Zeus2 told Prometheus to teach the mortals3 anything they needed to know in order to live . He was also to teach them the arts, so that they could build beautiful temples to honor the gods. There was, in fact, only one thing he could not teach them.
“You may give the mortals any gift except the gift of fire . ”Said Zeus.“ Fire belongs to the gods only, and must be kept on Mount Olympus4 . ”
Prometheus was happy to be of service5 to man. He taught people how to make their own tools and how to build homes for themselves. He taught them how to plant and grow their own food, and how to use animals to make their work easier. He even taught them how to make music and how to paint. But without fire, life on earth was very difficult. Food had to be eaten raw; houses could not be kept warm. Tools had to be of stone , because there was no fire for working metal.
Athena , daughter of Zeus, had been watching over6 Prometheus and had helped him in his work. Now, because Prometheus was kind and wanted man to be comfortable on earth, he called upon Athena to help him get fire from Mount Olympus. She knew that Zeus was away and promised to lead Prometheus to Mount Olympus by a secret path...
Just as he arrived Apollo came back from his day’s journey in his chariot7 of the sun. Prometheus lit a torch from the chariot and put the fire in a hollow stalk that he concealed under his cloak. Then he stole away without being seen by any of the gods, and brought his fire to earth.
When Prometheus lit the first campfire on earth, the people were afraid of it. But they trusted him, and so they came closer and closer and enjoyed the fire’s pleasant warmth and beautiful glow.
Prometheus knew that he would not have much time before Zeus discovered that he had been disobedient. But he also knew that, powerful as Zeus was, once a god had given a gift it could not be taken away. So he quickly taught the mortals how to use the gift of fire.
Ⅰ.Fill in each blank with word or phrase in the p as sage :
1. Zeus told Prometheus to teach the _______( 人类) anything they needed to know in order to live .
2. Prometheus was so happy to _______( 帮助) to man that he taught people how to make their own tools and how to build homes for themselves.
3. Athena , daughter of Zeus, had been _______( 监督) Prometheus and had helped him in his work.
4. Prometheus knew that he would not have much time before Zeus discovered that he had been _____( 违命) .
Ⅱ. Question : When the first campfire was lit on earth, how did human react to it?
Ⅰ. 1. mortals 2. be of service 3 . watching over 4. disobedient
Ⅱ. When the first campfire was lit on earth, the people were afraid of it. As they trusted Prometheus, they came closer and closer and enjoyed the fire’s pleasant warmth and beautiful glow.
宙斯让普罗米修斯传授了人类生存所必需的一切知识。普罗米修斯还必须教人类艺术, 这样人们就可以建造漂亮的庙宇来向诸神表达敬意了。事实上,只有一件事情他不能教 人类。
普罗米修斯很乐意帮助人类。他教人类如何制造工具和建造房屋, 教他们怎样种植庄稼及利用牲畜减轻劳动负担。他甚至还教人类如何创作音乐与绘画。但是没有火,人间的生活异常艰辛。人们吃的是生食,住的房屋也不保暖。因为没有火烧制金属工具,人们只能用石头做的工具。
宙斯的女儿雅典娜一直都在监督并在工作中帮助普罗米修斯。由于普罗米修斯很善良, 而且很想让人类在世间生活得舒适一些, 他就求雅典娜帮他从奥林匹斯山上取来火种。雅典娜知道宙斯不在, 就答应带普罗米修斯从一条秘密小道上了奥林匹斯山。
普罗米修斯刚刚到达山上,阿波罗就行完一天的旅程,驾着太阳战车归来了。普罗米修斯从战车上点燃一把火炬, 将火种放进藏在他的披风下面的空心的筒状物里面。就这样, 谁也没有看到普罗米修斯悄悄地偷走了火种并将其带到了人间。当普罗米修斯点燃人间的第一堆篝火之时, 人类感到害怕。由于信任普罗米修斯,他们渐渐靠近了火堆,感受着篝火带来的宜人暖意,观赏着美丽的火焰。普罗米修斯知道, 宙斯很快就会发现他违抗了命令。可他同样明白,尽管宙斯威力无边,可一旦一件礼物送了出去是不可能收回的。于是,他很快教会了人类如何使用火种。
The ancient Romans are probably best remembered as fighters. Fighting was certainly one of their favourite activities. According to the legend, the city of Rome was founded by the twin sons of Mars — the God of War. 1 The Romans were such successful fighters that no one could resist them. At its height2, the Roman Empire stretched from Britain in the west to Persia in the east, and from Germany in the north down to Africa. The most famous Roman leaders were soldiers —Agrippa , Hadrian, Mark Antony and Julius Caesar3 and the greatest works of Roman literature described many battles these leaders fought.
Even in peacetime the most popular form of sport in Rome was a battle between two professional fighters called gladiators. These men fought each other with swords and spears. Usually one gladiator killed the other. Gladiators also fought wild animals for the amusement of the Roman crowds. Such entertainments were called circuses, and it was often said that“bread and circuses”4 were the only two things the Romans needed to be happy.
But the Romans did not spend all their time fighting. They were great builders. They built wonderful temples and public squares, heated baths and leisure centers, huge arches5 to celebrate the victories of their generals, and fine private houses, decorated with statues, fountains and mosaics. Their ideas of town planning were very advanced. The roads they built were stright and strong. In many parts of Europe, Roman roads are still in use. 6
Ⅰ. According to the p as sage , fill in the blanks with proper words:
1. One of the favourite activities in ancient Rome was_____________ .
2. The entertainments that gladiators fought wild animals for amusement were called circuses, so there was a saying that_____________ and_____________ were the only two things the Romans needed to be happy.
3. Romans were great builders. They built wonderful_____________ and public squares, heated houses and_____________ and huge arches.
4. The Roman Empire was a wide state and it stretched from_____________ in the west to Persia in the_____________ , and from Germany in the north down to _______
Ⅱ. Question :
List two proverbs which are in relation to Rome.
Ⅰ. 1. fighting 2. bread / circuses 3 . temples / leisure centers 4. Britain / east / Africa Ⅱ. The die is cast. All roads lead to Rome.
古罗马人最为出名的可能要算斗士。搏斗理所当然地成为他们深爱的运动项目之一。 据传说记载, 罗马城是由战神马耳斯的双胞胎儿子所建。罗马人都是战功赫赫的斗士, 所 向无敌。罗马帝国鼎盛时期, 其疆域向西扩展至不列颠, 东到波斯, 自北面的德国向南直达 非洲。罗马最著名的领袖——— 阿格里帕、哈德良、马克· 安东尼、尤利乌斯· 恺撒都是斗 士, 而且罗马文学中最伟大的著作对这些领袖指挥的战斗都有所描述。
即使是和平年代, 罗马最流行的运动形式也是在被称为角斗士的两名专业斗士之间进 行的搏斗。过去这些人用剑和矛对打, 经常是两者必有一死。为了让罗马群众娱乐, 角斗 士还与野生动物打斗。这类娱乐方式被称为竞技。人们常说, 只要有了“ 面包和竞技”这两 样东西, 罗马人就可以过得快活了。
但是, 罗马人并没把所有时间都花在搏斗上。他们也是伟大的'建设者。他们建造了奇 特的庙宇、公共广场、温泉浴场、休闲中心、庆祝将军们凯旋而归的巨大拱门, 以及装饰有雕 像、喷泉和镶嵌图案的漂亮的私人会所。罗马人的城市规划思想非常先进。他们修造的道 路笔直而且坚固。在现代欧洲的许多地方, 罗马人修筑的道路仍在使用。
1. 传说战神马耳斯与一位国王的女儿生了对双胞胎罗穆卢斯( Romulus) 和瑞摩斯( Remus) 。然而, 邪恶的舅舅把他们丢弃在台伯河( Tiber River ) 上, 任其自生自灭。幸运 的双胞胎并没有被淹死。他们由一只母狼哺养长大, 后来被猎人救出。两人成年后, 决定建立城市。在修筑城墙时两人发生争吵, 罗穆卢斯杀死瑞摩斯成为罗马城创建者及 “ 王政时代”的第一国王。今天罗马城市的中心仍有一尊母狼哺乳婴儿的青铜像。至 今, 罗马城徽的图案就是一只母狼哺乳两个婴儿。
2. 这个词是形容词high 的名词形式, 意思是“顶峰, 顶点, 极度”, 如: reach the height of the mountain (到达山顶) ; The storm was at its height. (风暴正猛。)
Leonard da Vinci was a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a musician, an engineer, and a scientist. He was a man of many talents, a Renaissance man1 in the true sense of the word.
Leonard was born at a small town near Florence, where he was apprenticed to2 a painter. But he soon surpassed his masters in uniting precision of line with rhythm of movement, and in finding new ways to show light and shade.
Although Leonard is generally known as a painter, his actual output was very small. In fact today only about twelve paintings are looked upon as3 having been done by him. This is because his diverse interest, his far-ranging curiosity in nature and his endless scientific experiments and designings. To understand the man one has therefore , to read the 5, 000 notebooks in which he put down his observations in life and his sketch4 drawings.
Nevertheless, Leonard had profound understandings of art, which exerted5 great influence among the painters of his own generation and generations to follow. In painting he stressed the expression of emotional states, which , to him were, the heart of painting:
"A good painter has two chief objects — to paint man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard, for it must be expressed by gestures and the movement of the limbs . .. A painting will only be wonderful for the beholder by making that which is not so raised and detached from the wall."
His major works: Last Supper, many European art masters have painted on the same subject. But none of their versions has been as impressive as da Vinci's. And none has the enduring value in the art world as his.
Mona Lisa, if Last Supper is the most famous of religious pictures, then Mona Lisa probably is the world's most famous portrait. Mona Lisa had as its model wife of a banker. The quietly folded hands, the gaze that is directed at the observer, the ambiguity of the“smile”together help to create a curious effect and a secret effect.
Ⅰ. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words :
Leonard da Vinci is first known as a________ , and he is also a________ , an________ , a ________ , an________ , and a ________ . The amount of da Vinci's paintings is very small. There are only about________ paintings. For da Vinci, a good painter has two chief objects — to paint ________ and the ________ of his soul. In his famous work Mona Lisa , the quietly________ hands, the________ that is directed at the observer, the ambiguity of the "________ " together help to create a curious effect and a secret effect.
Ⅱ. Question :
What are da Vinci's famous paintings?
Ⅰ. painter / sculptor / architect / musician / engineer / scientist / 12 / man / intention / folded / gaze / smile Ⅱ. Last Supper and Mona Lisa .
列奥纳多· 达· 芬奇是一位画家、一位雕刻家、一位建筑师、一位音乐家、一位工程师 和一位科学家。他多才多艺, 是一位真正的文艺复兴新人。
列奥纳多出生在佛罗伦萨附近的一个小城镇上, 从小给一位画家当学徒。但是, 很快 他就超越了老师。他将清晰的线条与绘画的动态感和谐地结合在一起, 找到了显示光与影 的新方式。
虽然通常列奥纳多是作为画家而闻名, 可他的画作数量并不多。事实上, 今天也只有 12 幅画被认为是他的作品。之所以这样, 是因为他兴趣广泛, 对自然界充满好奇, 还做了 无穷无尽的科学实验及设计。因此, 要了解这个人, 就必须去读那5 000 份笔记。在那些 笔记中, 达· 芬奇记录了他在生活中的观察结果与许多素描。
尽管如此, 列奥纳多对艺术还是有着深刻的理解。这对与他同时代的人及后人都有着深 远的影响。在绘画方面, 他强调对人物情感的传达。对他而言, 这是衡量绘画优秀与否 的灵魂所在:
“ 优秀的画家有两大目标——— 画人和画魂。前者易而后者难, 因为后者必须通过人物姿 态及肢体语言来表达一幅挂在墙上的画, 只有给人以呼之欲出之感, 才算得上是杰作。”