
时间:2024-06-10 13:21:06 [第二单元]黄河,母亲河 我要投稿





  Thi i the Yellow River. Each year the Yellow River carrie billion of ton of ediment from the Loe Plateau eatward to the crop field of the Chinee heartland.


  Hitorically, the Chinee relationhip with the river ha been uneay. Sediment, building up on the riverbed, ha caued the Yellow River to burt it bank periodically, unleahing devatating flood, reulting in million of death.


  But when tamed with dyke and channel, the river' bounty i legendary. Even today, half of China' wheat come from the Yellow River floodplain.




  Hukou waterfall of the Yellow River is the third largest waterfall in China. It is breathtaking and magnificent. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, my father introduced it to me vividly. I seemed to be in the scene, seeing waterfalls and hearing waves.


  The Yellow River is like a giant dragon flying through the Qinjin Grand Canyon on the Northwest Plateau. The broad upper reaches of the river form a narrow canyon here. The surging Yellow River gathers here, as if its pressure would break through the canyon and pour out. The roar of waterfalls, the rising of water mist, the earth shaking, breathtaking mountains and rivers, people can see and hear. As the poet praised: "from the great current of Kunlun, Wang Guanjiu turns a pot to collect.". Double tengqiu shallow straight fight, three drum whale scale dare to bear the boat. "


  Rainbow is the first landscape of Hukou waterfall of the Yellow River. Through sunlight refraction, flying fog forms a rainbow in the air. It is a spectacle in the spectacle. The beautiful scenery in the beautiful scenery, colorful rainbow, connecting the sky above and facing the flying curtain below, is really beautiful and fascinating.


  Hukou waterfall of the Yellow River is really a wonder in the world. Let's have a look together if we have a chance!


  As a river that pregnant the children of the Chinese, it is happiness; as a river that has changed over the years, it is fortunate; but as a bloody, it is sorrowful. The mother of the Chinese nation - the Yellow River, deeply loves her Chinese children, their laughter, every cry, she looks in the eyes, but with the development of society, we will repay the mother is a drop of blood Tears. Every time our destruction is to meet selfish self, every repair, it is for the next bigger damage.

  We live in a natural environment that repairs, but we are in a nature that is full of scars, we are indifferent. In the face of human being ruthless, the nature that has not been refreshed is as gray: we cut down trees, emissions sewage, release smoke ... Nature's cry, we can't see it, its help us can't hear, see It is just the endless wealth of nature, and he heard is just the evil sound of the environment. A drip bitter tears flow into the arms of the Yellow River mother, they can't wait to flow, it seems that I want to tell my mother to the grievances as soon as possible. But now, it is just a night, maybe after a few years, nature will retrieve us in a unusless way, come to the pain of our happiness in others. Wrong to punish. Although it could not express the inner grief, it could not use a look, even a move to express its heartbeat, but it used to drop the tears we did wrong, it used hug to tell the mother it was hurt. It will also be discharged with time, and the environment and conditions of survival are also discharged. In the face of the cry of nature, I face the tears with blood in nature, how can we endure it to continue to hurt?

  These are caused by our human beings, and we should be punished accordingly. Next, we have to take care of nature to make up for the mistakes we committed in the past, so that the blood of the tears will never appear.



  Walking in Xikou was very common at that time. We can deeply understand the touching scene of the heartstrings torn couple's separation and the separation of mother and son from Yu Qiuyu's article on the history of Shanxi merchants.


  Ancient road mouth, April day, no sunshine, only sand. The wind is no less crazy than the first month of December. The ferry is full of ice. It's like going to the fair, or the strong men walking West. They follow each other, looking for money and life. But how many of them set foot on this homeland to see their mother and their lovely wife?


  Joe got on the boat and didn't look back. His wife was shaking her mother in the sand. They didn't say a word. They couldn't even lift the calloused hand. But his wife knew that the third brother would never forget his oath: "don't worry, as soon as I have the money, I will come back to pick you up. If I change my mind, I will be swallowed by the Yellow River!"


  Against the wind, against the current, the ship disappeared in the big corner. I hope this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not go as hard as a boat and wait anxiously. My wife always believes that the Yellow River will witness everything.


  Spring to spring, wind stop, water up and down, can always see her carrying basket wandering in the Yellow River Ferry. Picking bitter vegetables for a while, she stood up straight and looked at the distance. The red scarf fluttered in the wind, sending out a signal. Let the boatman of a long distance see it and call out: "elder sister, where are you waiting?"


  She stood silently at the mouth of the sand river, looked at the ancient road, prayed to the God of the river, and unconsciously chanted "go to the West Port": "my brother, you go to the West Port, my sister, I have long tears. Elder brother, don't change your mind, younger sister, I will stay at the head of the village...... "


  I've heard that Joe has built a shop there and become a family. She didn't believe it or cry, but the old lady couldn't stand the rumors and torture and went back to the West as soon as possible. She firmly believed that the third brother would not cheat himself or betray the Yellow River, the God in their hearts.


  In the past 20 years, she often went to the ferry to ask for information. Whenever there was any news, she invited people to the door. It was good wine and meat. Every time she heard the same words: "don't wait, he won't come back."


  Jump to the intersection and kick the yellow grass on the sand. This spring is late, and the grass can't be green. She thought, isn't she a grass waiting for you?


  LingHong comes again. Unexpectedly, she hates the Yellow River when she looks at the huge ice peak. Why can't you bring the old three back? Here comes a boat coming down the river. It looks like the third is waving at the bow of the boat. She is so excited that she goes up. But a disappointed heart cooled down. She waded into the Yellow River to look for her third child. She went far and far


  A few years later, people came to the village, but soon they rushed to the ferry. People only heard a vague cry: "Lord Yellow River, I'll plead guilty!"


  After listening to this story, the boys in Xikou never broke faith with their wives or the Yellow River. Generation after generation, never heard of such a sad story, only the distant charge and the laughter of returning -- the root of Shanxi business culture.



  The Yellow River:




  My name is Xiaojia. You may not know me, but I know you. Before, I put a turtle in your arms.


  Once, I saw you drown a lot of people on TV. At that time, I really don't know why you did this. Now I know that we humans throw garbage and pollute your body, so you have to do this and drown so many people. Do you know that! In this way, their relatives will be sad, you have your relatives, you know the taste of losing relatives, but you still commit crimes everywhere, killing innocent people in rags.


  But you have the advantage that there are few earthquakes in your area.


  Yellow River, you are a great hero, there are many stories to play around you, so I hope you can change all the bad habits, so that we human beings will live with you, and will not kill your relatives - Xiaoyu, I believe our tomorrow will be better.


  This is a salute.


  A friend of yours




  I stand on the top of the mountain,


  Looking at the Yellow River rolling, running southeast.


  The surging waves set off great waves.


  The turbid current turns and forms a nine curve chain.


  The Yellow River is the soul of the Chinese nation and the cradle of the Chinese nation. It has nurtured the Chinese people for thousands of years and created great miracles in the Central Plains.


  The Yellow River is the second largest river in China, with a total length of 5464 kilometers and a drainage area of more than 750000 square kilometers. It originates from the spring of kariqu river at the northern foot of the Shanxi section of Bayan Kara, Qinghai, and winds eastward. It flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong and finally into Bohai Sea. Along the Yellow River, we can trace the places where our ancestors lived and thrived here, Yangshao cultural site, the birthplace of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Fuxi mausoleum and the birthplace of many surnames nearby. Sanmenxia, the ancient important town where Laozi rode qingniu out of Hanguguan, geyang, the thousand year old capital, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, the capital of Song Dynasty, all reflect the rise and fall of Chinese history. Successive dynasties built their capitals in the Yellow River Basin for more than 3000 years. There are four ancient capitals in the Yellow River Basin, Anyang, Xi'an, Luoyang and Kaifeng. It plays an important role in the long history of China. It is the birthplace of our Chinese nation and the soul of our Chinese nation.


  As the saying goes, "if you don't get to the Great Wall, you are not a hero. If you don't get to the Yellow River, you will never die.". The Yellow waves are not amazing. Entering Longmen, both sides of the Yellow River are forested, and the cliffs are ten thousand strong. The waves of the river roll over and are majestic. In Sanmenxia, the magic power of nature's ghost axe splits the three gates, including high mountains, flat lakes, blue waves, Miao Yang, willow trees, mountains and peaks, and the great river spirit of ups and downs, rushing and roaring. Here you can see the vastness of the smoke, and you can enjoy the overwhelming momentum. Here is the combination of masculinity and softness.


  In ancient times, there was a praise for the Yellow River that "the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky and flows to the sea without returning". It integrates the national spirit and traditional culture of China for five thousand years, and "travels" all over the Central Plains with tenacious perseverance; rushes through cliffs and cliffs with one's pride; strides across open plains with boundless courage; and rushes through rugged and dangerous situations with boundless courage. China is brilliant because of you!


  The Yellow River is about 5,000 kilometers long. It is the second longest river in China, only second to the Yangtze River. With its origin in Qinghai Province, the Yellow River flows through nine provinces of China such as Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Shanxi, and finally pours itself into the Bohai Sea. Because it carries a lot of silt, the water of the River is in yellow. In Chinese history, the Yellow River basin influences Chinese civilization significantly and is also the major birthplace of Chinese nation. Therefore, the Yellow River is called "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization" and "Mother River" of China.

  黄河全长约5000公里,是中国第二长河,仅次于长江(the Yangtze River)。黄河发源于青海省,流经中国青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等9个省区,最后流入渤海。由于夹带了大量的泥沙(silt)。黄河的河水呈黄色。在中国历史上,黄河流域给中华文明带来了巨大的`影响,也是中华民族最主要的发源地。因此黄河被称为“中华文明的摇篮(cradle)”和中国的“母亲河”。



  Last autumn, my father, mother, grandmother, sister and I went to Gaoqing to see the Yellow River.


  The rumbling sound, like thunder, was heard far away. When I came to the bank, I saw the Yellow River's water was yellow and muddy, and the waves formed numerous small peaks, carrying the sand to the East. People say that the Yellow River is the mother river, but why does she have so much sediment? I don't understand.


  We went to Dalu lake again. The lake is quiet and clear. The lake is like a jade. There are a group of water birds flying. Dad said that the water in Dalu Lake flows in from the Yellow River. After sedimentation, it becomes a big reservoir. I can't imagine that the turbid water will become so clear.


  The sky is blue, the air is fresh, I am very happy.



  On Sunday, I took part in a one-day tour of the Yellow River organized by the TV station. Our first primary school and vocational middle school, Hechang middle school, the second primary school are divided into a team.


  After we gathered at the entrance of vocational middle school, we set out. I sat with the daughter of the Chinese teacher and a good friend of mine. As soon as I saw the car, I was surrounded by parents, and my mother was no exception. Some of the parents say goodbye to their children, some open their windows and say things like listen to the teacher, don't move around while they are on the boat. When the car was about to start, my mother repeatedly asked me to pay attention to safety, so I had to nod my head.


  The car started. Slowly, the parents disappeared from our sight. I'm very excited about the speed of the car. Because, this is the first time I left my parents to go out alone!


  After a while, the car drove down a straight slope, and I closed my eyes in fear. At this time, I heard the host say: "students, don't be afraid, just sing a song!" After listening, the students began to sing, and I followed them. I was not afraid at all.


  Unconsciously, the entrance of Sanjiao Yellow River arrived, but the students were still intoxicated in the singing, the instructor shouted twice before we heard. We got out of the car with our own things. We went to the toilet first. When we got back, we saw what some people were taking out of the room. I came closer and saw that it was a pile of life jackets! Those people sent one to us and tied the rope to us! As soon as I put on my life jacket, I heard someone shouting, "let's go!" I heard it and shouted.


  It's time to take a boat. We're in a big, old wooden boat. Listen to the instructor, this is a real wooden boat! When we were all seated, another female guide came. She said she would introduce the scenery here to us.


  The boat started, because the water was a little urgent at that time, the water splashed, splashed on me and every student, the students all shouted: "so comfortable!" The boat swam forward for a while, and the guide began to introduce us: "this is where Dayu used to control the water." Then he pointed to a mountain: "this mountain is called mother mountain. It's said that Dayu's wife has a child, but he hasn't come home for three years, and his child hasn't been born for three years." "Look at that mountain again. What does it look like?" The guide asked us. "Camel!" All of you answered together. "Yes." The guide said with a smile, "it's said that the camel was ridden by Dayu's wife at that time." After a while, the tour guide said: "you may not know that the Yellow River is the second largest river in the world, known as the mother river of the Chinese nation, with a total length of 54.65 million kilometers, spanning nine provinces, cities and autonomous regions Look, the opposite bank we see now is the original Liulin County, which is very shabby.


  With that, the ship arrived at its destination. At home carrying a bag to walk off the ship, one by one shouted "tired!" At this time, I saw a stone tablet with the words "mother of the Yellow River Scenic Area". Oh, it turns out that this is the Yellow River mother scenic spot! I'm happy to jump three feet high. There are also some small words beside. I read them. It says, "it's said that Yu Wang was in danger in flood control. Yu Wang's wife sat down to save her husband. In order to commemorate the achievements of Yu Wang and his wife, the mountain people after sitting are called the mother peak, and the river in danger is called the mother river of the Yellow River. " We also visited Tongxin stone, which is also the mascot, the stone Eagle known as the "divine eagle" and other scenic spots, such as "frog exploring the water".


  It's time to have lunch. Everyone sits in a circle on the grass beach. Then they open their backpacks, take out their food and taste each other. The food of the students is very rich. There are biscuits, snowcakes, bread, drinks, fruits, etc. They let me eat their snowcakes and biscuits, and I also let them eat my plain noodles and drink my drinks. Kiss like a family! At this time, I smell a smell of smoke and fragrance. I saw that it was the students of Hechang middle school who were making a fire and cooking on the spot! After a while, a classmate came with a big pot of rice and vegetables. The counselor picked it up and said, "come, let's taste the delicious and fragrant rice made by the classmate!" Just finished, the students rushed to eat. I had a good bite, too. "Wow, it's delicious!" Can't help but take another bite Don't say I'm greedy. Who makes rice so delicious?!


  After lunch, it's time for the show. The host took the lead and shouted, "let's give a little performance first, shall we?" "Good!" The students shouted. Although we have practiced for a long time, we are still a little embarrassed I didn't expect the host to shout again, "if you're asked to jump, you'll jump. It's not decent, it's not, it's not! One, two, three, four, five, we waited so hard, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, we waited so anxiously! " After listening to these words, we had to go out and perform. There are also secondary schools and other schools, which are all pulled out by us.


  After playing all afternoon, it's time to go. The staff of the TV station asked us to stand by the Yellow River for a souvenir. After listening, they rushed to take a precious photo with the teachers and the staff of the TV station like arrows.


  When we get on the boat and return, there are thousands of people in our hearts who don't want to go, but we can't help but obey the "order". On the way home, we sang our favorite songs again. We sang one song after another, but we couldn't sing enough. Until I lost my voice



  The Yellow River, a mother river, has a history of 5000 years. Although I have no chance to understand its peak turn, its heroic momentum, and its flow, but in my heart has not forgotten to outline its enduring, great and vigorous image


  Look! The Yellow River is rolling and mighty, like a giant dragon across the Central Plains. "The water of the Yellow River comes up to the sky". You see, the yellow water mist, this water should only exist in the sky. Then look at the vast Yellow River in the vast water mist and how like a huge scroll of paintings stretched to the distance, connecting the blue sky? The waves splashed, and the river was boiling. There was no bubble and spray. The great current of the Yellow River slowly gathered from the broad riverbed, and suddenly the water was rapid, falling into a narrow and unfathomable trench. Day after day, year after year, the Yellow River kept rushing to all sides. The Cangshan mountains on both sides of the bank are steep and steep. The grass is covered on the bank slope. The forest belt on both sides of the bank is verdant. How fascinating


  Let's look around the Hukou of the Yellow River again. The brook is gurgling and flowing And the real Hukou waterfall, like the immortal light holding a pot of yellow water to fall to the sky, the huge wave, swinging, rolling, and violently impacting the surrounding stone wall; like the sword shaking the Yellow blade splitting the riverbed, the huge wave, jumping, moving, and quickly lifting the yellow dust. The water mist with soil fragrance makes people feel as if they are in a dreamlike state


  Listen! The Yellow River roars day and night. Its roar is deafening, and its momentum is overwhelming. It's like tens of thousands of dragons winding around and biting, carrying thunder and electricity, roaring and rolling, falling into the abyss in unison Sometimes it's like thousands of piles shaking the ground and making a huge noise. Its momentum is like a rainbow, and its sound shows its momentum


  In the dead of night, once again sketch the Yellow River that once imagined, and pursue the national spirit that we were born in it. As a Chinese descendant, shouldn't we sing the never tired national song along with the eternal rhythm of the Yellow River? Let the inexhaustible water flow and waves of the Yellow River become the internal driving force for us to interpret the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation! Let's say "thanks, mother river" to it as a Chinese descendant!


  Our civilization leading the world is because of it, our ancient oriental country is called because of it, and our never flinching spirit is also because of it! The Yellow River is not ashamed of the literati. It's described in a brilliant, heroic and magnificent sentence, because it, a great river, a strong mother, not only breeds an unyielding nation, but also creates a group of people who never give up - the Chinese people! We will take its majestic appearance and boldness to spread the spirit of the Chinese nation to all directions!



  I have a long wish to go to the Yellow River. Today, I came to the long-awaited Yellow River beach, and I finally got what I wanted! My excitement is beyond words.


  Standing on the Yellow River beach, looking at the carefree and galloping water of the Yellow River, my whole body and mind have melted into the water of the Yellow River, which is really "the water of the Yellow River comes to the sky". From a distance, there are long and neat river banks on the other side of the broad river, standing there like the Great Wall on the water, on which are planted the straight and lush poplar trees, protecting our mother river, the Yellow River, like a green soldier. I look along the East River, only to see that the broad river turns a big corner, and the river gradually disappears at the end of the water sky junction; I Looking to the west, there is a steel bridge across the Yellow River. Coincidentally, there is a train, accompanied by the rumbling call, passing quickly. I think this bridge is even more spectacular! I looked down and saw the muddy Yellow River, sometimes in a big circle, sometimes in a small circle, as if playing hide and seek with me! I stooped to feel the soft and slippery River, as cool as my favorite popsicle. I heard my father say: "the Yellow River is the second largest river in China. It starts from Bayan Kara mountain in Qinghai Province in the West and flows into Bohai Bay in the East. The source of the river is clear, because after the Loess Plateau, it becomes yellow.


  As the sky darkened, I reluctantly left the magnificent Yellow River. The broad mind of the Yellow River made me unforgettable and memorable


  This is the Yellow River. Each year the Yellow River carries billions of tons of sediment from the Loess Plateau eastwards to the crop fields of the Chinese heartland.


  Historically, the Chinese relationship with the river has been uneasy. Sediment, building up on the riverbed, has caused the Yellow River to burst its banks periodically, unleashing devastating floods, resulting in millions of deaths.


  But when tamed with dykes and channels, the river's bounty is legendary. Even today, half of China's wheat comes from the Yellow River floodplain.




  Shocked!!! After reading the article "mother river of heartache", I can't express the inexplicable excitement from the bottom of my heart. I just want to say to the Chinese people all over the world: I love my mother verbally, and what have I really done to my country?


  What impresses me most is what the author wrote at the beginning of the sentence: "the Yellow River makes people feel heartache. This heartache can only be felt by standing on the Bank of the Yellow River." Maybe it's true. I've never been to the Yellow River. I have too many beautiful imagination about the Yellow River. Maybe I'm too innocent to be in the scene like the author. But after reading the author's description of the Yellow River, I saw the real face of the Yellow River. "The mud at the bottom of the river bed forms a piece of ghost split dry mud. After thousands of years of rain erosion, sunlight and sand erosion, the cliffs on both sides of the river form huge ditches and ridges. When you look at them, you can hardly see the green color. The boat is not rowing in the water, but walking on the dry land..." This is our mother river!


  It's not hard to imagine its kind and beautiful face in the past. However, it has become a permanent history, and what is displayed in front of it is the shape of thousands of Cang and hundreds of holes that are tossed by children. We can be proud of the past, not forget the present, and never escape from reality. Can't the descendants of the Chinese people really see the mythical momentum of "the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky, and the sea will never return"?


  In history, all the farming nations were nurtured by rivers with their milk, not so much saving the Yellow River as saving our whole nation.


  The Yellow River is moaning. Maybe it's too hard to save it. But take it as a lesson for our future generations to remember forever.


  The Yellow River

  Following the Yangtze River, the Yellow River i the econd-longet river in China at the etimated length of 5,464 km. Originating in Qinghai, it flow through nine province, and emptie into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River i called “the cradle of Chinee civilization”.

  It bain wa the mot properou region in early Chinee hitory, and wa the birth place of ancient Chinee civilization. The further exploitation and utilization of the Yellow River will make new contribution to the realization of Four Modernization of China.



  Although I haven't seen the majestic appearance of the Yellow River, I'm glad that I've practiced piano for eight years -- at this moment, I'm playing defense of the Yellow River.


  At the very beginning, it was a double sound, like thousands of wooden piles pounding the ground, making a huge noise like mountains and seas, which immediately reminded people of the great momentum of the Yellow River flowing to the sea and never returning: the river rushing forward, beating the muddy yellow waves from time to time. The turbid river rolled by, telling the long history and ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.


  Then, a piece of music like a big wave from low to high, gradually, until another climax. Playing here, I seem to see the waves behind the Yellow River pushing forward, wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, rolling all the way to the sea.


  All of a sudden, a loud bang, like the first shot of the ancient Anti Japanese war on the Yellow River, played the magnificent movement of the Chinese people fighting against foreign enemies together. The Yellow River is boiling! Five thousand years old culture has burst. At this time, the Yellow River seems to have an irresistible force, like a torrent, pounding the great and strong heart of the Chinese people, singing a solemn and stirring song. The Yellow River is surging, and the hearts of the Chinese people are surging. In the war era, the mother river and the hearts of the Chinese people are more closely connected.


  After all, the Yellow River is invincible. With the yearning and admiration for the Yellow River, at the end of the song, I played the Yellow River in my heart. In the song "defending the Yellow River" composed by Xian Xinghai, I feel his passion for the Yellow River, and the love of thousands of Chinese children for the mother of the Yellow River. This love is simple and passionate, and born with him.


  Although I didn't witness the majestic appearance and boldness of the Yellow River, she has remained in my heart forever.










