to Party A in good and workable condition, otherwise Party B must pay compensation to Party A.


  In addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decorate the property, Party A must consent. On completion of the tenancy, Party B must hand-over the property to Party A in its original condition, and all fees arising from such work and to be borne by Party B.




  In the case of disputes arising over this Agreement, the two parties should negotiate in a friendly manner and in good faith; If failed, should submit to China Related Economic Contract Arbitrated Bureau to mediate or arbitrate.




  The attachment is combined with the contract.


  If the contract remains some unperfected parts, the two parties should negotiate in peace.


  The contract effected on the signing date, two sets for the contract and one set for each party.


  The contract concludes in Beijing on__________________.


  Party A:








  the agreement were: a, m, × × year × month × date of birth, han nationality, live in city, × × × × × × × × no. lu.

  agreement person: mr. wang, female, year × month × date of birth, han nationality, live in city, × × × × × × × ×house lu

  an agreement of the parties in the × × day of the district people"s government for marriage registration. personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations have broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:

  hang and wang, divorce.


  Divorce agreement

  The agreement were: A, M, ____year ____ month ____date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, ________________No. Lu.

  Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year ____ month ____ date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, ________________House Lu

  An agreement of the parties in the ________ day of the District People's Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations have broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:

  1, Zhang and Wang, divorce.

  2, the son Zhang ____ from the woman's care, the men who pay a monthly maintenance fee 500 yuan paid before the 10th of each month; up to 18 years of age pay only 18 years after the two sides in future renegotiation of the cost.

  3, couples are located in the road of building a set of numbers, worth 60,000 yuan, is now owned by the woman in consultation of all, the man from the woman a one-time payment of 30,000 yuan in cash. Room of the home appliances and furniture, etc. (see list), both sides agreed price is 20,000 yuan, all owned by the woman, the man paid 10,000 yuan female direction.

  4, husband and wife without the common claims and liabilities.

  5, Zhang can be the first Saturday of each month 8:00 am picked her son up to their place of residence, on Sunday morning, 9:00 back to Wang, place of residence, such as temporary or Spring Festival to visit can be one day in advance in consultation with Mr. Wang and reach agreed consultative approach can be carried out after the visit.

  Triple copies of this Agreement, a style, both sides armed with a copy of the marriage registration office filed a copy of both sides signed and approved by the appropriate procedures for handling the marriage registration office to take effect.

  The agreement were: the agreement by:



  Confidentiality Agreement


  Party A:

  Party B:_______________________________; Passport No:_________________________

  鉴于甲方从事之经营项目的特殊性,甲乙双方根据有关法律、法规规定、在遵循平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则下,就乙方在任职期间以及离职后的有关事项达成如下协议: Whereas Party A engaged in the business view of the special nature of the project, both parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, in compliance with equality, voluntariness, consensus, under the principle of good faith, during party B’s tenure and after leaving , the matter reached the following agreement:

  第一条 保密

  Item 1 Confidentiality

  1.1 乙方承诺,在本协议约定的保密期内,严格按照本协议的保密内容以及公司的保密制度 履行保密义务。For the term of this agreement, Party B promise to strictly fulfill confidentiality obligations, according to the confidentiality content & company’s confidentiality policy.

  第二条 保密内容

  Item 2 Confidentiality Content

  2.1 不为公众知悉,能为甲方带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息,包括但不限于:专有技术及配方、新产品研发过程及成果、经营计划及策略、财务状况、客户资料以及供应商资料等。Technical and management information, which was not known by the public, can bring economic benefits to Party A, with practicality, and the right take security measures for, including but not limited to: intellectual property and formulations, new product development process and results, management plans and strategies, financial condition, customer data and vendor information, etc.

  2.2 甲方已掌握并负有保密责任的第三者(如甲方的客户或者供应商)的技术信息和经营信息,包括但不限于:专有技术及配方、新产品研发过程及成果、经营计划及策略、财务状况、客户资料以及供应商资料等等。Party A controls and has a duty of confidentiality to protect third

  parties (such as the Party A's customers or suppliers) of technical and management information, including but not limited to: intellectual property and formulations, new product development process and results, business plans and strategies, financial condition, customer data and vendor information, and so on.

  2.3 甲方以书面或其他形式确定为商业秘密的资料和信息。Data and information which Party A in writing or otherwise identified as trade secret.

  第三条 保密期限

  Item 3 Confidentiality Period

  3.1 除非甲方通过书面形式明确本协议所涉及的某项保密内容可以不用保密,则乙方应从与甲方建立劳动关系之日起(包括试用期内),无限期保守甲方之商业秘密。Unless Party A make sure in writing that a certain confidential content covered by this agreement can not be confidential , then Party B should keep the Party A ’s trade secret for ever from the date of labor relations (including probation).

  第四条 泄密

  Item 4 Leakage of the Trade Secret

  4.1 凡未经甲方总经理或保密委员会书面授权而直接或间接以任何形式向任何人或任何组织透露上述、涉及保密内容的行为均属泄密。Without the written authorization of the general manager or security committee of party A, behaviors of directly or indirectly, in any form to any person or organization to disclose the above the content, are related to confidential disclosure.

  4.2 当甲方将有关保密内容的资料或信息交由乙方保管时,若因乙方保管不当造成该资料或信息的遗失、公开、泄露时,同样视为泄密。When Party A ask party B to keep relating to the contents of confidential data or information, if loss, publicity, disclosure caused by improper storage of the data or information, for party B, the same as a leak.

  第五条 违约责任

  Item 5 Liability for Breach

  5.1 如乙方行为造成泄密的.,应立即终止泄密行为以及因此而引致的侵犯甲方商业秘密的行为,积极协助甲方采取补救措施防止泄密范围的继续扩大,并向甲方支付由于违约行为而照成的经济损失,该损失包括:直接损失、潜在损失以及权利人为主张权利而支付的费用等。The trade secret leakage caused by the Party B’s behavior, those behavior should be immediately terminated and the acts of infringement on Party A ’s trade secrets should be immediately

  terminated; Party B should actively assist the Party A to take remedial measures to prevent the continued expansion of the disclosure, due to the breach, Party B should pay to Party A according to the caused economic losses, the losses include: direct losses, potential losses and the expenses of the allegation.

  5.2 若该泄密行为发生在甲、乙双方劳动合同关系存续期间,则乙方除承担上述责任外,甲方还有权无条件解除与乙方的劳动合同。If the leaks occurred during the term of the labor contract between Party A and Party B, In addition to assumption of these responsibilities by Party B, Party A has the right to unconditionally terminate the labor contract with Party B

  第六条 争议解决

  Item 6 Dispute Resolution

  6.1 如因本协议之履行发生争议,甲、乙双方应友好协商解决;协商不成,由公司所在地人民法院处理。If there is a dispute on implementation of this agreement, Party A and Party B should be settled through friendly consultations; otherwise by the local people's court in the area of the company, if negotiation fails.

  第七条 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具同等效力。

  Item 7 This agreement shall be held in two copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve one copy with equal legal effect.

  甲方: 乙方:

  Part A: Party B:


  Representative :

  Date : Date :


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