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英语六级阅读自测试题 1
Ever since Herodotus2, the ancient Greek historianand traveler, first described Egypt as“the gift of theNile3”, she has been capturing the imagination of allwho visit her.
The awe -inspiring monuments, left by thePharaohs, Greeks and Romans as well as by the earlyChristians and Muslims, attract thousands of visitorsevery year — but the pyramids, temples, tombs, monasteries and mosques are just part of thiscountry’s fascination.
Modern Egypt —where mud-brick villages stand beside Pharaonic ruins surrounded by toweringsteel, stone and glass buildings — is at the cultural crossroads of East and West, ancient andmodern. While TV antennae decorate rooftops everywhere, from the crowded apartmentblocks of Cairo to the mud homes of farming villages and the goatskin tents of the Bedouins4,the fellahin throughout the Nile’s fertile valley still tend their fields with the archaic tools oftheir ancestors.
In the gargantuan5city of Cairo the sound of the muezzin6 summoning the faithful to prayercompetes with the pop music of ghetto blasters7 and the screech of car horns. Andeverywhere there are people : swathed in long flowing robes or western-style clothes, hangingfrom buses, weaving through an obstacle course of animals and exhaust-spewing traffic orspilling from hivelike buildings.
Spectacular edifices aside, the attraction of this country lies in its incredible natural beauty andin the overwhelming hospitality of the Egyptian people .
Through everything the Nile River flows serene and majestic, the lifeblood of Egypt as it hasbeen since the beginning of history.
Ⅰ. Give the synonyms to the following words:
1. archaic 2. swathe 3. incredible 4. screech 5. serene 6. gargantuan
Ⅱ. Translate the sentences into English with the words in parenthe ses :
1. 她的精彩表演使观众为之神往。( capture )
2. 她初见长城时, 敬畏之感油然而生。( awe)
3. 他被召进宫里。( summon)
4. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。( lie )
Ⅰ. 1. ancient / antique 2. wrap / clothe 3.unbelievable / inconceivable 4. shriek / scream 5.quiet / tranquil / peaceful 6. giant / huge /tremendous
Ⅱ. 1. Her brilliant performance captured theaudience’s imagination. 2. Her first view of the GreatWall filled her with awe. 3. He was summoned to thepalace. 4. The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.
自古希腊历史学家、旅行家希罗多德首次将埃及描述为“ 尼罗河的礼物”以来, 埃及就 一直让所有参观过此地的人为之神往。
法老们、希腊人、罗马人以及早期基督 徒和穆 斯林们遗留下来的历史遗迹使人产生敬 畏之心, 每年都吸引了成千上万的参观者— 金字塔、庙宇、陵墓、修道院和清真寺, 它们只 是这个国家令人着迷的事物中的一部分。
现代埃及泥砖搭建的村庄和法老王宫的废墟咫尺而立, 它们又被由钢铁、石块和 玻璃建成的.高耸的大厦所包围正处在东西文化和古今文明的交叉口上。无论是开罗 拥挤的公寓楼, 还是农场村庄的泥土房和贝都因人山羊皮搭成的帐篷, 这些屋顶上如今都 架着电视天线, 与此同时, 肥沃的尼罗河流域的农民们还依旧用先祖们曾使用的原始工具 照料着耕地。
在开罗这个大城市, 宣礼员召唤忠实信徒做祷告的声音与黑人音盒里放出来的流行音 乐及汽车喇叭的刺耳啸鸣交相呼应。到处都是人: 裹着飘拂长袍的或穿着西式服装的, 他 们有的悬吊在公交车外面, 有的在夹杂着家畜和排着废气的车辆的路上迂回穿行, 还有的 从蜂窝式的楼群里一涌而出。
除了富丽豪华的摩天大厦之外, 这个国家吸引人的地方还在于她那壮美的自然风光和 埃及人民极度热情好客的风俗。
尼罗河流过万物, 有史以来, 它就是那么静谧、高贵, 它是埃及的血脉。
英语六级阅读自测试题 2
Singapore is a small, flat, marshy island that hasbeen developed to become the most important portand business center in Southeast Asia and one ofthe ten wealthiest countries in the world in terms ofgross national product per capita2 .
Singapore has a population of 3. 5 million peopleand a high density of more than 500 people persquare kilometer. The superior infrastructure — especially the excellent port and internationalairport — has made Singapore the import and transshipment center for the region. It is one ofthe world’s largest oil refining centers3, where crude oil is unloaded and refined beforeshipment to the rest of Asia . These functions are complemented by a large variety ofmaritime service activities, including banking, insurance, communications, and consulting.
Singapore has diversified its service sector to include a wider range of financial,communications, and management activities and has attracted the regional headquarters ofmany multinational corporations. And tourism has also become a significant industry. Thisdiversification, as well as high consumption levels in the domestic market, allowed Singaporeto cope with the 1983 oil crisis and 1997 Asian financial crisis somewhat more easily than didother countries in the region.
Singapore has a population of diverse ethnicity and religion, but it is dominated ( 77 percent)by overseas Chinese, descendants of immigrants who moved to Singapore in the colonial periodand followed the religions of Buddhism and Taoism. Other groups include Malays ( about 15percent) and Indians ( about 7 percent, mainly Hindu) . Fertility rates are low in Singapore, andthe government has tried to promote more births among the highly educated in order toreduce labor shortages and ensure a workforce to support the older population. ColonialSingapore was residentially segregated, with the British living next to the government buildingson the east shore of the Singapore River4, Chinatown on the west riverbank, and Indian andMalay neighborhoods farther toward the east. There are remnants of this structure incontemporary Singapore, but the city is now characterized by dozens of tall office buildings,housing complexes, new towns and new industrial parks.
The government has made serious attempts to foster harmony between ethnic groups and tocreate a sense of national identity by designating four official languages ( Mandarin 064Chinese, English, Malay, and Indian Tamil) . They promote an Asian identity through schoolsand national military service that emphasize hard work, community consensus, and respectfor authority. They also enforce Singapore’s image of a clean and crime-free 5 environmentthrough very strict rules against litter and graffiti, media censorship, and licensing of satellitedishes and street entertainers.
Ⅰ. Complete the sentence s with the proper forms of the words given in parentheses :
1. The nation’s _______( consume) of coal decreased continuously last year.
2. Today’s bicycles are _______( descend ) of the earlier velocipede ( 早期的脚踏两 轮车) .
3. The Chinese are an _______ ( industry) nation.
4. _______( immigrate) can’t work in the United States without a permit.
Ⅱ. Complete each sentence with a proper word , and make changes if necessary: (characterize , fund, enforce, ensure , dominate)
1. Successful leaders events rather than react to them.
2. We can that the work shall be done in the right way.
3. This disease is by rash and high fever.
4. The responsibility that the police shoulders is to the law.
5. The space program is completely by the central government
Ⅰ. 1. consumption 2. descendants 3. industrious 4. Immigrants
Ⅱ. 1. dominate 2. ensure 3. characterized 4.enforce 5. funded
新加坡有350 万人口,人口高度密集,每平方公里就有五百多个人。新加坡的基础设 施完备,其港口和国际机场尤为精良,优越的条件已使新加坡成为东南亚地区进口和中转中心。新加坡也是世界最大的炼油中心之一,原油在这里卸载,进行精炼, 然后运送到亚洲其他地方。这些功能与种类繁多的银行、保险、通信和咨询等海事服务机构相辅相承。
新加坡人有着不同的种族和不同的宗教信仰,但海外华人处于支配地位(占总人口的 77%), 他们是殖民时期移民到新加坡的华人的后代,信仰佛教和道教。其他种族包括马来人(约占15%) 和印度人(约占7% ,主要是印度教徒)。新加坡的人口出生率不高, 因此政 府鼓励受过高等教育的人多生育,从而缓解劳动力不足, 确保人口结构的平衡。殖民地时 期的新加坡在住宅区实行种族隔离,当时英国人住的地方贴近伫立在新加坡河东岸的政府 大楼,唐人街在河的.西岸,而印度人和马来人住的地方离东岸更远。如今的新加坡还留有这种结构的残迹,但现在整个城市已到处都是高耸的写字楼、配套住宅区、新兴城镇和新兴工业园。
新加坡政府努力促进不同种族间的和谐相处,通过将四种语言定为官方语言(分别为 汉语、英语、马来语和印度泰米尔语),来促使每个新加坡人产生民族身份感。新加坡政府还通过教育和义务兵役制来强调努力工作、与社会保持一致和尊重权威的理念, 从而促进了新加坡国民亚洲人的身份感。新加坡政府还严格实施各种法规, 严禁乱扔垃圾和任意涂鸦,对媒体进行严格审查,并对圆盘式卫星电视天线和街头艺人颁发许可证来进行限制,以此树立新加坡环境清洁、治安良好的国家形象。
英语六级阅读自测试题 3
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
It would be all too easy to say that Facebooks market meltdown is coming to an end. Afterall, Mark Zuckerbergs social network burned as much as $ 50 billion of shareholders wealth injust a couple months. To put that in context, since its debut(初次登台) on NASDAQ in May,Facebook has lost value nearly equal to Yahoo, AOL, Zynga, Yelp, Pandora, OpenTable,Groupon, LinkedIn, and Angies List combined, plus that of the bulk of the publicly tradednewspaper industry:
As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook usersaround the world, its no surprise to anyone who read the initial public offering (IPO)prospectus (首次公开募股说明书). Worse still, all the crises that emerged when the companydebuted-overpriced shares, poor corporate governance, huge challenges to the core business,and a damaged brand-remain today. Facebook looks like a prime example of what Wall Streetcalls a falling knife-that is, one that can cost investors their fingers if they try to catch it.
Start with the valuation(估值). To justify a stock price close to the lower end of theprojected range in the IPO, say $ 28 a share, Facebooks future growth would have needed tomatch that of Google seven years earlier. That would have required increasing revenue by some80 percent annually and maintaining high profit margins all the while.
Thats not happening. In the first half of 2012, Facebook reported revenue of $ 2.24 billion, up38 percent from the same period in 2011. At the same time, the companys costs surged to $ 2.6 billion in the six-month period.
This so-so performance reflects the Achilles heel of Facebooks business model, which thecompany clearly stated in a list of risk factors associated with its IPO: it hasnt yet figured outhow to advertise effectively on mobile devices, The number of Facebook users accessing thesite on their phones surged by67 percent to 543 million in the last quarter, or more than half itscustomer base.
Numbers are only part of the problem. The mounting pile of failure creates a negativefeedback loop that threatens Facebooks future in other ways. Indeed, the more Facebooksdisappointment in the market is catalogued, the worse Facebooks image becomes. Not onlydoes that threaten to rub off on users, its bad for recruitment and retention of talentedhackers, who are the lifeblood of Zuckerbergs creation.
Yet the brilliant CEO can ignore the sadness and complaints of his shareholders thanks tothe super- voting stock he holds. This arrangement also was fully disclosed at the time of theoffering. Its a pity so few investors apparently bothered to do their homework.
61. What can be inferred about Facebook from the first paragraph?
A.Its market meltdown has been easily halted.
B.It has increased trade with the newspaper industry.
C.It has encountered utter failure since its stock debut.
D.Its shareholders have invested $ 50 billion in a social network.
62. The crises Facebook is facing_____
A.have been disclosed in the IPO prospectus
B.are the universal risks Wall Street confronts
C.disappoint its faithful users
D.have existed for a long time
63. To make its stock price reasonable, Facebook has to____
A.narrow the IPO price range
B.cooperate with Google
C.keep enormously profitable
D.invest additional $ 2.6 billion
64. It can be inferred from the context that the "Achilles heel" (Line 1, Para. 5) refersto____
A.deadly weakness
B.problem unsolved
C.indisputable fact
D.potential risk
65. What effect will Facebooks failure in the market have?
A.Its users benefits will be threatened.
B.Talented hackers will take down the website.
C.The CEO will hold the super-voting stock.
D.The companys innovation strength will be damaged.
61.C)。本题考查第一段的主旨大意。此种题型可以使用排除法,将各选项代入原文来验证对错。A)“脸谱网的市场崩溃已被轻而易举地制止了”,原文开篇指出,说脸谱网的市场崩溃将要结束未免太简单了.A)与原文不符,故排除;B)“脸谱网增加了与报纸业之间的商务往来”,原文首段末句plus that of…中的that指的是value,意指脸谱网自登陆纳斯达克以来,损失的价值等同于几个大型互联网企业加上大部分报业价值的总和,B)与原文不符,故排除;C)“脸谱网自股票上市以来遭遇了巨大失败”,由第一段中的burned,lost等词可以推断脸谱网上市后遭遇了巨大失败,故为答案。
62.D)。事实细节题。D)‘‘已经存在很长时间了”,与定位句中remain today的意思相同,故为答案。