
时间:2024-07-11 09:42:38 收获 我要投稿
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  After class, the teacher came to me and asked me to go to her office. At this time, I was so worried. I thought for a long time about what I had done wrong, as if I had done nothing wrong. I'm afraid now. Unexpectedly, the teacher said, _Chen Chunbing, congratulations, you won the first place in the class and the second grade of the school in this essay contest. _I can't believe my ears. At the moment, a warm current rushes into my heart, which makes my heart not afraid.

  Think about it. For the essay contest, I even thought about how to make the best of my articles when I was sleeping. The result is that the sky really pays off. Finally, I succeeded. Although it is said that hard work may not be fruitful, but not hard work will not be fruitful. Everything should be done well, so as not to disappoint our classmates, teachers and family members who support us.

  Of course, I will make today's achievements, all thanks to the support and encouragement of my family and teachers. Without you, I would not be today. Here, I sincerely say: _Thank you for your support and encouragement, and I will never forget you_.


  The pear tree I planted at Grandma's house bears fruit. I picked one and took a big bite. It's really sweet!

  When I remembered last year's Arbor Day, I had no fun at my grandma's house. I wanted to plant a tree of my own. Grandma found me a small sapling and handed it to me. I also asked Grandma with a suspicious face: Can the tree live? With Grandma's approval, I started my planting.

  Under the guidance of Grandma, I found a suitable position. Then, holding a shovel, I began to dig the tree pit. I dug a few times. Grandma found that my strength was very weak and wanted to help me. I refused, and I wanted to complete my planting task by myself. The tree pit has been dug. Although it is shallow, it can still bury the roots. Pour some water into the pit. Grandma helped me straighten the saplings. I started to fill the earth and bury the roots tightly. Finally, Grandma asked me to use the earth to make a small circle around the tree for watering.

  The first small tree in my life has been planted. I will go to grandma's house to water my little fruit trees every once in a while. Every once in a while, I will find that my little sapling has changed. I watch it change leaves, blossom, and finally the fruit ripens. I chew sweet fruit in my mouth, thinking that this is what I pay and what I get!


  On Friday morning, the long-awaited triple jump sports meeting was finally held as scheduled. Just a few days ago, I was sick and had a fever, but I was determined to overcome difficulties to participate in the sports meeting.

  Early in the morning, under the guidance of the teacher, the students came to the playground with ponies and sat neatly. With the order of the headmaster, the competition officially began. The first project is men's single roll counting. On behalf of Class B2, I won the fifth place. The result is not very ideal, but I have tried my best. I played better and better in the coming competitions. I won the first place in the men's one minute count. When I stood on the podium of the first prize, I was nervous and excited. I was happy for myself and proud to win honor for Class B2! The most exciting event was the jump rope competition in the afternoon. The teachers and students all made great efforts to win the first place in the whole grade! The students all hugged together excitedly and cheered!

  All the students and teachers made long-term and full preparations for the Three Jump Games, and finally achieved such good results. In the future study and various activities, I will continue to work hard to achieve better results and win glory for Class B2!


  As long as everyone sows a good habit, he will reap a good habit; As long as one works hard, there will be progress; As long as you pay, you will reap! This time, I realized a truth and told me to help each other again.

  Our family made great efforts in this activity, and parents sacrificed precious time to teach us seriously. This time, I want to write about my mother and me.

  Today, my mother and I practiced the double somersault again. The rope was loosened several times because I made a mistake, so I was a little annoyed. So I always asked my mother to change a rope and said, _It's the rope that is not easy to use!_ Continuously changed the rope, but I still broke it. Finally, my universe broke out! I pulled the rope and let go of my voice and shouted, _It's because the rope is not working well that I break it one after another..._ My mother comforted me. Finally, I cried out and stopped. My mother said calmly, _No matter what you do, there are failures, even Bill Gates has failures!_ In this way, I have hope for the flower rope!

  My truth is: there is no gain without effort!










