
时间:2022-03-23 09:12:56 英语词汇 我要投稿





  1. a bid to do sth. (为争取某物而作出的)努力

  2. above all 首先,尤其是

  3. act out 将……表演出来;用行动来表现(情绪)

  4. after all 毕竟,终究

  5. aim at 目标是;瞄准,对准

  6. all but 几乎,差不多;除了……外全部都

  7. as well as 也

  8. at a time 每次,逐一,一次

  9. at heart 内心里,本质上

  10. at home 在家里;无拘无束;在本国;(比赛)在主场

  11. at the moment 此刻,目前

  12. at the same time 同时

  13. at work 在工作;在起作用,在运转

  14. all in all 总的说来

  15. all manner of 各种各样的,形形色色的

  16. all over 到处,处处

  17. all the time 一直,始终

  18. all the way 一直,完全地;一路上

  19. along with 除……以外(还),与……同样地

  20. anything but 绝不,根本不

  21. as a result 结果,因此

  22. as far as 到……程度;就……而言

  23. as for/to 至于,关于

  24. as good as 几乎,差不多

  25. as if/though 好像,仿佛

  26. as it is/was 实际上,照现状

  27. as it were 可以说,在某种程度上

  28. as soon as 尽快

  29. be about to do sth. 即将、正要做某事

  30. be addicted to 沉溺于

  31. be based on 根据,以……为基础

  32. be better off 有较多钱,比较宽裕

  33. be in doubt 不肯定,不确定

  34. be involved in 牵涉到,涉及;参与

  35. be made up of 由……组成,由……构成

  36. be/keep/get in touch with 和……保持联系

  37. be critical of 对……挑剔,对……吹毛求疵

  38. be destructive of 对……有破坏作用

  39. be doomed to 注定

  40. be economical of 节俭;节省

  41. be embedded in sth. (使)嵌入,把……插入

  42. be enthusiastic about 热衷于

  43. be equivalent to 等价于,相当于

  44. be identical with/to 和……完全相同

  45. be indicative of 显示,表明,暗示

  46. be indifferent to 对……漠不关心

  47. be intent on 专注于……

  48. come at 扑向;(大量图像、问题等)涌向;考虑,处理(问题)

  49. come between 分开,离间;妨碍(某人做某事)

  50. come by 得到;访问,看望

  51. come down (物价等)下跌;落魄,潦倒

  52. come down to 可归结为

  53. come in for 受到,遭到

  54. come off 掉落,分开;发生;达到预期效果;停止(服药、吸毒)

  55. come on 登台,出场;改善,改进;加油;得了吧;开始;运转,运行

  56. come out 出现,显露;出版,发表;结果是

  57. come over 来访,拜访;(使某人)突然感到;被理解

  58. come through 安然度过

  59. come true 实现

  60. be on circuit 在巡回当中

  61. be out of control 无法管理,失去控制

  62. be pleased with 对……感到满意

  63. be tied to 被系在

  64. be used to 习惯于

  65. be willing to do sth. 愿意干某事

  66. bear/keep...in mind 记住……

  67. become of 使遭遇,发生于

  68. begin with 起初,开始;首先,第一点

  69. beside the point 离题的,不相关的

  70. black and blue 青一块,紫一块


  杂费 miscellaneous (incidental) expenses

  砸牌子 ruin reputation

  再贷款 re-lending; subloan

  在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator)

  灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction

  在建工程 project under construction

  在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction

  再就业服务中心 re-employment service center

  再就业工程 re-employment project / program

  宰客 swindle money out of customers

  在联合国的框架内 within the framework of the United Nations

  灾民 flood victims; flood-stricken people

  在全国范围内实行群防群控 mobilize the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak

  宰人 rip somebody off

  载人飞船 manned spacecraft

  载人卫星 manned satellite

  再生环保纸 recycled paper

  再生纸 recycled paper

  在途资金 fund in float

  在线(计算机) on-line

  在线网上书店 online bookstore

  载誉 come with the honor a person has won

  在职博士生 on-job doctorate

  在职研究生 on-job postgraduates

  在字面上兜圈子 festoons of words

  载人航天工程 the manned space flight project

  暂住证 temporary residence permit (card)

  脏弹 dirty bomb

  赃款赃物 proceeds of crime

  藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope

  脏乱差 dirty, disorderly and bad

  藏学 Tibetology

  藏学家 Tibetologist

  暂行办法 interim measure

  暂行规定 interim provisions

  造福子孙 bring benefits to our posterity

  造假帐 falsified accounts

  早恋 puppy love

  造林运动 afforestation drive (campaign)

  糟粕 dross

  噪声治理 noise abatement

  早市 morning session

  造型艺术 formative arts; plastic arts

  早发现,早报告,早隔离,早治疗 early detection, prompt reporting, swift isolation and early treatment

  责权利三结合 combination of responsibility, power and interest

  责任编辑 editor in charge

  责任田 farmland covered by contract

  责任制 responsibility system

  责任追究制度 accountability system


  总需求aggregate demand

  总供给aggregate supply

  企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture

  企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

  跨国公司cross-national corporation

  创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

  外资企业foreign-funded enterprise


  假日经济holiday economy

  人力资本human capital

  航空和航天工业aerospace industry

  飞机制造工业aircraft industry

  电子工业electronic industry

  汽车制造工业car industry

  娱乐业entertainment industry

  信息产业information industry

  知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry

  国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

  轻工业light industry

  制造业manufacturing industry

  垄断行业monopoly industries

  市场多元化market diversification

  市场经济market economy

  市场监管market supervision

  购买力purchasing power

  熊市bear market

  牛市bull market


  房地产real estate


  业主home owner

  个人购房贷款individual housing loan

  经济全球化economic globalization

  经济特区special economic zones (SEZ)

  经济增长economic growth

  泡沫经济bubble economy

  关税tariff纳税人tax payer

  宏观经济macro economy

  货币投放量the size of money supply

  流动性过剩excess liquidity

  经济过热overheated economy

  小康水平a well-off standard

















  1. a bid to do sth. (为争取某物而作出的)努力

  2. above all 首先,尤其是

  3. act out 将……表演出来;用行动来表现(情绪)

  4. after all 毕竟,终究

  5. aim at 目标是;瞄准,对准

  6. all but 几乎,差不多;除了……外全部都

  7. as well as 也

  8. at a time 每次,逐一,一次

  9. at heart 内心里,本质上

  10. at home 在家里;无拘无束;在本国;(比赛)在主场

  11. at the moment 此刻,目前

  12. at the same time 同时

  13. at work 在工作;在起作用,在运转

  14. all in all 总的说来

  15. all manner of 各种各样的,形形色色的

  16. all over 到处,处处

  17. all the time 一直,始终

  18. all the way 一直,完全地;一路上

  19. along with 除……以外(还),与……同样地

  20. anything but 绝不,根本不

  21. as a result 结果,因此

  22. as far as 到……程度;就……而言

  23. as for/to 至于,关于

  24. as good as 几乎,差不多

  25. as if/though 好像,仿佛

  26. as it is/was 实际上,照现状

  27. as it were 可以说,在某种程度上

  28. as soon as 尽快

  29. be about to do sth. 即将、正要做某事

  30. be addicted to 沉溺于

  31. be based on 根据,以……为基础

  32. be better off 有较多钱,比较宽裕

  33. be in doubt 不肯定,不确定

  34. be involved in 牵涉到,涉及;参与

  35. be made up of 由……组成,由……构成

  36. be/keep/get in touch with 和……保持联系

  37. be critical of 对……挑剔,对……吹毛求疵

  38. be destructive of 对……有破坏作用

  39. be doomed to 注定

  40. be economical of 节俭;节省

  41. be embedded in sth. (使)嵌入,把……插入

  42. be enthusiastic about 热衷于

  43. be equivalent to 等价于,相当于

  44. be identical with/to 和……完全相同

  45. be indicative of 显示,表明,暗示

  46. be indifferent to 对……漠不关心

  47. be intent on 专注于……

  48. come at 扑向;(大量图像、问题等)涌向;考虑,处理(问题)

  49. come between 分开,离间;妨碍(某人做某事)

  50. come by 得到;访问,看望

  51. come down (物价等)下跌;落魄,潦倒

  52. come down to 可归结为

  53. come in for 受到,遭到

  54. come off 掉落,分开;发生;达到预期效果;停止(服药、吸毒)

  55. come on 登台,出场;改善,改进;加油;得了吧;开始;运转,运行

  56. come out 出现,显露;出版,发表;结果是

  57. come over 来访,拜访;(使某人)突然感到;被理解

  58. come through 安然度过

  59. come true 实现

  60. be on circuit 在巡回当中

  61. be out of control 无法管理,失去控制

  62. be pleased with 对……感到满意

  63. be tied to 被系在

  64. be used to 习惯于

  65. be willing to do sth. 愿意干某事

  66. bear/keep...in mind 记住……

  67. become of 使遭遇,发生于

  68. begin with 起初,开始;首先,第一点

  69. beside the point 离题的,不相关的

  70. black and blue 青一块,紫一块


  杂费 miscellaneous (incidental) expenses

  砸牌子 ruin reputation

  再贷款 re-lending; subloan

  在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator)

  灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction

  在建工程 project under construction

  在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction

  再就业服务中心 re-employment service center

  再就业工程 re-employment project / program

  宰客 swindle money out of customers

  在联合国的框架内 within the framework of the United Nations

  灾民 flood victims; flood-stricken people

  在全国范围内实行群防群控 mobilize the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak

  宰人 rip somebody off

  载人飞船 manned spacecraft

  载人卫星 manned satellite

  再生环保纸 recycled paper

  再生纸 recycled paper

  在途资金 fund in float

  在线(计算机) on-line

  在线网上书店 online bookstore

  载誉 come with the honor a person has won

  在职博士生 on-job doctorate

  在职研究生 on-job postgraduates

  在字面上兜圈子 festoons of words

  载人航天工程 the manned space flight project

  暂住证 temporary residence permit (card)

  脏弹 dirty bomb

  赃款赃物 proceeds of crime

  藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope

  脏乱差 dirty, disorderly and bad

  藏学 Tibetology

  藏学家 Tibetologist

  暂行办法 interim measure

  暂行规定 interim provisions

  造福子孙 bring benefits to our posterity

  造假帐 falsified accounts

  早恋 puppy love

  造林运动 afforestation drive (campaign)

  糟粕 dross

  噪声治理 noise abatement

  早市 morning session

  造型艺术 formative arts; plastic arts

  早发现,早报告,早隔离,早治疗 early detection, prompt reporting, swift isolation and early treatment

  责权利三结合 combination of responsibility, power and interest

  责任编辑 editor in charge

  责任田 farmland covered by contract

  责任制 responsibility system

  责任追究制度 accountability system


  总需求aggregate demand

  总供给aggregate supply

  企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture

  企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

  跨国公司cross-national corporation

  创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

  外资企业foreign-funded enterprise


  假日经济holiday economy

  人力资本human capital

  航空和航天工业aerospace industry

  飞机制造工业aircraft industry

  电子工业electronic industry

  汽车制造工业car industry

  娱乐业entertainment industry

  信息产业information industry

  知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry

  国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

  轻工业light industry

  制造业manufacturing industry

  垄断行业monopoly industries

  市场多元化market diversification

  市场经济market economy

  市场监管market supervision

  购买力purchasing power

  熊市bear market

  牛市bull market


  房地产real estate


  业主home owner

  个人购房贷款individual housing loan

  经济全球化economic globalization

  经济特区special economic zones (SEZ)

  经济增长economic growth

  泡沫经济bubble economy

  关税tariff纳税人tax payer

  宏观经济macro economy

  货币投放量the size of money supply

  流动性过剩excess liquidity

  经济过热overheated economy

  小康水平a well-off standard