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Coffee as a Health Drink? Studies Find Some Benefits
Coffee is not usually thought of as health food, but a number of recent studies suggest that it can be a highly beneficial drink. Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious ailments, including diabetes, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver.
Among them is a systematic review of studies published last year in The Journal of the American Medical Association, which concluded that habitual coffee consumption was consistently associated with a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. Exactly why is not known, but the authors offered several explanations.
Coffee contains antioxidants that help control the cell damage that can contribute to the development of the disease. It is also a source of chlorogenic acid, which has been shown in animal experiments to reduce glucose concentrations.
Caffeine, perhaps coffee‘s most famous component, seems to have little to do with it; studies that looked at decaffeinated coffee alone found the same degree of risk reduction.
Larger quantities of coffee seem to be especially helpful in diabetes prevention. In a report that combined statistical data from many studies, researchers found that people who drank four to six cups of coffee a day had a 28 percent reduced risk compared with people who drank two or fewer. Those who drank more than six had a 35 percent risk reduction.
Some studies show that cardiovascular risk also decreases with coffee consumption. Using data on more than 27,000 women ages 55 to 69 in the Iowa Women‘s Health Study who were followed for 15 years, Norwegian researchers found that women who drank one to three cups a day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 percent compared with those drinking no coffee at all.
But as the quantity increased, the benefit decreased. At more than six cups a day, the risk was not significantly reduced. Still, after controlling for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, women who drank one to five cups a day - caffeinated or decaffeinated - reduced their risk of death from all causes during the study by 15 to 19 percent compared with those who drank none.
The findings, which appeared in May in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest that antioxidants in coffee may dampen inflammation, reducing the risk of disorders related to it, like cardiovascular disease. Several compounds in coffee may contribute to its antioxidant capacity, including phenols, volatile aroma compounds and oxazoles that are efficiently absorbed.
In another analysis, published in July in the same journal, researchers found that a typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than typical servings of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries and oranges.
"We were surprised to learn that coffee quantitatively is the major contributor of antioxidants in the diet both in Norway and in the U.S.A.," said Rune Blomhoff, the senior author of both studies and a professor of nutrition at the University of Oslo.
These same anti-inflammatory properties may explain why coffee appears to decrease the risk of alcohol-related cirrhosis and liver cancer. This effect was first observed in 1992. Recent studies,published in June in The Archives of Internal Medicine, confirmed the finding.
Still, some experts believe that coffee drinking, and particularly caffeine consumption, can have negative health consequences. A study published in January in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, for example, suggests that the amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee significantly decreases blood flow to the heart, particularly during exercise at high altitude.
Rob van Dam, a Harvard scientist and the lead author of The Journal of the American Medical Association review, acknowledged that caffeine could increase blood pressure and slightly increase levels of the amino acid homocysteine, possibly raising the risk for heart disease.
"I wouldn‘t advise people to increase their consumption of coffee in order to lower their risk of disease," Dr. van Dam said, "but the evidence is that for most people without specific conditions, coffee is not detrimental to health. If people enjoy drinking it, it’s comforting to know that they don‘t have to be afraid of negative health effects."
Drinking coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments(疾病,小病), including Parkinson’s disease, melanoma/mlnom/, prostate cancer, even suicide.
Americans sure love their coffee. Even last spring when the pandemic(流行病)shut downNew York,nearly everyneighborhood shopthat sold takeout coffee managed to stay open, and I was amazed at how many peopleventured(毛冒险,敢于)forth tostart theirstay-at-home dayswith a favorite store-madebrew(啤酒;煮咖啡;调制).
美国人的确很爱咖啡。 令人惊讶的是,即使在去年春天,当流行病袭击整个纽约,几乎所有出售外卖咖啡的社区商店都勉强营业时,很多人都愿意冒险出门,去商店煮一杯最爱的咖啡开始他们的居家生活 。
One elderly friend who prepandemic(疫情发生前) had traveled from Brooklyn to Manhattan by subway to buy herpreferredblend of ground coffee(咖啡粉;研磨咖啡) arranged to have itdelivered. “Well worth the added cost,” she told me. I use machine-brewed coffee from pods, and last summer whenit seemedreasonably(相当,合理地)safe for me toshop Istocked up ona year’s supply of the blends I like. (Happily, the pods are now recyclable.)
疫情前,一位老年朋友乘地铁从布鲁克林前往曼哈顿,购买她喜欢的咖啡粉,并安排送货。 她告诉我,“这额外的成本非常值得。” 我一般是用豆荚机煮咖啡。在去年夏天外出相对安全的时候,我去超市储备了我喜欢的混合咖啡一年的供应量。 (令人高兴的是,豆荚现在可以回收利用。)
All of us should be happy to know thatwhatever it took tosecure(获得)that favorite cup of Joe may actuallyhave helped to keep us healthy.Thelatest assessments ofthe health effects of coffeeand caffeine, its mainactiveingredient(成分,要素,配料), are reassuring(安心的,可靠的,令人放心的) indeed. Their consumption has been linked to areduced risk of all kinds ofailments, including Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, depression, suicide, cirrhosis, liver cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer.
我们所有人都应该对知道这件事感到高兴:实际上,尽其所能地获得最喜欢的咖啡可能有助于保持我们的健康。 对咖啡和咖啡因(其主要活性成分)的健康影响的最新评估确实令人放心。 他们的耗用量已经与降低各种疾病的风险联系在一起,包括帕金森病、心脏病、2 型糖尿病、胆结石、抑郁症、自杀、肝硬化、肝癌、黑色素瘤和前列腺癌。
In fact, innumerousstudies conducted throughout the world,consumingfour or five eight-ounce cups of coffee (or about 400 milligrams毫克 of caffeine) a dayhas been associated withreduced death rates.In a study of more than 200,000 participants followed for up to 30 years, those who drank three to five cups of coffee a day, with or without caffeine, were 15 percentless likely to die earlyfrom all causes than were people whoshunned(避开,躲开)coffee.Perhaps most dramatic wasa 50 percentreduction in the risk of suicideamong both men and women who were moderate(适度的) coffee drinkers, perhaps byboosting production ofbrain chemicals that have antidepressant(抗抑郁的) effects.
事实上,在世界各地进行的众多研究中,每天喝四到五杯 8 盎司咖啡(或约 400 毫克咖啡因)与降低死亡率联系在一起。 在一项对超过 200,000 名参与者进行长达 30 年的跟踪研究中,与不喝咖啡的人相比,每天喝三到五杯咖啡(无论是否含有咖啡因)的人因各种原因过早死亡的可能性要低 15%。 也许最引人注目的是,适度饮用咖啡的男性和女性的自杀风险降低了 50%,这可能是通过促进具有抗抑郁作用的大脑化学物质的产生。
Asa reportpublishedlast summer by a research team at the Harvard School of Public Healthconcluded, although current evidence may notwarrantrecommending coffee or caffeine topreventdisease, for most people drinking coffee in moderation “can be part of a healthy lifestyle.”
It wasn’t always thus.I’ve lived through decades ofsporadic(断断续续的;偶尔发生的)warningsthat coffee could be a healthhazard(危害). Over the years,coffee’s beendeemeda cause ofconditions such as heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, pancreatic cancer, anxiety disorder, nutrient deficiencies, gastric reflux disease, migraine, insomnia, and premature death. As recently as 1991, theWorld Health Organizationlisted coffee as a possible carcinogen(致癌物). In some of the now-discredited studies, smoking, not coffee drinking (the two often went hand-in-hand)was responsible forthe purported hazard.
但情况并非总是如此。 十几年里,我已经断断续续收到了一些警告,说咖啡对健康有害。 多年来,咖啡被认为是心脏病、中风、2 型糖尿病、胰腺癌、焦虑症、营养缺乏、胃反流病、偏头痛、失眠和过早死亡等疾病的原因。 就在 1991 年,世界卫生组织将咖啡列为可能的致癌物。 在一些现已不可信的研究中,吸烟,而不是喝咖啡(两者经常同时发生)是造成所谓危害的原因。
“Theseperiodic scareshave given the public a very distorted view,” said Dr. Walter C. Willett, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “Overall, despite various concerns that havecropped upover the years, coffee is remarkably safe and has a number of important potential benefits.”“
这些定期散播的恐惧让公众产生了非常扭曲的看法,”哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养与流行病学教授沃尔特 C.威利特博士说,“总的来说,尽管多年来出现了各种担忧,但咖啡非常安全,并且具有许多重要的潜在好处。”
That’s not to saycoffeewarrantsa totally clean bill of health.Caffeine crosses the placenta(胎盘) into the fetus(胎儿), and coffee drinking during pregnancy can increase the risk ofmiscarriage, low birth weight and premature birth. Pregnancyaltershow the body metabolizes(代谢变化) caffeine, and women who are pregnant or nursing are advised to abstain(戒) entirely, stick todecafor at the very least limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams a day, the amount in about two standard cups of American coffee.
这并不是说咖啡可以保证没有任何健康问题。 咖啡因穿过胎盘进入胎儿体内,怀孕期间饮用咖啡会增加流产、低出生体重和早产的风险。 怀孕会改变身体代谢咖啡因的方式,建议怀孕或哺乳的女性完全戒除咖啡因,坚持无咖啡因,或者至少将每天的咖啡因摄入量限制在 200 毫克以下,这大约相当于两杯美国标准杯的咖啡因摄入量。
The most common ill effect associated with caffeinated coffee issleep disturbance. Caffeine locks into the same receptor in the brain as the neurotransmitter adenosine, a natural sedative(自然镇定剂). Dr. Willett, a co-author of the Harvard report, told me, “I really do love coffee, but I have it only occasionally because otherwise I don’t sleep very well. Lots of people with sleep problems don’t recognize the connection to coffee.”
与含咖啡因的咖啡相关的、最常见的不良反应就是睡眠障碍。 咖啡因与神经递质腺苷(一种天然镇静剂)锁定在大脑中相同的受体中。 哈佛报告的合著者威利特博士告诉我,“我真的很喜欢咖啡,但我只是偶尔喝,否则我会睡眠不好。 很多有睡眠问题的人都没有意识到这与咖啡有关。”
In discussing hisaudiobookon caffeine with Terry Gross on NPR last winter, Michael Pollan called caffeine “the enemy of good sleep” because it interferes with deep sleep. He confessed that after thechallenging taskof weaning himself from coffee, he “was sleeping like a teenager again.”
去年冬天,迈克尔·波伦在 NPR 上与特里·格罗斯 (Terry Gross) 讨论他关于咖啡因的有声读物时,称咖啡因是“良好睡眠的敌人”,因为它会干扰深度睡眠。 他承认,在完成了让自己戒掉咖啡的艰巨任务后,他又能像一个青少年一样睡着了。
Dr. Willett, now 75, said, “You don’t have to get tozero consumptionto minimize the impact on sleep,” but he acknowledged that a person’s sensitivity to caffeine “probably increases with age.” Peoplealso vary widely inhow rapidly they metabolize caffeine, enabling some to sleep soundly after drinking caffeinated coffee at dinner while othershave trouble sleepingif they have coffee at lunch. But even if you can fall asleep readily after an evening coffee, it maydisrupt your ability toget adequate deep sleep, Mr. Pollan states in hisforthcomingbook, “This Is Your Mind on Plants.”
现年 75 岁的威利特博士说:“你不必为了尽量减少对睡眠的影响而达到零摄入量,”但他承认,一个人对咖啡因的敏感性“可能会随着年龄的增长而增加”。 人们在代谢咖啡因的速度方面也有很大差异,有些人在晚餐时喝了含咖啡因的咖啡后可以睡得很香,而另一些人则在午餐时喝咖啡后睡不着觉。 但是,即使你在晚上喝完咖啡后可以轻松入睡,也可能会破坏你获得充足深度睡眠的能力,波伦先生在他即将出版的书“这是您对植物的看法”中指出。
Dr. Willett said it’s possible todevelop a degree oftolerance to caffeine’s effect on sleep. My 75-year-old brother, aninveterate imbiberof caffeinated coffee, claims it has no effect on him. However, acquiring a tolerance to caffeine could blunt(减弱;变钝) its benefit if, say, you wanted it to help youstay alert and focusedwhile driving or taking a test.
威利特博士说,这有可能是咖啡因对睡眠的影响产生一定程度的耐受性。 我 75 岁的兄弟,一个长期饮用含咖啡因咖啡的人,声称咖啡对他的睡眠没有影响。 然而,如果你希望咖啡因帮助您在驾驶或考试时保持警觉和专注,则获得对咖啡因的耐受性可能会削弱其益处。
Caffeine isone of more than a thousandchemicals in coffee, not all of which are beneficial.Among others with positive effects arepolyphenols and antioxidants. Polyphenols can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes; antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory effects, can counter both heart disease and cancer, the nation’s leading killers.
咖啡因是咖啡中一千多种化学物质中的一种,并非所有化学物质都是有益的。 其中具有积极作用的是多酚和抗氧化剂。 多酚可以抑制癌细胞的生长和降低患2型糖尿病的风险; 具有抗炎作用的抗氧化剂可以对抗心脏病和癌症(心脏病和癌症是美国人的头号杀手)。
None of this meanscoffee is beneficial regardless of how it’s prepared. When brewed without a paper filter, as in French press, Norwegian boiled coffee, espresso or Turkish coffee, oily chemicals called diterpenes come through that can raise artery-damaging LDL cholesterol. However, these chemicals are virtually absent in both filtered and instant coffee.Knowing I have a cholesterol problem, Idissecteda coffee pod and found a paper filter lining the plastic cup.Whew!
这并不意味着咖啡无论如何制备都是有益的。 在没有滤纸的情况下冲泡时,如法式压滤机、挪威煮咖啡、浓缩咖啡或土耳其咖啡,称为二萜的油性化学物质会通过,会增加破坏动脉的低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。 然而,过滤咖啡和速溶咖啡中几乎不存在这些化学物质。 知道我有胆固醇问题之后,我拆开了一个咖啡包,发现塑料杯内衬有一个纸过滤器。 哇,真是太棒了!
Also countering the potential health benefits of coffee are popular additions some people use, like cream and sweet syrups, that can convert this calorie-free beverage into a calorie-rich dessert. “All the things people put into coffee canresult in a junk food withas many as 500 to 600 calories,” Dr. Willett said. A 16-ounce Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino, for example, has 51 grams of sugar, 15 grams of fat (10 of them saturated) and 370 calories.
同样抵消咖啡潜在健康益处的是一些人使用一些受欢迎的新增元素,如奶油和甜糖浆,可以将这种不含卡路里的饮料变成富含卡路里的甜点。 “人们放入咖啡中的所有东西都会导致垃圾食品的热量高达 500 到 600 卡路里,”威利特博士说。 例如,一杯 16 盎司的星巴克摩卡星冰乐含有 51 克糖、15 克脂肪(其中 10 克是饱和脂肪)和 370 卡路里热量。
With iced coffee season approaching,more people are likely to turn tocold-brew coffee. Now rising in popularity, cold brew counters coffee’s natural acidity and the bitterness that results when boiling water is poured over the grounds. Cold brew is made by steeping the grounds in cold water for several hours, then straining the liquid through a paper filter to remove the grounds and harmful diterpenes and keep the flavor and caffeine for you to enjoy. Cold brew can also be made with decaffeinated coffee.
随着冰咖啡季节的临近,更多的人可能会转向冷萃咖啡。 现在越来越受欢迎,冷酿可以抵消咖啡的天然酸度和将沸水倒在咖啡粉上时产生的苦味。 冷酿是将咖啡渣在冷水中浸泡几个小时,然后通过滤纸过滤液体以去除咖啡渣和有害的二萜,并保留风味和咖啡因供您享用。 冷萃咖啡也可以用不含咖啡因的咖啡制成。
Decaf is not totally without health benefits. As with caffeinated coffee, the polyphenols it contains have anti-inflammatory properties that may lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes and cancer.
无咖啡因并非完全没有健康益处。 与含咖啡因的咖啡一样,它所含的多酚具有抗炎特性,可以降低患 2 型糖尿病和癌症的风险。