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上海自由贸易区(Shanghai Free Trade Zone),简称上海自贸区。是中国政府设立在上海的区域性自由贸易区。自贸区于2013年8月22日获得国务院批准,并于9月29日正式挂牌。在该自贸区挂牌后的第一个工作日,前来咨询办理业务的人络绎不绝。事实上,自贸区没有挂牌前,已有一大批企业迫不及待地申请在上海自贸区辖区内注册。上海自贸区是中国主动选择的一个新的开放试点(pilot zone),目的是以开放促进改革。自贸区的设立不仅可以使贸易便利化,而且可以使加快贸易转型和升级。
Shanghai Free Trade Zone, referred to as SHFTZ, is a regional free trade zone set up by Chinese government in Shanghai. The free trade zone was approved by the State Council of China on August.22, 2013, and officially established on September 29 of the year. On the first work day after its establishment, there were many people coming for inquiry and services. In fact, even before the establishment of SHFTZ, a large number of companies had been eagerly waiting to apply for registration in SHFTZ. Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a new pilot zone initiatively selected by Chinese government, with the purpose to promote reform through opening up. The establishment of FTZ can not only facilitate trade, but also speed up transformation and upgrading of business.
苏州是中国著名的历史文化名城(historical and cultural city)。俗语有“上有天堂。下有苏杭”来形容苏州和杭州的美丽和繁荣。苏州地处长江三角洲,地理位置优越,气候湿润。旧时许多官员退休后来到苏州养老。
Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China. The saying "Suzhou and Hangzhou are Paradise on the Earth" vividly describes the beauty and prosperity of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Located at the Yangtze River Delta, Suzhou has good geographical advantages with humid climate. In the past, many officials came to Suzhou for living after they retired. Suzhou is known as "City of Gardens" all the time. At the time of Ming and Qing dynasties, there were a number of artists on landscape architecture in Suzhou. At the peak time, there were more than 280 private gardens and courtyards in Suzhou, many of which are well preserved by now and opened to the public. Today, numerous tourism activities are launched on Suzhou gardens, which attract nearly ten million tourists from home and abroad each year.
中国是一个餐饮大国。中国菜肴有许多流派,其中最有影响力和代表性的是中国“八大菜系”(“Eight Cuisines”of China)。这种分类已被广为接受。一个菜系的形成和它的悠久历史和独到的烹饪特色是分不开的。当然,也会受到这个地区的自然地理、气候条件和饮食习惯等的影响。中国“八大菜系”的烹调技艺和菜肴特色各有千秋。四川菜系,是世界上最著名的中国菜系之一。四川菜系以其香辣而闻名。没有品尝过四川菜的人不算来过中国(a failure of trip to China)。
China is a big country of cuisines. There are many schools of Chinese cuisines, among which the most representative and influential classification is "Eight Cuisines" of China. This classification has been widely accepted. The formation of a school of cuisine is inseparable from its long history and unique culinary specialties. It's also affected by local features of natural geography, climatic conditions and habits of diet etc. The "Eight Cuisines" of China have their own cooking techniques and flavors of dish which are different from each other. Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Sichuan Cuisine is famous for its spiciness. It'd be a failure of trip to China for people who don't have a taste of Sichuan Cuisine.