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Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today I want to talk something about British education system. 英国是一个有悠久教育传统的国家。它的教育体系经过几百年的沿革,相当的完善和复杂,且具有非常大的灵活性。可大致分为四个部分:学龄前教育、学校教育(义务教育)、延续教育、高等教育。
1、 学业路线。A-level的全称是“普通教育高级证书”,是学业路线的重要阶段,学制一般为两年。它总共有100多个科目,专业分科极为细致,它不像我国学生在高中学习的课程。而更像是大学的基础课,相当于中国大学本科课程的首两年。
本科(Bachelor Degree) 英国本科学士学位学制一般为三年,但有些大学的某些特殊专业要求读四年或以上,如牙科。在英国人眼中,医科和法律专业是最难考取也是最难读的专业。因为这两种学科的共同点是“人命关天”。
研究生(Master Degree) 英国的研究生课程只需要一年时间,这与中国和美国都不同。在这一年里学生主要是写论文和做课题研究,课堂教学较少,因此其他国家的留学生如果没有在英国经过一段时间的学习或语言不过关,是很难完成这一年课程的。
博士生(Doctorial Degree)
高级国家文凭(HND-Higher National Diploma)。
是大学院校入学委员会,为想至英国修读大学课程的学生提供申请入学服务。对336所大学院校之申请,皆必须通过UCAS,学生并不能自己向学校直接申请。 UCAS有一点类似中国的大学高考,两者最大的不同是高考需要经由联考,而UCAS只是申请。经由UCAS需填写一份申请表(UCAS Form),表格内可填写6个大学,亦即最多可同时向六所大学提出申请,也可以只申请一所大学。UCAS Form上六所大学排列的顺序不是学生选择的优先级,优先次序是在学生收到大学的offer letter后自行决定。
Part 1 The Introduction Of Rose garden
For centuries, there are many fairy tale about rose or take place in the rose garden, such as[The Nightingale And The Rose],you must heard of it, the nightingale made a red rose for the young man with her own blood with singing all night, it’s a sad story. What’s more, the story[Wild Swan],at the end of the story, princess sat on the rose blush with her swan brothers, what a romantic picture.
Today, as far as I am concerned, many girls must have a dream of having a wedding with plenty of roses, or being a beautiful bride like a fresh rose, what’s more, living in a rose garden with the beloved one and so on. In a conclusion, rose is a symbol of beauty and love, it express the best wish of having a romantic life and the emotion.
Here is a brief introduction of rose, it is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa. There are more than 100 species in the world, gardeners plant them to build a rose garden. So now, I’ll leave the stage to my partner Cai jun, she will tell us something about instance analysis.
Part 2 Instance analysis
Ok this part, I will give an example to discuss the Rose Garden.
First, it’s a brief introduction about QingHai Rose Garden
It is part of low density and top housing estate, with large space occupation, simple style of England in QingHai.
Then Let’s see some roses applications in this community.
It’s divides into two parts: To start with, planting in house to decorate room make people happy. On the other hand, a large area of cultivation to develop the secondary industry such as tea making. Closing to nature make people feel more comfortable.
Meanwhile, rose garden has high collectable, attract the crows admire and form a senic spot. In addition drive more and more people purchase it, promote the local economic growth.
However, everything has two sides. Rose garden not only increase the project costing unintentionally, but also has high requirements of the geographical conditions. And high price to limit consumers.
That’s all what i want to say.
Next then, welcome my partner explain the design of Rose Garden.
Part 3 The layout of rose garden
The layout of rose garden contains four parts: pergola, lattice well, flowers hedge and others.
(I draw some pictures to help us to understand it.)
Pergola: First, plant rose from both sides of pergola; then, lead the branch grows with it. Lattice well: This is the iron wire. Iron wire is utilized to make reticulation. The green stems could be coiled around the iron wire. Lattice well will be done about three years.
Flowers hedge: There is a same way as the pergola to make a hedge.
Others: you can also use roses to make some animal shapes.
Such as: rabbit, hippocampus……
The rose garden is done after collocate with garden lights, furniture, lattice well, flower
hedge, pergola and awning. You can have a barbecue in the rose garden with friends.
Part 4 The most popular rose
Good evening, everyone, tonight I'd like to say something about the most popular rose. As we all known ,there are many kinds of roses, the red rose, blue rose, white rose, green roses and purple rose, black rose, yellow rose, rainbow rose. Now, Let's take a look some the most popular roses.
Look at the picture ,it called Blue enchantress . we can rarely see a natural blue rose, when a white rose quickly to the flowering, watering it with dyes, because absorbs the dyes, and finally it turned blue
Blue enchantress means pure love and sincere love.
Next one, Avalanche. Avalanche is one of white roses, it Commonly used in modern fashion wedding. it’s price is higher than common White rose.
This is Roasted rose, Roasted rose can adaptation for climate to grow in many
country, it can be widely used in rose’s deep Processing. It’s a rare superior varieties of agricultural
Then, Champagne roses: Champagne roses is The national flower of Bulgaria.
Some people say wishing on a champagne roses can be achieved, so it called happy flower . Corolla:
Corolla rose is the patent product of the United States, belong to the top
varieties of red roses
Bulgaria rose:
Bulgaria rose is the best varieties rose for essence oil and production rose pure water, it has very highly economic value.
Thank you for your attention, now welcome to my group members huang li chun To Introduction more about rose.
Part 5 other five popular rose.
Blue Moon, Sweet pretty, Alba Meialandina, Horatio Nelson and Sun Sprinkles are also very popular among people.
Blue line rose have a fresh color like lavender, charming and make your feel romantic. It is popular in northern city and easily survival.
Sweet Pretty
It has a little of petals but has a number of flowers and like the butterflies dancing on the green leaves. You can see the stamen very clearly and the twigs are soft.
Alba Meialandina
The white color looks simple but elegant. It can serve as the potted plant and bedding plant. Horatio Nelson
It cultivates from England. Both cold-consistence and disease -consistence are very good. It can use to decorate the wood-fence and act as the cut flower.
Sun Sprinkles
These flowers have thin petals, but have long flowering phase.
The color of flowers like the sunlight, let us feel warm. People often use to decorate the arch.
The most popular rose
Part 6
Today I will introduce five methods of growing roses; seedling、cuttage、grafting、marcottage and root division.
The commonest form is generative propagation. Generally, it is used for cultivation of new cultivars, we can put the seeds picking in the autumn in plastic bags with wet soil. Placed in circadian rhythma. After a month heating up the temperature to 20℃ gradually, wait it rupture and sprout.
Twig cottage: choose the sprout buds in early spring, disbranch few xylom from stem, deal with growth hormone then nursery beds.
Stiff wood cottage: cut the substantial branch overwintering place in low temperature romm and upside down wet sand. Next spring transplant to nursery beds.
Stiff wood hygroscopic: choose the branch with one or two leaves, cut the bottom, stick in the water, put it in 15℃—20℃ with sunshine, it can promote proliferate.
Grafting include budding、branch grafting and root grafting.
There are two ways to marcottage, one is on the ground, the other one in the air. During the rose growing time, carve branch, curve it cover wet soil, when the wound outgrow new root, cut down and transplant. The second method we can choose a suitable position on train rose carve branch or peel off the skin. Put a packet of soil around it about a month, cut down when it have root.
The last one is root division. Plant the roses deeply, urge branch grow root, cut the new root with the lateral branch to get a new one.
Here are the five kinds of planting roses, thank you for your attention
Part 7 how to control diseases and insect pests
There are often two kinds of diseases infect rose, powdery mildew and downy mildew. The powdery mildew often appears in new leaves in early spring and late autumn. It’s a kind of spore flow with the air. Spraying water frequently can prevent the disease. And the infected leaves must be cut immediately once the rose was ill. The downy mildew will hurt the leaves, petals, shoots, pedicels. The humidity should be controlled under 85% to prevent downy mildew and don’t use too much nitrogenous fertilizer to prevent the disease.
And there are two kinds of insect pests often hurt rose, aphid and red spider. Aphid can appear in any time during a year. It will be threaten when weather is dry. Pesticide should be sprayed in the growing point and back of leaves to control the pest. Red spider will suck up chlorophyll of leaves. And pesticide should be sprayed at the early stage of the illness.
The operational [??p??rei??n?l] amplifier [??mpl??fa??] is an extremely efficient and versatile [?v?:s?tail] 通用device. Its applications span the broad electronic industry filling requirements for signal conditioning, special transfer functions, analog [??n??l?:g] 模拟instrumentation, analog computation, and special systems design. The analog assets [??set ] of simplicity [sim?plisiti] and precision characterize circuits
[?s?:kit]utilizing [?ju:tilaiz] operational amplifiers.
The Feedback Technique
The precision and flexibility of the operational amplifier is a direct result of the use of negative feedback. Generally speaking, amplifiers employing feedback will have superior operating characteristics at a sacrifice [?s?krifais]of gain.
With enough feedback, the closed loop amplifier characteristics become a function of the feedback elements. In the typical feedback circuit, figure 1, the feedback elements are two resistors. The precision of the “closed loop” gain is set by the ratio [?rei?i?u] 比率of the two resistors and is practically independent of the “open loop” amplifier. Thus, amplification to almost any degree of precision can be achieved with ease.
?= Symbol (a) is a buffer [?b?f?] 缓冲器 op工作 amp放大器
?= Symbol (b) is a differential input, single ended output op amp. This symbol represents the most common types of op amps, including voltage feedback, and current feedback. It is often times pictured with the non-inverting input at the top and the inverting input at the bottom.
?= Symbol (c) is a differential input, differential output op amp. The outputs can be thought of as “inverting” [in?v?:t] 反转and “non-inverting”, and are shown across from
the opposite [??p?zit]相反 polarity [p???l?r?ti] 极性 input for easy completion
[k?m?pli:??n] 完成of feedback loops on schematics [ski:?m?t?k].
Power Connections电源连接
Power is supplied to each of these units at connections as shown in figure 4. Such a connection is implied in all operational amplifier circuits. The dual [?dju:?l]两部分
supply presents the same absolute value of voltage to ground from either side, while the center connection ultimately ['?ltim?tli]最宗defines the common line and ground potential. The exceptions to this are AC amplifier circuits that may use a single power supply. This is accomplished by creating a floating [?fl??t??] AC ground with DC blocking capacitors. In such circuits, a source of “half-supply” creates a “virtual ground” exactly half way between the positive supply and ground potentials.
Electrical Circuit Models电气电路模型
The simplified models of the differential [?d?f??ren??l] 差分input operational amplifiers are shown in figures 6 and 7.
As indicated in figure 6, the operational amplifier can be represented by an ideal voltage source whose value depends on the input voltage appearing across the inverting and non-inverting inputs plus the effects of finite [?fainait] 有限input and output impedances [im?pi:d?ns]阻抗. The value, A, is known as the open loop (without feedback) gain of the operational amplifier.
The simplified model of the differential output operational amplifier (figure 7) is an accurate [??kjurit] approximation [??pr?ks??me???n] 近似值only under special conditions of feedback (see “Balanced Amplifier” later in this handbook). Figure 6 represents the model of the differential output type when it is used as a single ended output device; the inverting output simply being ignored.
The Ideal Operational Amplifier理想运算放大器
In order to introduce operational amplifier circuitry, we will use an ideal model of the operational amplifier to simplify the mathematics [?m?θi?m?tiks] involved in deriving gain expressions, etc., for the circuits presented. With this understanding as a basis, it will be convenient to describe the properties of the real devices themselves in later sections, and finally to investigate circuits utilizing practical operational amplifiers. 为了介绍运算放大器电路中,我们将使用一个理想的模型简化中获得的电路增益表达式等,所涉及的数学运算放大器的。有了这样的认识,以此为基础,可以方便的真实设备本身在后面的章节中描述的属性,最后调查利用实际的运算放大器电路。
To begin the presentation of operational amplifier circuitry [?s?:kitri], then, it is necessary first of all to define the properties of a mythical “perfect” operational amplifier. The model of an ideal operational amplifier is shown in figure 9.
Defining the Ideal Operational Amplifier
?= Gain: The primary function of an amplifier is to amplify, so the more gain the better. It can always be reduced with external circuitry, so we assume gain to be infinite
?= Input Impedance: Input impedance is assumed to be infinite. This is so the driving source won’t be affected by power being drawn by the ideal operational amplifier. 输入阻抗:输入阻抗被认为是无限的。这是这样的驱动源将不会受到影响被绘制了理想的运算放大器的功率。
?= Output Impedance: The output impedance of the ideal operational amplifier is assumed to be zero. It then can supply as much current as necessary to the load being driven.
?= Response Time: The output must occur at the same time as the inverting input so the response time is assumed to be zero. Phase shift will be 180?. Frequency response will be flat and bandwidth infinite because AC will be simply a rapidly varying DC level to the ideal amplifier.
?= Offset: The amplifier output will be zero when a zero signal appears between the inverting and non-inverting inputs.
The Desirability of Feedback是可取的反馈
Consider the open loop amplifier used in the circuit of figure 10. Note that no current flows from the source into the inverting input - the summing point restraint derived in the previous section - hence, there is no voltage drop across RS and ES appears across the amplifier input. When ES is zero, the output is zero. If ES takes on any non-zero value, the output voltage increases to saturation [?s?t???re???n] 饱和, and the amplifier acts as a switch.
考虑图10的电路中使用的开环放大器。请注意,从源代码编译成的反相输入端 - 来自上一节中的求和点约束 - 因此没有电流流过,有没有RS两端的电压降和ES出现整个放大器的输入。当ES是零,其输出为零。如果ES承担任何非零的值,输出电压增大到饱和,该放大器作为一个开关。
The open loop amplifier is not practical - once an op amp is pushed to saturation, its behavior is unpredictable. Recovery time from saturation is not specified for op amps (except voltage limiting types). It may not recover at all; the output may latch up. The output structure of some op amps, particularly rail-to-rail models, may draw a lot of current as the output stage attempts to drive to one or the other rail. For more details on op amps in open loop operation, consult reference 1.
开环放大器是不实际的 - 一旦一个运算放大器推到饱和,它的行为是不可预测的。未指定恢复时间从饱和运算放大器的(除了电压限制类型)。它可能无法收回;输出锁存。作为输出级试图把车开到一个或其他铁路的一些运算放大器,尤其是轨到轨车型,可能会吸引大量的电流输出结构。对于运算放大器开环运行的详细信息,请参阅参考文献1。
Two Important Feedback Circuits
feet, the carriers of life
good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
i would like to tell you about an unusual assignment. i was surprised and amused when our teacher told us our homework was to wash our feet carefully .
yeah, washing the feet is such a common daily activity that i’ve never paid much attention to it. my feet had been cooperating and helping each other, nearly always managing to get washed, while i was enjoying my readings. but that night, while i gently touched my feet in the hot water, i realized how nice and cozy bathing my feet could be.
deep in my mind, the hands always seemed superior to the feet. people use all sorts of things from soap to moisture cream to protect their hands. the feet become, kind of, neglected, since the feet spend all day long with the ground and dirt, and quite inevitably, get really smelly.
as i slowly soaped and rinsed my feet, i was beginning to
understand why my teacher launched such a mission. she wanted us to realize that the feet were more helpful than we had ever imagined.
surely, the hands are important. however it’s the feet that carry your whole body weight, and everything about your life.
the feet carry you, as well as your hopes and dreams, and walk steadily upon the most solid ground, moving forward step by step,
upon mountains and down valleys, over the smooth as well as the rough, through the bitterness as well as the joy.
as i was washing my feet, i let my mind wander. i felt as if i was on a vast desert. looking around, i saw millions of footprints, large and small, deep and shallow, being the marks of existence, and the traces of life. and there i was, using my own feet, making my own path, towards the oasis of life……
thank you.
Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen. Now I am standing here to give a report. The topic is Simulation of Temperature Field of Cable, and Liu Xingmou and Yang Chao are my partners.
The content of this report is divided into five parts. The first part gives the introduction; the second part discusses the related theory; the third part establishes the geometric model; the fourth part gets the simulation result and the conclusions are given in the last part.
Now let’s begin with the introduction. The extensive usage of underground power cables is a typical feature of modern power transmission and distribution networks. It is practically significant to bring in a rapid and real-time determination of the cable current carrying capacity. However, the temperature of cable core is one of the important parameters, and it can be used as an important basis of determination of the cable current carrying capacity. So simulation of temperature of cable is very necessary. Over the past years, two methods have been developed to calculate the cable current-carrying capability. One is the IEC60287-based thermal analysis method, which is based on the geographical position and meteorological condition of laying region. Another is the numerical calculation method, which analyzes the temperature distribution of cables and their laying area in the light of the theory of temperature field. It is advised to take advantage of the finite element method here, due to its ability to layout the grid nodes arbitrarily.
Now let’s begin with the second part: theory. Based on the principle of heat transfer, it can be known that the associated steady-state heat conduction equation for two-dimensional underground cable system can be described as
Where T denotes the unknown temperature, ?denotes thermal conductivity, qv is the heat
source generated by cables. The boundary conditions are very often of three common categories T(x,y)|??f(x,y)|?
Where ?is integral boundary, h is heat transfer coefficient and qn is density of heat flow rate.
Now let’s begin with the third part: establishment of the geometric model. According to the structure parameters and laying parameters of the cable, a closed domain geometric model of the underground cable is established. Fig.1 shows the laying model of single-loop buried cables.
Fig.1 Geometric laying model of single circuit loop buried cables
As it is shown in Fig.1, Fig.1, d1, d2 and d3 represent, respectively, the cables spacing, the
distance that from the cable to the left and right borders of the model and the buried depth.
Now let’s begin with the fourth part: simulation. To calculate the temperature distribution of the cable, the type of 8.7/15kV YJV1×400 single-loop XLPE cable is taken for an example in this part. The structural parameters and laying parameters of the cable are described, respectively, in Table 1, 2.
Table 1 Structural parameters of the cable
Physical quantities
Conductor diameter
Insulation thickness
Shielding layer thickness
Protective covering thickness
External diameter of the cable
Parameter values 23.8mm 5.9mm 0.3mm 2.3mm 41.0mm
The heat resource losses, which include conductor loss, insulating layer dielectric loss, the metallic sheath loss and shielding loss, can be calculate according to the IEC60287.
The lower boundary belongs to the first category boundary condition, because constant temperature is taken. As the horizontal temperature gradient of left and right boundary is zero, so it belongs to the second category. The upper boundary belongs to the third category because the air temperature is 313K, which meets the convection boundary condition.
According to the IEC-60287, the cable loss parameters are calculated. When I=680A, the temperature distribution of cable area is obtained correspondingly. The finally results are shown in figures. It is programmed by COMSOL software, and based on the principle of heat transfer and finite element method.
Based on finite element method and the principle of heat transfer, a temperature field distribution model of underground cables is established by COMSOL software. This model can take account of laying condition and some influential factors, such as soil thermal resistance, the ambient temperature, heat external factors and so on. And it is practically significant to estimate cable current carrying capacity.