
时间:2021-01-28 14:43:03 英语读后感 我要投稿





  Anne frank's diary, it is a jewish girl Anne frank wrote a diary. A few years after she was born, the second world war, war, Nazi police crazy killing of jews in Germany. Soon, the jews in Germany almost live not bottom go to, the family had to move to the Netherlands. But even in the Netherlands, the jews but also for the day. They can only be stipulated by the local shopping, learning; Only in the stipulated time to go out; Cannot use the traffic tools; Can not participate in any sports and recreational activities... But soon after, the jews even did not have the right, should be captured by the germans, Dutch Nazi police began in local slaughter the jews. In order to survive, a a van Dan and dentists and Anne · o du searle has been admitted to the chamber of secrets, not see the sun all day long, so the whole 25 months. After 25 months, due to being sold, the police found the chamber of secrets and took away all the people. They were put into concentration camps, Anne's father was the only one who survived. Anne's father found the diary and delivered.

  Why the jews is to "enjoy" that nonhuman life? Because of the inequality between people, the noble and lowly. Noble people don't put the downtrodden people when people look at, along the way, there are two results: either the noble people feel downtrodden people don't deserve to live in this world, war, kill beneath; Either a downtrodden people don't want to this life, start a war, want to rebel. Look, inequality between people, only one result: war!

  We don't say much, we say that close. Japan had to fight against our Chinese, why? Just look down on us Chinese, feel we don't have so big of countries; We Chinese feel unfair, want to resist, and Japan to play up. Look, even our war between China and Japan because of the inequality between people.

  's opinion, the equality, the only world peace!






  Anne, she spent 25 months to hide, but still could not escape the fate of gestapo put into concentration camps. Annie she but 13 years of age, but to give up belongs to the child's innocent and free these rights, to bear the ten million kinds of misfortune and fear of fate. And all this only because Anne was a Jew.

  In his book, Anne wrote: "paper is more patient than man. In the long 25 months, she used her pen, she used her dream, burn down every day when she was hiding in the chamber of secrets and your growth.

  Anne is unfortunate, and she is lucky. Because of her wish, I hope I will still be alive after death. She is so lucky.

  Anne 13 years old began to write diary, to less than 16 years old she died in concentration camps. Annie derived from god that writing talent, she has her own dream -- to be a journalist and writer. In more than two years, in the harsh conditions, she continued to write diary. In the diary, she wrote down her own loneliness, fear of war, opposite the pursuit of love, as well as the free life yearning and looking forward to. She wrote the original does not belong to her age should experience the fate of.

  If no trouble, Anne if she s living in peace, so, when she grow up, maybe don't have to grow up, she will become a great writer, but all this, who knows?

  Anne for 25 months, in the chamber of secrets in her in the chamber of secrets missed originally belonged to her green free and happy.

  Anne in the chamber of secrets can know is so limited, Annie is a girl of chips is, that she is making love, active, to the world, the age of the life is full of hope. In the narrow space, she can activities and she is almost not accompanied by their peers, and enjoy the pleasure of less than their peers.

  That stupid war is like a heavy yoke, thus we fortunately, construction of homes held in smoke fire, destroyed. The inhuman racial discrimination, deprived of countless people's freedom.

  Brutal war can destroy everything, but can not destroy the heart of a strong, brave, freedom! I seem to see Anne in the crazy roar of fascism, smiled and said, "I believe that good." Annie has been using her kindness to see the world, with her desire to opposite.

  Anne has come true, in a way.



















