
时间:2024-06-17 15:33:49 竞争 我要投稿





  With the development of our society,competition has become more and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary part of our society especially economic affairs.As is widely recognized,fierce competiton has largely promoted our society.

  Without competition,it is hard to imagine what will offer our world with so much energy to move forward.And as for single person,competition can also force him to struggle and make the most of his potential ability.

  As a college student,first of all you should ease the potential fear for competition.In fact after realising the importance of the competition you can already overcome such feelings.Then you should show your ability and skills adequately.Do believe that whoever will not ignore you only if they have known your talent.


  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that competition and cooperation, one can't live independently in the society, the competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society. Tree length, water QingZhuo, sentient beings busy Yu Daqian world, they are inseparable from the competition and cooperation.

  So-called competition is two or more individuals or groups, in an activity naturally each other's behavior, also is the two sides compete for a goal, and only one party can win, and the cooperation is two or more individuals or groups, to achieve common goals in an activity the behavior of the joint cooperation, both sides have a consistent purpose, and the two sides Shared the results.

  For competition, you must present won't feel strange, without the competition of examination, we would not be standing here, to make a quarrel, however, the lack of cooperation, "north-south dialogue" "south-south cooperation" will become empty talk; The lack of cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will be nothing; The lack of cooperation, we will today still live in the shadow of the "SARS", in the midst of bird flu.

  But the competition and cooperation is not the opposite, some students are too opened, and they share some talk about competition not only talk about cooperation. When someone asked him a question, also don't go back to jilt a "don't know," think of other people's problems solved is to develop a rival, against their competition, so the person is selfish, will eventually be eliminated by the society, others think that the competition is not necessary, only pay attention to cooperation, which leads to the status quo, no enterprise miserable state, when he was a comfort in doing a dream, the world has forgotten them. So, the above two practices are not correct. We should put the competition and cooperation are equally important position, let them make, for me to use, to reach a higher level.

  If compare life to a scene, the competition is the audience pairs of discerning eyes, and cooperation is a friend with you. The classmates, let us treat competition and cooperation correctly, produce the most gorgeous flowers.







  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.






  There has been a heated debate on the relationship between competition and cooperation in the modern society where severe competition and harmonious cooperation surround us. Numerous people argue that competition is the mainstream in this society, and everyone should be competitive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of individuals claim that the advantages of cooperation incredibly outweigh the benefits acquired from competition, and therefore, cooperation is the major point supposed to bear in mind. As far as I am concerned, both competition and cooperation are essential and significant in our daily life and social progress.

  The reason why I hold that both competition and cooperation exert positive influence can be justified in the following illustration. On one hand, competition engenders the impetus triggering every improvement in human society. Driven by the impulse of pursuing the excellence, each individual is forced by the pressure of competition, attempting to be the best. Without competition, they would be content with their current possession. In this case, their present condition, even the present human society, will stay still and no improvement will be achieved. In spite of the strong desire to success and be the best, the significance of cooperation arises from the impossibility to complete everything alone in the current society. It is inconceivable for an individual to live without the assistance from others. Every single person needs to cooperate with others to survive in the modern days, to conquer stumbling blocks, to complete integrated tasks, or to achieve higher expectations, all of which are not able to be conducted by mere competition.

  All the illustrations above can warrant the point that both competition and cooperation are indispensable. Although there is no perfect and universal recipe to the relationship in modern society, the public commitment of the necessity of the balance between competition and cooperation may be the first step towards the right direction. Consequently, it is high time that it must be recognized that competition enhances individuals capability while cooperation combines all ability to overpower any obstacles.


  Competition makes people original and creative. It very necessary to pete if human society wants to advance. (Even animals pete for survival.) Without it,we would bee lazy and nobody would rake any responsibility. When three monks live together,there will be no drinking water. This Chinese proverb vividly describes why China's productivity was so low before Mr Deng came to power. At that time,we had the so-called planned economy. There was no petition at all. So neither farmers nor workers worked hard. China was on the edge of collapse. Competition can stimulate people to try their best to do anything. For example,in 100-meter race,each sportsman runs as quickly as possible,trying to win the champion. The same things happen in our society and in our daily life. If a pany wants to surpass others,it must pete with them. It must raise its efficiency. All the panies doing this will no doubt benefit the whole society and the whole human race. Being a student,I must pete with other students in our studies. I must study hard in all the fields so that I can be a useful man when I enter the society after graduation.


  The Olympic Games just ended, bringing us too many surprises, athletes' Olympic spirit gave us an example; the competition between them represents the competition between the country and the country, athletes understand that the gold medal is a kind of honor, but not the most important, important It is a confident, self-reliant, self-respecting spirit, and the athlete's "pursuit of dreams, courage challenges and transcendence" is gave us too many enlightenment: in life, it is not a triumphant, but struggle; it is not necessary to get Victory, but struggle. Learning to the Olympic athletes: First, there must be strong participation consciousness, participate in the spirit; second, there must be strong competition awareness, competition; third, to have a strong team awareness, team spirit; fourth, There is a strong spirit of hard work, is willing to experience frustration. The four-point requires us like a strict teacher, like a policery, like a road sign. . . . . .

  They will guide us to a higher, stronger place. "People have no me, people have me, people are more, I am excellent, people are very excited" As long as there is such a competition awareness, our future will be a light. The suffering of the previous suffering is that the hope of the future is that the injury has been in our growth. "Some wood is straight by rope, and Jin is dramatically - Xunzi. Advise school" This sentence will remind us that we have honely, self-reflecting, will become intelligent, do not make mistakes, will be more and more powerful! "Higher, faster, stronger" makes us moral quality, faster progress, stronger physical fitness! Let us struggle toward this goal!


  First of all, petition brings about progress in business world. To be more specific, a pany will make its product better than others so that it can gain more profit that others. In this case, the product will be better and better as time goes by and the economy will be better as well. To the other hand, the progress of product is beneficial to consumers. That is also the reason why governments control monopoly which will extinguish petition.

  Additionally, the petition in an organisation is good for the organisation. Due to the emulation of individuals, everyone desire to be better than others. Under the petition, every one will fulfil their potential and the organisation will maximise its human resource to achieve its goal.

  In conclusion, petition is good for not just individuals but also the entire society. Acpanied with petition, the world will be better.


  Positive and Negative Effects of Competition

  As the saying goes every coin has two sides. So it is completion.

  Competition between individuals or companies can be tough, aggressive, even ferocious or cut-throat.For individuals, it may hurt self-esteem of the losers, some people think that this help the losers to be strong , less nag and help them see clearly the real socirty , but counterproductive, the unsettling result probably let them give up their ideals, or even the phenomenon of malicious completion may happen. So the winner should be benign, though the exciting fruit is conducive to build self-confident for the winners, they should avoid to have the feeling of outdoing than others, in fact every people’s biggest competitor is himself, we should try our best to go beyond ourselves. In this case ,we can triumph over difficulties with others and share the joy of victory together, this perhaps seliminate the negative effects of competition.

  Competitionhas positive and negative effect, but we all looking forward to the mutually beneficial and win-win situation.


  Firms may accuse each other of using unfair methods such as dumping, where a competitor (usually foreign) sells products for less than what they cost to produce, or at less than the price charged in the home market. Firms dump in order to build market share and recoup (收回) their losses later when, having established themselves to benefit from economies of scale (producing in larger quantities so that the cost of each unit goes down), they are able to charge market prices with a healthy (数额大) profit margin on each unit sold.

  Competition can also be gentlemanly or even cozy (勾结), so cozy that companies may be accused of forming a cartel to agree on prices in a price fixing arrangement. They may then be investigated by a government that looks into unfair trading practices.

  Competitors may also enter into other perfectly legitimate forms of cooperation, such as joint ventures for specific projects. They may even talk about strategic alliances. But like mergers, these can go awry and lead to recrimination (相互指责) between erstwhile (former) partners.


  cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.






  petition is a mon phenomenon in our social life. we pete when we play games and when we try to do better than others in our study. there is constant petition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so forth. in a sense, petition is one of the motive force to the development of society.

  in the natural world, the weak will be replaced by the strong and the fittest can live; therefore, the only way to survive(活下来) is to be petitive. growing in a petitive environment is important for a child because future adult life is difficult. finding a good job, for example, is an extremely petitive activity. today, most people obtain knowledge through various ways and a large number of people get good education. there are also many people who have higher degrees in their special fields. the quality of people is rapidly increasing. petition is more violent(激烈的) that what we thought it should be. the potentially(潜在地) successful job applicant(申请人) has to be prepared in a stronger position by gaining more qualification(资格) and experience. in the sports contests(竞争), the strongest will e out as winners. they bee our heroes and they are glorified(赞美). in the business world, to beat your petitors, you must be better than the other employees. otherwise you will be defeated(击败).


  Competition and Cooperation

  It is generally received that the importance of petition and cooperation cannot be overemphasized too much. Competition is mon in every field of life while it stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forward. As petition goes hand in hand with cooperation, cooperation not only lets us get help and understanding, but also makes the world being progress at peace and in harmony. I am convinced that both petition and cooperation are significant and we are supposed to bine them well. There are three justifications to support my argument.

  First of all, petition plays an important role in our life. Darwin came up with the natural selection and petition is universal. "Whether the petition for jobs or for promotion, the petition encourages us to go forward and try our best to build a more advanced society. Furthermore, cooperation is an inseparable part of the livelihood. No one can exist alone in the society. Only by the way that we have teamwork with other can we achieve the greater success. Last but not least, we should bine petition and cooperation. There is no doubt that neither petition or cooperation can separate each other. Some examples can make this point clearer. Take the basketball match for example for example. The members of the team cooperate with their teammates to shoot at the basket while them pete with the other team. After considering the matches, we can take the history of mankind into consideration; the history of mankind is a history of coexistence of petition and cooperation.

  From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that both petition and cooperation are of great importance, and it is wise for us to bine them. As college students, we ought to arouse our awareness of petition and cooperation.


  There has been a heated debate on the relationship between petition and cooperation in the modern society where severe petition and harmonious cooperation surround us. Numerous people argue that petition is the mainstream in this society, and everyone should be petitive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of individuals claim that the advantages of cooperation incredibly outweigh the benefits acquired from petition, and therefore, cooperation is the major point supposed to bear in mind. As far as I am concerned, both petition and cooperation are essential and significant in our daily life and social progress.

  The reason why I hold that both petition and cooperation exert positive influence can be justified in the following illustration. On one hand, petition engenders the impetus triggering every improvement in human society. Driven by the impulse of pursuing the excellence, each individual is forced by the pressure of petition, attempting to be the best. Without petition, they would be content with their current possession. In this case, their present condition, even the present human society, will stay still and no improvement will be achieved. In spite of the strong desire to success and be the best, the significance of cooperation arises from the impossibility to plete everything alone in the current society. It is inconceivable for an individual to live without the assistance from others. Every single person needs to cooperate with others to survive in the modern days, to conquer stumbling blocks, to plete integrated tasks, or to achieve higher expectations, all of which are not able to be conducted by mere petition.

  All the illustrations above can warrant the point that both petition and cooperation are indispensable. Although there is no perfect and universal recipe to the relationship in modern society, the public mitment of the necessity of the balance between petition and cooperation may be the first step towards the right direction. Consequently, it is high time that it must be recognized that petition enhances individuals capability while cooperation bines all ability to overpower any obstacles.


  Competition is common in every field of life. for eample, the olympic games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. we can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates peoples interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. take, for eample, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. it requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. human beings are social beings. No one can eist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top.From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding.With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.


  n nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.


  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games and when we try to do better than others in our study. There is constant competition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so forth. In a sense, competition is one of the motive force to the development of society.

  In fact, the only way our world reward people is to give laurels to the winners, not to the losers. What is more, by attempting to compete at different activities, we learn to win and lose, gain experience and know our strengths and weaknesses. Competition prepares us for the tough things in life.

  To go ahead, to acquire possession, we should be competitive. To us, industriousness and ambition are positive values.

  Whether in games, in study or in business alike, the aim is to win the game, the degree, the trophy, and the contract. Learning to be competitive is clearly the best preparation for life.

  safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.









