- 相关推荐
1、假日游 vacation rip
2、蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour
3、境外旅游 overseas tour
4、一日游 one-day sightseeing
5、持证导游 licensed tourist guide
6、导游翻译 guide interpreter
7、实习导游 student guide
8、导游手册 tourist brochure
9、度假胜地 holiday resort
10、避暑山庄 mountainresort
11、国家公园 national park
12、古建筑群 ancient architectural complex
13、自然景观 natural scenery
14、人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest
15、旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots
16、山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andrivers
17、名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers
18、名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites
19、瀑布 waterfall /cascade
20、温泉 hot spring/ the thermal spring
21、青山绿水 green hills and clear waters
22、绿色葱葱lush green /luxuriant vegetation
23、百花竞放Hundreds of flowers contend to blossom
24、陵墓 emperors tomb/mausoleum
25、古墓 ancient tomb
26、石窟 grotto
27、楼 tower /mansion
28、台 terrace
29、亭阁 pavilion
30、塔 tower /pagoda
31、廊 corridor
32、石肪 stone boat
33、堤 causeway
34、洞穴 cave
35、岩洞 cavern
36、溶洞 water-eroded cave
37、石灰石洞 limestone cave
38、石笋 stalagmite
39、钟乳石 stalactite
40、湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion
41、水榭 waterside pavilion
42、莲花池 lotus pond
43、曲径 winding path
44、城堡 castle
45、寺庙 temple
47、天主教大教堂 cathedral
48、修道院 abbey /monastery
49、尼姑庵 Buddhist nunnery
50、佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land
51、宫殿 palace/hall
52、皇城 imperial city
53、御花园 imperial garden sandal wood fan antique /curio handicraft /artifact
54、出土文物unearthed cultural relics
55、甲骨文inscription on oracle bones
56、青铜器bronze ware
57、陶瓷 ceramics
58、陶器earthenware /pottery /crockery
59、法琅 enamel
60、泥雕clay figurine
61、兵马俑 the Qin terracotta army /the terracotta warriors and horses
62、折扇folding fan
63、檀香扇 sandal wood fan
64、古玩 antique/curio
65、手工艺品 handicraft
66、木雕 wood carving
67、竹雕 bamboo carving
68、贝雕 shell carving
69、浮雕 sculpture in relief /relief carving
70、藤条制品 wickerwork
71、雕漆器 carved lacquer ware
72、唐三彩 trio-Colored glazed pottery of the TangDynasty
73、金石印章 metal and stone seals
74、字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting
75、国画 traditional Chinese painting
76、山水画 landscape painting
77、水墨画 ink painting
78、文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of theChinese study
79、工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship
80、独具匠心 original design/unique pattern
81、造型美观 gracefully shaped
82、姿态逼真 lifelike /vivid as if alive
83、光彩夺目 emitting radiant sparkles
84、千颜万色、多姿多彩 of all hues and postures
85、一步一色 Every step brings a new scene.
86、绵延山峦 rolling ranges
87、湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills
88、景色如画 Picturesque
89、诱人景色 inviting views
90、景色宜人soothing vista
91、风光绪丽 most gorgeous scene
92、奇峰罗列 rows of perilous peaks exhibiting a great variety of shapes
93、拔地而起 to rise abruptly from the ground
94、光怪陆离grouped into grotesque and colorful forms
95、赏心悦目 pleasing to the eye /a feast to the eye
96、园林建筑 garden architecture
97、佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains
98、世界七大奇迹the worlds seven wonders
99、天下无双 second to none
100、天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth
101、天下第一奇洞 the most spectacular cave in the world
102、人间仙境 fairyland on earth
103、顶礼膜拜 to worship /to pay homage to
104、人如潮涌with throngs of people milling around
105、空前绝后 to be unprecedented /to have no parallel in history
106、人在画中游 traveling in a pictorial world
107、令人流连忘返to hold great attraction
108、国际旅行社 international travel service
109、旅行社 travel agency /travel service
110、旅游公司 tourism company 石窟 grotto
111、团体旅游 group tour 温泉 hot spring
112、春游 spring outing 皇陵 emperors tomb
113、秋游 autumn outing/fall excursion
114、蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour
115、境外旅游 overseas tour 亭阁 pavilion
116、一日游 one-day sightseeing
117、自然景观 natural scenery
118、旅游景点 tourist attractions/scenic spots
119、山水风光 landscape 莲花池 lotus pond
120、名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites
121、避暑胜地 summer resort
122、皇城 imperial city
123、度假胜地 holiday resort
124、避暑山庄 mountain resort
125、古建筑群 ancient architectural complex
126、瀑布 waterfall/cascade 塔 tower/pagoda
127、湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion
128、水榭 waterside pavilion
129、天主教大教堂 cathedral
130、佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land
131、御花园 imperial garden
132、行宫 temporary imperial palace
133、出土文物 unearthed cultural relics
134、兵马俑 the Qin terracotta army/the terracotta warriors and horses
135、cancellation 取消预定
136、imperial suite 皇室套房
137、presidential suite 总统套房
138、suite deluxe 高级套房
139、junior suite 简单套房
140、mini suite 小型套房
141、honeymoon suite 蜜月套房
142、penthouse suite 楼顶套房
143、unmade room 未清扫房
144、on change 待清扫房
145、valuables 贵重品
146、room rate 房价
147、standard rate 标准价
148、en-suite 套房
149、family suite 家庭套房
150、twin room you 带两张单人床的房间
151、double room 带一张双人床的房间
152、advance deposit 定金
153、reservation 订房间
154、registration 登记
155、rate sheets 房价表
156、tariff 价目表
157、porter 行李员
158、luggage/baggage 行李
159、registered/checked luggage 托运行李
160、light luggage 轻便行李
161、baggage elevator 行李电梯
162、baggage receipt 行李收据
163、trolley 手推车
164、storage room 行李仓
165、briefcase 公文包
166、suit bag 衣服袋
167、travelling bag 旅行袋
168、shoulder bag 背包
169、trunk 大衣箱
170、suitcase 小提箱
171、name tag 标有姓名的标签
172、regular flight 正常航班
173、non-scheduled flight 非正常航班
174、international flight 国际航班
175、domestic flight 国内航班
176、flight number 航班号
177、airport 机场
178、airline operation 航空业务
179、alternate airfield 备用机场
180、landing field 停机坪
181、international terminal 国际航班候机楼
182、domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼
183、control tower 控制台
184、jetway 登机道
185、air-bridge 旅客桥
186、visitors terrace 迎送平台
187、concourse 中央大厅
188、loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路
189、airline coach service 汽车服务
190、shuttle bus 机场内来往班车
191、广袤无垠的大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory
192、绚丽多姿的自然景观 gorgeous and varied natural scenery
193、如诗如画 poetic and picturesque
194、名胜古迹 places of historic interest and scenic beauty
195、兵马俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses
196、故宫 the Imperial Palace
197、五岳之首 the most famous of Chinas 5 great mountains
198、峻拔突兀 majestic and precipitous appeal
199、山外有山 mountains beyond mountains
200、融自然与文化景观于一体 embody natural scenery and cultural heritage
201、奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁 grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls, old-age pine trees and pavilions
202、历代文人雅士书法家 famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty
203、石刻碑文 stone inscription
204、重峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another
205、经典佳作 great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty
206、华夏祖先 Chinese ancestors
207、吉祥之地 propitious place
208、祭祀天地 offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth
209、联合国教科文组织 UNESCO(c=cultural,其他不必说了吧?)
210、世界自然与文化遗产 World heritage Commission
211、geological accident 地质变化
212、the earths crust 地壳
213、temperate climatic zone 热带地区
214、unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草
215、Great Barrier 大堡礁
216、Ayers Rock 阿叶尔斯石柱山
217、Cacadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园
218、Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院
219、skiing resort 滑雪场
220、gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值