
时间:2021-05-12 15:39:55 高三年级英语作文 我要投稿




高三英语作文 篇1

  ragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival, is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] it has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well, most notably korea.

  the exact origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring states period. he committed uicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating qu's body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

  in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as "poets' day", due to qu yuan's status as china's first poet of personal renown.

  today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of qu's dramatic death.

高三英语作文 篇2

  Some people in the fierce competition of the rough waves swept away, has never recovered. Some people are against the tuyere, set foot on top, on the shore, they succeeded. Because they have much a stick to it. Forefront for them is not a stumbling block, but padding their own foundation.

  Born easy, live easy, life is not easy. Life is a process of life. No wind, no rain? It is because of the baptism of wind and rain to see the colorful rainbow; With the pain of failure will taste the joy of success. Turgenev in the rudin, said: "although our life short and small, but great everything is caused by the hand of the people; a life, realize the lofty mission, that is their supreme happiness in life." We are to create this society, inevitably some injury, through the tears.

  Time, fast turn, across one dream magic song.

  Life, be about to rush out a way to! In order to cause, in order to struggle in life, despite losing a lot of, but is there will be! And are often more important than lost, it is the value and meaning of life.

  Life is long, the years.

  How can we predict the future? But only clear conscience my heart! Life, because there is competition, people have power; Life, because of the struggle, the people to the pursuit of excellence.

  Smoke in life, like a cloud, the wind. Transient. "Only the people and the backing car, there is no reverse time and road", since we came to today, and possession of today's social status and responsibility, only forward, forward, forward again! Don't retreat. Young people, more important is to see tomorrow, seize today, forge ahead in the quiet, perhaps before the sun mountain tomorrow, you created a miracle again!








高三英语作文 篇3










  表并列或递进:and,both…and...,neither…nor,not only…but also...;


  表转折或让步:but,although,though,however,even though,inspite of,on the contrary;


  表举例:for example,such as,that's to say;

  表强调:in fact,of course,besides;

  表时间顺序:when,after,before,as soon as,soon,after;

  表因果关系:because,since,as,for,for this reason,as a resu<

  表结论:in a word,to sum up,in summary,in conclusion,on the whole.





  初中阶段英语写作常用的句式如下:There be…;the more…the more…;It’s adj for sb to do something;I think/believe/suppose…(宾从);It can’t be put into realexperiment.(被动)等。






  比如:在书面表达My dream中,大部分的作文都还是停留在表面上。但这个例子:I want to be a good father because my daddy was always so busy when Iwas a little boy.He had no time with me and my mum…虽然文章的文采并不是很好,但很有真情实感,令读者有心动的感觉,也是好文章。







  一些同学的办法往往是背一堆范文,然后再到考场上进行一个“剪切”、“粘贴”的工作,真正的模仿重点永远要放在一定的句式结构上,而非个别的词汇。有一个句式说:“…for the simple reason that…”表示某种现象的原因是什么,用在高考写作中,我们就可以拿来解释为什么自行车在中国如此的流行:“The bicycle is very popular in China for the simple reason that…”。然而,很多同学一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”。如果要表示“总是能够”的概念,很多同学提笔就会写can always,但理想的句子应该是用双重否定表示强烈的肯定,用never fail to。


  在批改过上万份同学们英语作文中,经常能发现一些将中文生硬地翻译成英文的表达法。有一句话叫做“立志如山,行道如水”,写英文作文,一定要有决心把它 写好,有信心把意思表达清楚,这是“立志如山”;但关键是遇到问题时要有个灵活的态度,能像流水一样变通解决问题。有个翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议 的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“What is it made of”本来是非常简单的一个问题,结果翻译太紧张,忘了“egg”这个词,但是他急中生智,回答:“It is made of Miss Hen’s son.”这里,就是一个灵活变通的范例。绕道表达,是写作中应该常常运用的一种方法。


  注意英语中一些表达上的`习惯。比如在正式文体的写作中,很少用 “it isn’t”这样的略缩形式,而往往是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期一般不缩写,阿拉伯数字一般会用英文表达(特别长的数字除外)。

  许多同学在写作文时,习惯于把“since”“because” “for”这样的词放在句首引导原因状语从句。事实上,在我们见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,这样的从句一般都是放在主句之后的。另外, “and”也常常被误放在一句话的开头,表示两个句子之间的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能发现,如果是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;如果是递进关系,用“furthermore” “what is more”更为普遍。




高三英语作文 篇4


  One should know how to Thanksgiving, the Institute of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving parents, Thanksgiving parents give everything we have, on the road of life, who gave you life, who is to teach you the truth in life, it is you who give when you fail to encourage...... Of course, your parents, is that they give you endless love.


  They want to the top of the mountain in the morning, lit up the dark earth; they like the rainbow after the rain, warm the heart of each person; they want to the blue sky, red throughout the world! How great they are ah, not only gives us life, gave us the infinite love, give us a room for survival.


  Ah! Father, mother, you are great, your blood dyed the whole sky, with your love to describe the whole world!


  The word of gratitude, we should always bear in mind, Thanksgiving parents give us everything, even should Tu Yongquan, repay, but Thanksgiving is the word we must always bear in mind.


  Father, mother, thank you very much for your help, I now just want to say to you, my dear father and mother, I love you, thank you for my love, that the one and only love thank you, mom and dad.


  Everyone should learn to be grateful, grateful, only in this way, the world will be more beautiful!

高三英语作文 篇5




  Blood donation, the word is not unfamiliar, but how many people dare not donate blood?. I say, donating blood isn't that scary.

  As you all know, blood donation is a charity activity, blood donation is to help those who are seriously ill, I think, blood donation does not need to be formatted, but to have affinity. The blood itself is a good help, but because some people are afraid of blood, but they know that a drop of blood. They can save the lives of many people, you know, only one person's life, you gave blood, someone ran back from the hands of the disease, you don't give the precious blood, someone may have lost their lives. Come and go, a difference of two lives, you don't bear to see others put out the candle of life, but do not give it a little blood, you know the blood is not a little harm to us, but to others, this is a life, or even dozens of. The patient is well, thank you so much to their loved ones; the patient has gone, although their family will not blame you, but you have lost the love that one has. In my eyes, blood donation is glorious, is proud of, is the purification of the soul, is the test of love, is to help people, help others, is valuable, is the embodiment of our friendship between people. Mutual aid. An exam of unity. We test full marks is very simple, just give a little bit of blood, but some people, that is, can not break through the barrier, life test, only so simple, but to test 100 points, not only knowledge, but also love!

  The significance of voluntary blood donation is not how much you give, but the key is that you do 100 points, because you are a person with love, those who only have knowledge and no love, can not be compared with you!

高三英语作文 篇6

  We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.

  Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.

  Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates. At last, they become waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Once it is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment. The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called white pollution as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.

  Organic waste: it refers to waste from living things, including waste from animals, plants and people. Some parts of vegetables are thrown away as waste because they don’t taste good. In the past, people cooked their food using burning coal, so there left the burned coal, which is useless, like the thrown vegetables. All this sorts of waste contain organism, so it is called organic waste.

  Actually, we also have inorganic waste, the opposite to organic waste, including building waste, broken pottery and china, and cinder.

  The last part is harmful and poisonous waste, such as used batteries, electrical apparatus and medical supplies. Computers and TV sets are one part of electrical apparatus. You see, the old electrical apparatus can set off some dangerous rays and make the soil harder, even damage the under ground water. Mobile phones are as dangerous as computers and TV sets. As we know, X-rays can be used to examine patients, but the X-rays machines are dangerous when they are thrown away without any treatment. They can’t be used to treat the sick, but they still can give off rays. For the normal people, they can be dangerous. So, we must think about this problem.

  As waste has four sorts, we can sort them into each sort that they belong to. It’s convenient to treat them after they are sorted. Then we can deal with them sort by sort. We have thought out some methods like storing them in order to change them into plant food, or burning them in a huge stove and use the heat to make electricity. For the first way, the change rate is much too low and it may pollute the under ground water. For the second one, of course it’s wonderful if it’s easy to be tried out. But to build such a huge stove will cost too much. Not a good method. Now you see, treating waste is not an easy job.

  From what has been discussed above, we can do something to our home—the earth. We should make full use of things. At the same time, we’d better reduce its harmful effect as much as possible.

  We can do from the basic of waste. That’s to say, we can reduce the production of waste, and reuse and recycle them as much as we can. Take material waste for example. Nearly all of them can be recycled and reused. And, we should call for using things made of paper instead of plastics so as to protect our environment.

  Protecting the environment is not one person’s duty; it depends on all of us. What can we do? Maybe a dozen..

  In a word, use what can reuse as much as possible. Remember, environment protection is not one’s duty!

高三英语作文 篇7

  To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!

  Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:

  1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.

  2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);

  3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.

  4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded.

  5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.

  6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.

  7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.

  8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.

  9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.

  10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.

  11. Allowed the railings across the road.

  These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...

  Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland’s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!

高三英语作文 篇8






高三英语作文 篇9


  A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.

  The Dormitory Committee

  April 2nd, 20xx

高三英语作文 篇10

  How time flies, it is a year, this morning, the winter holiday will begin school。 I like past holidays, there will always be on the first day of the holiday started, make a plan for the feasible, purpose is in order to be able to make myself in the holiday, have a more happy and substantial, and can learn more knowledge outside, and after a joy。

  I want to develop my interests and hobbies, I want to practice calligraphy, together with dad grow up can also write good word。 See the TV news report, understand the society。 I more exercise and keep healthy。

  I want to insist on keeping a diary, composition。 Before, I write diary "dry", mainly is the lack of observation; Later, I'm going to look at 30 minutes a day of extra—curricular, put some thoughts and recorded during winter vacation, and some meaningful person or thing written in the article。 See some excellent composition, learn other people's writing strengths。 To find on the Internet to write good articles, learn from somebody else's learning。 In addition, I have a brochure, called "diary of a small material", at ordinary times is trivial to observe, record some wonderful things, writing an article that is a good material! When the time comes to write something, then don't worry about "there's nothing to write"!

  Visiting relatives and friends, do civilized manners, respect their elders, to the relatives and friends about their own learning, to their peers share their experiences in learning。

  This is my winter vacation plan, I not only want to strengthen learning, also want to do more to help parents, do you think I do this winter holiday plan?














