导语:复活是一本著名的外国名著,他给我们讲诉了: 精神是肉体的支柱,有些人虽仍活在世上,却只是行尸走肉。受人唾骂。相反之,有的人虽已死去上百年,然而即使再过上千万,他(她)的精神依然永存于世,受到世人的敬仰。欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!
Recently, I have finished the Russia in the 19th century the great writer's the Leo Tolstoy's works, "resurrection".
"Resurrection", Ming "refers to the dead again or life, real life can't be such a thing. I have a good understand of Tolstoy. It is not a science fiction writer, and I am interested in turn over the book.
The book tells the next elite youth - NieHe Christopher, early with a maid katyusha, silk have taken place in her love. NieHe leave after a military career, mentally contaminated, and later told the katyusha, silk made a cannot make up for her ugly behavior, and abandoned her, to make it fall. After many years, two people as prisoners and jurors reunited, the courts as a juror NieHe stay by his conscience condemnation. In order to "sin", and he began to her "rescue". On our way to rush about, NieHe Christopher witnessed the Russian peasants of misery and oppression of the aristocrat. The "rescue" final success. So NieHe leave Christopher decided to Siberia with katyusha · ma silk her exile. At this moment he felt, "after the words" the spirit.
After reading, I still don't understand, after a moment to meditate. Only gradually to think:
Spirit is the backbone of the flesh, although some people still live in this world, but only the walking dead. Being reviled. Contrary, some people are dead, hundreds of years, but even in tens of millions, he (she) of the spirit is still alive in the world, is the admiration of the world.
Among the fallen, there is also a new "cleared" self. Book hero NieHe Christopher, was a young boy, he from the pure innocence after a military career, depravity, finally restored self in spirit. This reflects the corruption of the Russian political at that time.
复活节诗歌: 复活03-01