
时间:2024-04-03 08:39:02 节日类英语作文 我要投稿




妇女节英语作文 篇1

  Today is "38" women's day, also is our mother's birthday, I don't have any special gift for mom, will write a composition as a gift to my dear mother.

  Mom, you have a pair of industrious hand, these hands are small, but of years trace, appear extremely coarse. However, our home is without your hands. Every day, your sisters and father and for us this home toil; Early in the morning, you made haste, and get up first thing is we both face and comb my hair, cooked breakfast, sweep the floor,... Come back from work at night also want to cook dinner, wash clothes, tutoring job... In short, every day have a lot of things waiting for you to do. I look at you every day busy work, I really want to grow up quickly, can you share some household chores. Now I can only say to you: "mom, you were laborious! I will study hard, live up to your expectations of me!"

  Mom, do you have a pair of dexterous hand. I would like to wear as a child you knitting a sweater for us, until now I still in your woven in the red sweater for me to go to school. Every day you also many for us all sorts of beautiful braid, the classmates envy we have a very good mother, you also can write a good hand, writing well, often the sisters coaching job for us. Mom, I also want to say to you: I wish you good health! Happy birthday! A happy holiday! "

妇女节英语作文 篇2

  38 women's day, mother's holiday, what should I send to my mother? I think about it. At last I was able to move, why not give her a happy evening? So I got busy.

  "Bang" mother came back, when she turned back, "wow" and called up, because she saw a great dinner. At this time, I came out, and as soon as I came out, my mother asked me, "is this what you did?" I replied, "yes," Mama laughed and said, "my daughter will cook!" I said again happily, "this is a meal I gave you..."

  I laughed and said, "today is your holiday!" Mother laughed in surprise. I pushed her to dinner and wanted her to taste my craft. My mother had repeatedly praised me and said: "your craft is really good! I was very proud, and then I tasted "hard to eat", I said. But mom doesn't care...

  This night is happy!

妇女节英语作文 篇3

  Today is the 38 women's day, and I'm excited to tell my mother, "you don't work today. Let me do it for you!" My mother didn't let me do it at first. I said, "you can only have a holiday that belongs to women in a year. Mom is finally told by my mouth. In the evening, I help my mother wash her feet. In an instant, I seem to have returned to my childhood. At that time, my mother helped me to wash my feet, because I was only three years old, when a seed slowly grew into a beautiful flower, that is, mother's "water" gave me strength, gave me life and gave me nutrition.

  Without my mother, I would have nothing! Mother is the source of my life!

妇女节英语作文 篇4

  Today is the international working women's day, what to send to the mother? I think, my mind suddenly a bright, "had, my mother likes to eat chocolate, I give her seventy-two chocolate good, put the chocolate into the words" happy women's day." I said quietly. Problem again, however, so much chocolate, from where? I think: "yes, dad bought me a lot of chocolate last time, plus the chocolate in the joyful, should be enough!" I immediately took out the dad bought chocolate, forty, with sweet, a total of seventy-two, just enough, I was very happy.

  I came to the restaurant, wipe the table clean. The chocolate into "happy women's day". First put a "female" word, and then put a similar false words. Then, or a "female". Place a "section" the word again. Finally put two words "happy". Set, I hurriedly eat, eat good also put the bowl chopsticks to pick up again after, can let my mother do some work less, more rest for a while, after all, thank you today is mother's holiday. I entered the room, to do the homework, such as mother get out of bed. After a while, mother came out, she saw that a few "shining" words, could not help but say: "Ivan! Thank you, thank you! You finally grown up!" Two strands of tears, her eyes out. I answered: "mother, thank you for your support, you are the hero in my mind, this is I should do... mom leak understanding smile!

  At that moment, my heart than eating the honey still sweet!


妇女节英语作文 篇5

  Every year in March 8th is women's day, in that day, usually let men go to do things, women rest. It's about to get to women's day and give a gift to mom.

  On that day, I will send a big surprise to my mother, that is to write a letter for my mother and a small gift in the letter. What is not certain, it is estimated that it will take a little time to think and do.

  If it's too little, I'll add a little more, give my mother a zither tune, and it can be a concert for her. If I cook, I will cook eggs with tomatoes and ears. Soak the fungus first, and then wash the tomatoes. Finally break the egg, salt, put some vinegar, add a little MSG, add a little oil, finally, the fungus, sliced tomatoes, beat the egg into the pot, pour into "pulp", finally fry, Sheng out again, tomatoes, fried egg fungus well.

  Steamed rice cooked rice is easy to do, first water in rice, rice, put rice clean after it, and then poured into the pot of rice stem, plug in the power, you can. When it is steamed, it sends out a warning, like "the rice is open!" The meal is open! " At this time, pull off the power, a meal is done.

  This is what I gave to mom's women's day.

妇女节英语作文 篇6


  Today is women's day. Father and son are preparing a big surprise for mother.


  In the morning, my mother went to work at 5 o'clock. After a while, my son got up too. He put on his clothes and slowly prepared to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he passed the bathroom, he saw the date on the calendar was March 8. He suddenly realized: today is March 8 women's day, I should give my mother a surprise! So he brushed his teeth and face as fast as he could, and went to Dad's room. "Ah! What time is it? Dad, you're still sleeping. " Cried the son. See father didn't respond, son then climbed to father body bit. "Ah! Son, what are you biting me for? " "Dad, don't you know it's women's day?" "Yes! How can I forget it! " "Son, let's divide the work, you sweep the floor, I wash the clothes, OK?" "No problem!" So the son turned on the sweeping mode, and the father began to wash clothes. The son is sweeping the floor while blowing the ditty. The father at one side sees it and turns his head to say to the son, "son..." "Ah! What a pain! " So Dad fell! "Dad, are you ok?" "Nothing! Don't worry! Let's keep working, son! " And then they did the work again. After sweeping the floor and washing the clothes, I have to cook.


  Father and son began to cook, they first cut vegetables, only to see father carefully cut vegetables, for fear of cutting not good-looking. I started to cook. My father used the pot cover as the "shield" and the shovel as the "spear". After being fully armed, my father began to cook. After a series of "sword and sword", my father's four dishes and one soup finally came to the table. "Well, it looks good." The son nodded.


  At this time, mom finally came back. See this clean home, and a full table of rich dinner, tears can not help but come down from the mainstream, just at this time, son and father again from the room holding a bunch of delicate roses. Mother was very surprised to look at her son and father and said, "you are very kind to me!" Then the three of them hugged each other tightly. So they had a good night together.

妇女节英语作文 篇7

  Today is the 38 women's day, not only my mother's holiday, but also mother's birthday, I am very happy.

  In the evening, all the uncles came to my house to wish his mother a birthday. They have all kinds of gifts in their hands. The "cracker cracker" firecracker opened. I saw a colorful wreath, rushed to the sky, very charming, I like to a sky. Suddenly my brother stabbed me and I woke up. My brother gave his mother the gift he made. It wrote four words: happy birthday. I looked down at my head in shame! Then I thought: brother gift is very common, although simple, but expressed his heartfelt blessing, I should not learn from him? So I said boldly, "Mom, happy birthday to you!"

  The cordial words contain filial piety and love. The mother laughed and grinned. "Eat cake!" The younger brother cried cheerfully. I picked up the chopsticks quickly, ate it up, ate it and ate it. We wipe the cake on the face. You wipe me. I brush you. We are crazy. Always laugh all the time, everyone is immersed in the atmosphere of this happy.










