
时间:2024-05-05 08:25:11 感恩节 我要投稿





  Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of November every year. It isthe most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States. It is atime for sharing. In the United States, it is their tradition that familymembers get together for a reunion to have a traditional big dinner. On thedinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes.There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberryjuice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey andpumpkin pie. Although it is the traditional festival of America, it reminds usof appreciation.

  Recently, I saw a piece of news on the newspaper. This news has a picturematched. The picture shows that a young lady sitting on the seat of a bus. Butit is strange that an old lady sits on the leg of the young lady, which thereare still many empty seats on the bus. I am totally moved after reading thisnews. The old lady is the mother of the young lady. The old lady had someproblem with her back and leg that she couldn’t sit independently. And herdaughter does not want to see her mother stand on the bus in such an old lady,so I see situation on the picture. Having read this, my eyes become wet. When weare young, our mother will often carry us if there is any inconvenient, but whenour mother gets old, we seldom carry her.

  The ancients had a saying: dripping, the smallest favor. In this world,there are many people who grace to us. Our parents are the two people who giveus most grace. When we grow up, we need to say our thanks to them. As far as Iam concerned, thanks the people do good to us, especially our parents should bethe theme of our Chinese Thanksgiving Day.


  Gratitude blossoms like a colorful flowers on earth.

  Try to dead silk, ended.candles burn. Our teacher is the first to begrateful. Her to work day and night, the day so spectacular, so we can betterabsorption. A minute on stage, the audience ten years work. Teacher, and spent alot of energy, night, we really worry for the teacher canthus wrinkles, and tothe health of the tire hit the teacher concerned.

  On one occasion, in our homework, the teacher in correcting a composition.After a while, there are things out of the teacher, a bold classmate seecomposition, on him a long time, and come down, eyes well up with tears. He toldus that the teacher on the composition, word for word reading, write typocircle, beside write correct. Changes in our unidiomatic written statements,write a good sentence is modified, let us remember. Finally still behind thecomposition writing comments, point out our shortcomings and advantages. Theteacher cared more about us! Many care for us!

  People around everywhere need to thank, the teacher on how deep ourkindness, this seemingly ordinary things, but on the teachers hope. We grew upunder the cultivation of teacher, the teacher is not anything in return, itdoesnt take our gratitude?

  Let us learn to Thanksgiving, with excellent grades to repay teacherskindness to us!







  This Thursday is Thanksgiving, but recent study is too tight, and to test,we seem to forget……

  Came home from school, depression to take the English test paper, I onlygot 98. 5 points, but the last time I got 99 points! Time and tide wait for noman, will the math test tomorrow, I left our school bag, plunged into the mathreview volume. Watch will be done, who knows, idle, grandma just turning on theTV, see the Peking Opera! The Peking Opera, noting that the sound of creakinginterrupted my thoughts completely, I endure the impatient, had to shut thedoor. Grandma to see with relish, the sound is large again, this time, I cancannot help, at grandma loudly shouted: "you don't noisy noise! Listen for awhile, it will have to listen to! Are not wearing!" Turn off the TV, grandmalying on the sofa and listen to the radio. I helpless, returned to his studybanged shut to the door, and starts the review questions. After finished, I hada good stretch, pick a book falls in a layer of ash read. The institute ofThanksgiving, I froze. When grandma came the radio host crisp sweet voice -today is Thanksgiving Day. I froze again. Mind out when cried to grandma justnow…… I am ashamed……

  I fell asleep at his table. Memory through time and space, back tobefore…… That was when I was in grade one, parents do all the things to me, Iwill say thank you to them. I woke up, think of now, the parents for everythingI do I will think is should, have all grievances, I shouted at them, comparedwith before, I am ashamed……

  Don't forget to Thanksgiving, don't forget your side make greatcontribution to our people, meet them, don't forget to say: "thank you, haveyour city, only better! We have you, more happiness!"










