
时间:2022-11-10 13:50:16 初二年级英语作文 我要投稿





  The caterpillars spin themselves into cocoons, and eventually emerge from the cocoon, become butterflies, and achieve the perfect metamorphosis of life in the struggle. Eagle extricate the feather, fight the long sky, get the life extension, in the strong middle of the transformation of youth. And I, in the process of growing up, will experience countless pain and failure. I believe in failure and pain. I will continue to grow and welcome new life and show my life.

  When I first entered the first grade, I felt so lost and helpless, as if I had lost my way of life. I was the little princess of my family, and my father, my mother and my grandmother were all "on my knees". At school, I was the main character in the class, the good student in the eyes of the teacher. The halo of "excellent student" and "class cadre" makes me shine. Now, my parents' nagging seems to make me a punching bag. Compared with the excellent classmates in the class, I also became an unassuming grass, and seemed to be the extra person in the world. I was lost, helpless and even secretly weeping. I often ask myself, why am I not the center of the world, the object of attention? Where do I go?

  One day, I looked up and saw a little bird jumping up and down in a tree. There was no applause, no flowers, no peer's attention, it still cried so hard, so happy. I was so enlightened that I couldn't help feeling thankful that the "I" of the past was so childish that other people's attention was only secondary, and my own attention was the most important. We can't impose on others, but we can make our lives better. To get something in return, you have to give a smile.

  Although xiang yu is a powerful man, zhuge liang has three points of wisdom, but the power of people is sometimes small, and there is nothing they can do about it. On the road of life, we have to choose to face reality at any time. In P.E. class, the students were eager to show their presence on the runway, and I was involved. Whistle sounded, everyone rushed out, gritted my teeth, my arm harder try desperately, KeJiao how also don't listen to your boss, I saw the students one by one in front of me, I have to face the reality of himself on the sports indeed at a disadvantage. "Flowers have all kinds of red, people have different", everyone has their own different strengths, everyone can't succeed every time, failure is not to be taken, it is important to face.

  The ant is a famous hercules of the animal kingdom. The stream is shallow, but it can make a big ocean. As long as you are steadfast in your ideals, always try hard, stupid birds will fly first. When I was in junior high school, I felt that I had grown up three times and lost the position of the main character. When I fail, I choose to face it bravely. I let my ideals grow when life is at a low ebb. Life is a long way, and I will realize the perfect metamorphosis of life with my self-confidence and persistence.


  莫奈,克劳德(1840年11月14日出生于法国巴黎-1926年年12月5日,吉维尼)法国画家,印象派风格的发起者、领导者和坚定的倡导者。他被认为是典型的印象派画家,因为在他漫长的职业生涯中,他对运动理想的热爱是坚定不移的,他的一幅画《日出“(muse marmottan,paris1872年)——给了这个团体他的名字。他的青年时代是在勒阿弗尔度过的,在那里,他最初是一名优秀的漫画家,但后来被他早期的导师布丹转变为风景画,他从布丹那里获得了对户外绘画的强烈偏好。1859年,他在巴黎瑞士工作室学习,并与毕沙罗建立了友谊。在阿尔及尔服了两年兵役后,他回到勒阿弗尔并见到了jongkind,他说他应归功于他所接受的"我眼中的权威教育"。然后,在1862年,他进入巴黎格雷的工作室,在那里遇到了雷诺阿、西斯利和巴兹尔,与他们一起组成了印象派小组的核心。莫奈对户外绘画的'热爱从他最雄心勃勃的早期作品之一《花园里的女人》的著名故事中可见一斑。1866-67).这幅画大约有2.5米高,为了让他能够在外面画出所有的画,他在花园里挖了一条沟,这样画布就可以通过滑轮上升或下降到他需要的高度。库尔贝在他工作的时候拜访了他,并说莫奈甚至不会画背景中的树叶,除非光线条件完全正确。









