
时间:2024-06-12 09:05:57 合作 我要投稿





  There are many things in the world that need cooperation, and only cooperation can succeed. Let's listen to a short story.

  Guns and bullets are good friends. They've fought many battles together.

  Once, the war began again. Their owner Jack with a gun shot out, successfully put a bullet in the chest of the enemy generals. This battle, they win again.

  After the battle, guns and bullets began to talk. The bullet: “ this battle, my biggest credit, if not I scored the enemy generals chest, we first defeated! ” gun angrily said: “ I say, is my biggest credit, if I shoot you out, you can into the enemy's chest the chamber is still a question. ” “ hoe-scr-r-ritch, my credit should be bigger than you! "&rdquo," said the bullet angrily. They quarreled and nobody paid attention to them.

  The war started again, and the bullet wanted to shoot out, but without guns, he could not move. The gun hit hard, but only air was fired. The battle was soon to be defeated, and the master threw them angrily to the ground.

  A young soldier, pick them up and put a bullet in the chamber of amgen. Shot a bullet and shot it into the enemy's chest. At this time, they just understand a truth: only cooperation in order to succeed!

  Shouldn't we be like that? In life, we need to solve many things, maybe a person's strength is not enough, but two people, three people, many people … … the power will not be underestimated. Just like a word says: "everybody gets firewood, the flame is high.".


  Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults. I agreed with the latter.

  The reasons why students should learn to cooperate are as follows. First of all, it is important for children to learn how to cooperate with other people. Then, they will have their own minds on something.

  They can discuss together and decide to choose the best choice. Besides, children must learn to get along well with other people who are in the same group. Only through this way can children become more independent. Last but not least, quite a few children are spoiled by their parents, but everyone is responsible for different part when they have a cooperation. It can make children become more responsible and independent.

  As far as I am concerned, learning how to cooperate is one of the most important things on the way to children's growth.


  Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion,everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.

  First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each

  other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon.

  Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of

  increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.

  To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.译文:





  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.






  When it comes to the team spirit and communication, all of us ought to see it in perspective. Fortunately, with the society commercializing and competition becoming fierce, a substantial number of people are paying due attention to it.

  It is apparent that we are supposed to be aware of the importance of team spirit and communication, especially in workplace.Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without the assistance of his colleagues and communication with his partners. As grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through powerful team work. Take basketball star Yao Ming for an example. He can slam the duck smartly because all his teammates contribute more or less to his outstanding performance. If we work separately, we will be confined to frail minds and limited resources.

  On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that team spirit and communication really count in this competitive society. Therefore, we should associate ourselves harmoniously with our companions in every attempt towards our goals. In addition, it is indispensable to train our kids frequently to interact smoothly with others in a team. As the frequently-quoted proverb goes, unity is strength.






  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that competition and cooperation, one can't live independently in the society, the competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society. Tree length, water QingZhuo, sentient beings busy Yu Daqian world, they are inseparable from the competition and cooperation.

  So-called competition is two or more individuals or groups, in an activity naturally each other's behavior, also is the two sides compete for a goal, and only one party can win, and the cooperation is two or more individuals or groups, to achieve common goals in an activity the behavior of the joint cooperation, both sides have a consistent purpose, and the two sides Shared the results.

  For competition, you must present won't feel strange, without the competition of examination, we would not be standing here, to make a quarrel, however, the lack of cooperation, "north-south dialogue" "south-south cooperation" will become empty talk; The lack of cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will be nothing; The lack of cooperation, we will today still live in the shadow of the "SARS", in the midst of bird flu.

  But the competition and cooperation is not the opposite, some students are too opened, and they share some talk about competition not only talk about cooperation. When someone asked him a question, also don't go back to jilt a "don't know," think of other people's problems solved is to develop a rival, against their competition, so the person is selfish, will eventually be eliminated by the society, others think that the competition is not necessary, only pay attention to cooperation, which leads to the status quo, no enterprise miserable state, when he was a comfort in doing a dream, the world has forgotten them. So, the above two practices are not correct. We should put the competition and cooperation are equally important position, let them make, for me to use, to reach a higher level.

  If compare life to a scene, the competition is the audience pairs of discerning eyes, and cooperation is a friend with you. The classmates, let us treat competition and cooperation correctly, produce the most gorgeous flowers.







  I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play I have seen awonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate is sowonderful that I cann't help asking myself "Is it real" answer is prettyyes.I also learn a lot from the game.

  First ,teamwork is very are sure to fail if you play five members must play together and well nd ,you shouldhave a order to reach it,you should try your best.

  Last,never give up whatever have if you get low scores,youshouldn't give there is a will,there is a there is a will ,there isalso a you can make failure into eve yourself andbelieve your are the best one.


  People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual petition does.

  The speaker asserts that because teamwork requires cooperative effort, people are more motivated and therefore more productive working in teams than working individually as petitors. My view is that this assertion is true only in some cases. If one examines the business world, for example, it bees clear that which approach is more effective in motivating people and in achieving productivity depends on the specific job.

  In some jobs productivity dearly depends on the ability of coworkers to cooperate as members of a team. For businesses involved in the production of products through plex processes, all departments and divisions must work in lock-step fashion toward product roll-out. Cooperative interaction is even essential in jobs performed in relative isolation and in jobs in which technical knowledge or ability, not the ability to work with others, would seem to be most important. For example, scientists, researchers, and even puter programmers must collaborate to establish mon goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines. Moreover, the kinds of people attracted to these jobs in the first place are likely to be motivated by a sense of mon purpose rather than by individual ambition.

  In other types of jobs individual petition, tenacity, and ambition are the keys to productivity. For example, a missioned salespersons pensation, and sometimes tenure and potential for promotion as well, is based on parative sales performance of coworkers. Working as petitors a firms individual salespeople maximize productivity-in terms of profit--both for themselves and for their finn. Key leadership positions also call, above all, for a certain tenacity and petitive spirit. A finns founding entrepreneur must maintain this spirit in order for the firm to survive, let alone to maximize productivity. Moreover, in my observation the kinds of people inclined toward entrepreneurship and sales in the first place are those who are petitive by nature, not those who are motivated primarily by a sense of mon purpose.


  Competition is a very mon phenomenon in our social life today. We pete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant petition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, petition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

  We often find petition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is peting against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t pete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While advocating petition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must bine petition with cooperation to obtain our goals.


  Cooperation and competition are both important. They are attributes(归因于,属性) which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

  Learn to be cooperative. No one likes a selfish, greedy, or arrogant(自大的) individual. However, everyone likes a considerate(体谅的) and cooperative person. Everything we do today, whether in doing business or making friends, depend upon our ability to get along with one another. In our society, most tasks demand the cooperation of many individuals so that they can be accomplished effectively. In this situation, we must be supportive(支援的) and cooperative. Each person is like a small part of a machine. If only one part is out of order, the machine can’t be running well. Besides, transportation and communication systems are rapidly developing and people all over the world can get in touch with each other more easily. It is hard for a person who is isolated(孤立的) from the society to have a deep understanding of the world he lives and to accomplish(实现) a feat(功绩) in his career. Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a person to earn a good life.

  Being competitive also has a place in life. If you want to achieve more success and be better than others, you must work harder, study more diligently(勤奋地), and adapt yourself to competition. The desire to succeed and do better than others inspires(激励) us to work harder. If there were no competition, a sports meet would never be exciting and successful, and we would never have champions(冠军的地位).

  No doubt, we often find there is an inseparable(不可分离的) relationship between competition and cooperation. In a football match, either team is competing with other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates.

  We cooperate with others to be more competitive; we compete to earn a better environment for cooperation. Thus we can make progress(前进) continuously. Only competition together with cooperation leads us to realizze our goals and satisfy our needs.







  Teamwork is essential for the success of any organization. When individuals work together towards a common goal they can achieve more than what they could have accomplished individually. Teamwork fosters creativity collaboration and efficiency and it is the key to solving complex problems.

  One of the main advantages of teamwork is that it brings together diverse perspectives and skills. Each team member brings their own unique strengths and experiences which can be combined to find innovative solutions to problems. By valuing and respecting each other's opinions team members can benefit from a variety of viewpoints and approaches. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative and well-rounded solutions.

  Furthermore teamwork promotes collaboration and synergy. When team members work together they can combine their individual skills and knowledge to achieve better results. By dividing tasks and responsibilities among team members the workload is distributed allowing for a more efficient and effective completion of projects. Additionally team members can support and motivate each other boosting morale and overall productivity.

  Lastly teamwork improves efficiency and saves time. When multiple individuals work together tasks can be completed faster and more efficiently. Each team member can take on specific roles and contribute their expertise reducing the time required to complete each task. Additionally team members can provide feedback and suggestions to one another allowing for continuous improvement and faster problem-solving.

  In conclusion teamwork is vital for the success of any organization. It brings together diverse perspectives promotes collaboration and improves efficiency. By working together towards a common goal team members can achieve more than what they could have individually leading to innovative solutions and overall success.


  As is vividly depicted in the picture, two disabled men are running fast through teamwork although each of them has only one leg. Obviously, it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to.

  Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.

  Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.


  Teamwork and cooperation is significant forman's activities, including the business work, family life, social activities,even the social development. In the current stiff competition of our society,teamwork is the protection of executive force and the improvement of greatefficiency. In terms of maintaining teamwork spirit, cooperation is the most significant.

  With the rapid technological specialization and social development, more and more tasks need to be accomplished with a collaborative effort. On the other hand, social development can’t be without social division of labor, as the saying goes,many handsmake light work. Through cooperation within the team, member of the society complement each other’s weaknesses with their strengths. Then the efficiency ofsocial construction, production, and other social activities could get great improvement. The society like a big machine composed of many a part, cooperation is the grease which ensure its good running. While parts of the machine drop, it stops working immediately.All these tell us that union is strength. Only by doing the teamwork and cooperation well, so can the potential creativeness be fully reached and the over all goal of the development be achieved smoothly!


  In nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.

  First of all, competing is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we compete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we compete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a competition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.

  Secondly, we can be stronger by competing. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.

  In conclusion, competition plays an important role in our society as well as we can become stronger.


  When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation. Their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success.

  But some others hold different opinion. They think cooperation is as important as competition. They base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.









合作的力量 The Power of Cooperation-英语作文06-25

