
时间:2021-01-30 18:06:14 其他类英语作文 我要投稿





  以四大块为主体,每次可以从中抽出一些成分组成文章。你要是细心的话,做完10套历年真题,你就会发现这些句子是我从真题中精挑细选出来的,万能啊。 引例:

  Just as apparently betrayed in the picture/outline above ,------ .

  Relating this phenomenon to reality we find this issue does exist today . one case in point is ------. Take ------ as another example . Evidence from ------ also supports this theme. 原因:

  What might account for the phenomenon ? For one thing, XXX can be seen as a response to the (economic growth / cultural diversity / fierce competition / necessity of innovation ). For another , it is rooted in the development of science and society . Still another factor goes way deeper : chinas reform and opening-up policy / advancement give birth to XXX . 作用:

  We usually see the XXX as the key role to ones succes / ability / reputation / mature / development of society / personal growth .

  (1) 好处That matters because ------ .I see betterment is triumphing over adversity . The more XXX ,the better you are going to be .

  (2) 坏处When it comes to the reality ,we have to lose sleep meanwhile bit our nails . XX develop the mind as well as the body .

  XX help me to finish the work smoothly .

  XX makes our lives more convenient .

  XX can help us to meet the requirement of social development .

  XX enhance ones abilities of learning .

  XX is the necessity to help adolescents set up spiritual ideals , scientific beliefs and right outlook on life .

  XX stand up for ones right .

  XX fulfill ones obligation .

  以上为对个人的作用(furthermore / meanwhile / likewise )以下为对社会的作用 XX sustain our economic growth .

  XX increase cultural exchange with other countries .

  XX maintain social stability .

  XX protect the environment against pollution and save resource .

  XX is the urgent need of constructing the harmonious society and promoting the social development .

  XX is essential to harmonize the relationship between human and nature .

  XX can enhance ones competitiveness of adapting to globalization .


  To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke ,

  The best strategy is that many proposed XX legislation is doing the rounds in government . Only when strict punishment is imposed on the lawless can social stability be maintained . Discipline is to XX what water is to fish . Meanwhile we should improve our consciousness of XX.

  Swift action is imperative . Otherwise ,there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of XX / glorious prospect / virtue .









