
时间:2022-10-04 19:27:06 高考素材 我要投稿
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  With their worldly sophistication, cheap fisherman pants and penchant for being smiley all the time, tourists can be a much-hated group. 旅行者给人留下的特有印象,是世故圆滑老练、穿着廉价渔夫裤、脸上总挂着迷人的笑容,旅行者其实是一群蛮招人恨的群体。


  But before you laugh too hard at the lost look in their eyes, or mock too much the clattering chaos of their attempts to board the roof of a minibus with five bags and three cameras swinging from their torsos, understand this: they don't care. 但在你会使劲笑话他们迷茫的表情前,也别急着嘲笑他们在小巴士里大呼小叫吵吵闹闹恨不得闹翻车顶,身上大包小包背着五个包,脖子上挎着三个相机晃来晃去的样子。其实大家心里都明白这点:他们对自己的形象满不在乎。

  They're having the time of their life. And we all know why. Being a tourist is awesome. 他们在享受美好的生活时光。我们都知道做一名旅行者有很棒很了不起的理由。

  1. You can eat like a feudal lord every night, and still lose weight from all the walking. 每天的晚餐都吃得像地主,而且还能坚持散步减肥。

  2. Whether you're terrifying yourself on local transport or basting yourself in the sun next to a bag of beer, it beats what your friends are doing back home. 无论你担心自己对当地运输不熟悉,还是慵懒地晒着太阳喝着啤酒,都好过你的朋友呆在家里的生活状态。

  3. Cold beers on the beach/in a hammock/in bed/in a bar in the middle of the afternoon? Don't mind if I do. 下午茶时间在沙滩上/吊床上/在岸边来一杯冰凉扎啤?如果我这样做了,请不要介意。

  4. Bringing home a tan and worldly knowledge is like dousing yourself in pheromones. Just be sure to cover up with mosquito spray, to avoid unsightly welts. 把自己晒黑,带着旅途中的广博见识回家,就像是把自己浸透在信息素中一般。不过记得要把全身喷上驱蚊花露水,你也不想身上留下蚊子“吻”过的痕迹。

  5. If you've got any sense, your destination of choice will be significantly cheaper than your home country. 如果你是个理智的人,你会发现选择国外旅游胜地比国内旅游要便宜得多。

  6. You can finally finish that book you've been falling asleep with every night for the last three months. 你终于能把每晚睡前都看、看了三个月的那本书给看完了。

  7. The weather. Even the rain seems somehow exotic when abroad.天气:出国旅游赶上雨天,也会感觉颇具异国情调而别有一番风味。

  8. The buzz you get walking around a new place knowing you're not at work is one of life's greatest highs. 置身一个新的地方,身边的人都在东奔西忙而你却不用工作尽情休闲娱乐,真可谓是人生最惬意最享受的乐事之一 。

  9. You can wear anything. Baggy Thai pants with a singlet? Go on, no one will bat an eyelid.你穿什么都行。穿泰式宽松风格的裤子配汗衫?尽管穿吧,没人会觉得你奇怪。

  10. You learn about the country you're visiting through experience, rather than National Geographic. Or CNN Travel. 通过旅游经历亲身体验了解这个国家,而不是从国家地理杂志或CNN旅游节目来了解。

  11. Happy hour is actually worthwhile -- half-price drinks starting just before sunset and extending for at least two hours.快乐时光实际上是值得的,比方说傍晚前开售两小时的半价饮料。

  12. You get to try local specialties previously only seen on TV: balut (Philippines), fried monkey toes (Indonesia), tete de veau (calf's head, France) and roasted ants (Columbia). 以前仅在电视上见过的各种特色美食你都能亲口尝到:芭露特煮鸭蛋(菲律宾)、煎猴子脚趾(印尼)、泰特小牛牛头(法国)、烤蚂蚁(哥伦比亚)。

  13. Those childish antics people get up to in pictures--fingertips on the top of the Eiffel Tower, posing with fake gladiators at the Coliseum--yep, you get to do them too now. 照片中那些孩子气的滑稽搞怪动作,用指尖指着埃菲尔铁塔顶部,和竞技场上的角斗士雕像摆pose,对,现在你在拍照时也会学做这样的动作姿势。

  14. The nearest you get to cooking is pointing at the fish you want grilled for your dinner. 近在眼前就有,用手指指着晚餐马上要烤的鱼拍照。

  15. With minimal effort--such as sending a postcard -- you make your friends and relatives think you really care. 做些小事,例如,寄送一张明信片,让你的朋友和亲戚感受到你真的很在乎他们。

  16. Those 1980s iPod playlists you compiled especially for the trip go down particularly well with others. 你精心挑选的80年代老歌组成的iPod播放列表,尤为适合和别人在旅途的路上一起听。

  17. You get to wantonly fritter[/w] away money with the sudden knowledge that experiences are so much more valuable than things. 你会开始挥霍金钱,你会突然意识到:经历远比那些物品来得珍贵。

  18. You can finally jettison your mobile phone and laptop without stress. Phileas Fogg wasn't online for hours at a stretch every day and neither should you be. 你终于可以毫无压力地把手机和笔记本电脑丢在一边了。《80天环游世界》里的冒险家斐利亚·福克不会每天都在线几小时,旅行中的你也不应该这样。













  With their worldly sophistication, cheap fisherman pants and penchant for being smiley all the time, tourists can be a much-hated group. 旅行者给人留下的特有印象,是世故圆滑老练、穿着廉价渔夫裤、脸上总挂着迷人的笑容,旅行者其实是一群蛮招人恨的群体。


  But before you laugh too hard at the lost look in their eyes, or mock too much the clattering chaos of their attempts to board the roof of a minibus with five bags and three cameras swinging from their torsos, understand this: they don't care. 但在你会使劲笑话他们迷茫的表情前,也别急着嘲笑他们在小巴士里大呼小叫吵吵闹闹恨不得闹翻车顶,身上大包小包背着五个包,脖子上挎着三个相机晃来晃去的样子。其实大家心里都明白这点:他们对自己的形象满不在乎。

  They're having the time of their life. And we all know why. Being a tourist is awesome. 他们在享受美好的生活时光。我们都知道做一名旅行者有很棒很了不起的理由。

  1. You can eat like a feudal lord every night, and still lose weight from all the walking. 每天的晚餐都吃得像地主,而且还能坚持散步减肥。

  2. Whether you're terrifying yourself on local transport or basting yourself in the sun next to a bag of beer, it beats what your friends are doing back home. 无论你担心自己对当地运输不熟悉,还是慵懒地晒着太阳喝着啤酒,都好过你的朋友呆在家里的生活状态。

  3. Cold beers on the beach/in a hammock/in bed/in a bar in the middle of the afternoon? Don't mind if I do. 下午茶时间在沙滩上/吊床上/在岸边来一杯冰凉扎啤?如果我这样做了,请不要介意。

  4. Bringing home a tan and worldly knowledge is like dousing yourself in pheromones. Just be sure to cover up with mosquito spray, to avoid unsightly welts. 把自己晒黑,带着旅途中的广博见识回家,就像是把自己浸透在信息素中一般。不过记得要把全身喷上驱蚊花露水,你也不想身上留下蚊子“吻”过的痕迹。

  5. If you've got any sense, your destination of choice will be significantly cheaper than your home country. 如果你是个理智的人,你会发现选择国外旅游胜地比国内旅游要便宜得多。

  6. You can finally finish that book you've been falling asleep with every night for the last three months. 你终于能把每晚睡前都看、看了三个月的那本书给看完了。

  7. The weather. Even the rain seems somehow exotic when abroad.天气:出国旅游赶上雨天,也会感觉颇具异国情调而别有一番风味。

  8. The buzz you get walking around a new place knowing you're not at work is one of life's greatest highs. 置身一个新的地方,身边的人都在东奔西忙而你却不用工作尽情休闲娱乐,真可谓是人生最惬意最享受的乐事之一 。

  9. You can wear anything. Baggy Thai pants with a singlet? Go on, no one will bat an eyelid.你穿什么都行。穿泰式宽松风格的裤子配汗衫?尽管穿吧,没人会觉得你奇怪。

  10. You learn about the country you're visiting through experience, rather than National Geographic. Or CNN Travel. 通过旅游经历亲身体验了解这个国家,而不是从国家地理杂志或CNN旅游节目来了解。

  11. Happy hour is actually worthwhile -- half-price drinks starting just before sunset and extending for at least two hours.快乐时光实际上是值得的,比方说傍晚前开售两小时的半价饮料。

  12. You get to try local specialties previously only seen on TV: balut (Philippines), fried monkey toes (Indonesia), tete de veau (calf's head, France) and roasted ants (Columbia). 以前仅在电视上见过的各种特色美食你都能亲口尝到:芭露特煮鸭蛋(菲律宾)、煎猴子脚趾(印尼)、泰特小牛牛头(法国)、烤蚂蚁(哥伦比亚)。

  13. Those childish antics people get up to in pictures--fingertips on the top of the Eiffel Tower, posing with fake gladiators at the Coliseum--yep, you get to do them too now. 照片中那些孩子气的滑稽搞怪动作,用指尖指着埃菲尔铁塔顶部,和竞技场上的角斗士雕像摆pose,对,现在你在拍照时也会学做这样的动作姿势。

  14. The nearest you get to cooking is pointing at the fish you want grilled for your dinner. 近在眼前就有,用手指指着晚餐马上要烤的鱼拍照。

  15. With minimal effort--such as sending a postcard -- you make your friends and relatives think you really care. 做些小事,例如,寄送一张明信片,让你的朋友和亲戚感受到你真的很在乎他们。

  16. Those 1980s iPod playlists you compiled especially for the trip go down particularly well with others. 你精心挑选的80年代老歌组成的iPod播放列表,尤为适合和别人在旅途的路上一起听。

  17. You get to wantonly fritter[/w] away money with the sudden knowledge that experiences are so much more valuable than things. 你会开始挥霍金钱,你会突然意识到:经历远比那些物品来得珍贵。

  18. You can finally jettison your mobile phone and laptop without stress. Phileas Fogg wasn't online for hours at a stretch every day and neither should you be. 你终于可以毫无压力地把手机和笔记本电脑丢在一边了。《80天环游世界》里的冒险家斐利亚·福克不会每天都在线几小时,旅行中的你也不应该这样。










